Workbench User Guide
  Eclipse platform overview
  Getting started
    Basic tutorial
      The Workbench
      Editors and views
      A simple project
        Using the File menu
        Using the popup
        Using the New button
      Closing an editor
      Navigating resources
        Opening resources in the Project Explorer
        Go To
      Exporting files
      Importing files
        Drag and drop or copy and paste
        Import wizard
      Deleting resources
      Working with other editors
        External editors
        Embedded editors
        Editing files outside the Workbench
      Copying, renaming and moving
        Starting a search
        The Search view
      Tasks and markers
        Unassociated tasks
        Associated tasks
        Opening files
        Adding and viewing bookmarks
        Using bookmarks
        Removing bookmarks
      Rearranging views and editors
        Rearranging views
        Tiling editors
        Rearranging tabbed views
        Maximizing and minimizing
        New perspectives
        New windows
        Saving perspectives
        Turning menu and tool bar items on and off
        Simple compare
        Understanding the comparison
        Working with the comparison
      Local history
      Responsive UI
      Exiting the Workbench
    Team CVS tutorial
      Setting up a CVS repository
      Starting offline
      Sharing the project
        Specifying a repository location
        Repository locations
        Sharing a project
      Working with another user
        Checking out a project
        Another user making changes
        Making our own changes
        Working with conflicting changes
        Versioning your project
        A quick review
      Working with CVS History
    Ant & external tools tutorial
      Eclipse Ant basics
        Creating Ant buildfiles
        Editing Ant buildfiles
        Running Ant buildfiles
        Saving & Reusing Ant options
        Using the Ant view
      Ant buildfiles as project builders
        Creating a project builder Ant buildfile
        Executing project builders
        Project Builder Ant Targets
      External tools
        Non-Ant project builders
        Stand-alone external tools
      Resource hierarchies
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Path variables
      Resource filters
      Working sets
      Local history
      Ant Editor
      External editors
      Fast views
      Detached views
      Ant view
      Project Explorer view
      Help view
      Tasks view
      Problems view
      Outline view
      Properties view
      Search view
    Label decorations
    Ant & External tools
      Ant support
      External tools
    Team programming with CVS
      CVS Repositories
      Three way comparisons
      Synchronizing with a CVS repository
    Accessibility features in Eclipse
      Navigating the user interface using the keyboard
      Accessibility features in textual editors
      Fonts and colors in Eclipse
    Running Eclipse
    Upgrading Eclipse
    Working with perspectives
      Switching between perspectives
      Specifying the default perspective
      Opening perspectives
      Changing where perspectives open
      Showing and hiding menu items and toolbar buttons
      Configuring perspective command groups
      Configuring perspective shortcuts
      Saving a user defined perspective
      Deleting a user defined perspective
      Resetting perspectives
    Working with views and editors
      Opening views
      Moving and docking views
      Rearranging tabbed views
      Creating fast views
      Working with fast views
      Detaching views and editors
      Opening files for editing
      Associating editors with file types
      Editing files outside the Workbench
      Tiling editors
      Maximizing and minimizing in the eclipse presentation
    Customizing the Workbench
      Customizing welcome
        Customize Welcome Dialog
      Rearranging the main toolbar
      Changing the key bindings
      Changing fonts and colors
      Controlling single and double click behavior
      Importing and exporting preferences
    Working with projects, folders and files
      Creating a project
      Closing projects
      Deleting projects
      Creating a folder
      Creating a file
      Creating linked resources
      Creating virtual folders
      Moving resources
      Copying resources
      Renaming resources
      Deleting resources
      Viewing resources properties
      Creating resource filters
    Navigating and finding resources
      Finding a resource quickly
      Searching for files
      Searching for text within a file
      Showing or hiding files in the Project Explorer view
      Linking the Project Explorer view to the active editor
    Problems, bookmarks, tasks and other markers
      Creating a bookmark within a file
      Creating a bookmark for an entire file
      Deleting a bookmark
      Adding line items in the Tasks view
      Associating a task with a resource
      Deleting tasks
      Filtering the Tasks and Problems views
      Automatically fixing problems
    Comparing resources
      Setting preferences for comparing files
      Understanding the comparison
      Merging changes in the compare editor
    Working with local history
      Comparing resources with the local history
      Replacing a resource with local history
      Restoring deleted resources from local history
      Setting local history preferences
      Importing existing projects
      Importing resources from the file system
      Importing resources from an Archive file
      Exporting resources to the file system
      Exporting resources to an Archive file
    Building resources
      Performing builds automatically
      Performing builds manually
      Saving resources automatically before a manual build
      Changing build order
    Running Ant buildfiles
      Modifying the Ant classpath
      Using a different version of Ant
      Adding new Ant tasks and types
    Running external tools
    Accessing help
      Navigating help topics
      Searching help
      Using help scopes
      Accessing context-sensitive help
      Help display settings
      Help accessibility
    Working in the team environment with CVS
      Working with a CVS repository
        Creating a CVS repository location
        Connecting and configuring CVS with SSH
        Password Management
        Discarding a CVS repository location
        Refreshing the CVS Repositories View
        Discovering branch and version tags
        Changing the properties of a CVS repository location
        Changing the encoding of a CVS repository location
        Setting the content type of a file extension
      Working with projects shared with CVS
        Enabling the CVS resource decorations
        Sharing a new project using CVS
        Project checked out with another CVS tool
        Checking out a project from a CVS repository
        Checking out a module from a CVS repository
        Checking out a folder into an existing project
        Disconnecting a project from CVS
        Setting the CVS keyword substitution mode
        Filtering CVS Revisions in the History view
        Changing the sharing of a project
        Sharing your workspace setup using Project Sets
      Synchronizing with the repository
        Version control life cycle: adding and ignoring resources
          Creating a global ignore pattern
          Authoring the CVS .cvsignore file
          Overriding or removing resource ignore patterns
        Resolving conflicts
        Merging from a branch
        Viewing a file's revision history
        Creating a version of a project
        Versioning projects in the repository
      Comparing resources with repository versions
      Working with patches
      Replacing resources in the workbench
      Finding out who's working on what: watch/edit
      Determining who last modified a line with the Annotate command
      Quick Diff: Showing changes in a text editor
      Changing CVS team settings
      Restoring deleted files from the repository
      Reverting a branch to a previous version
      Moving version tags
      Running the CVS command-line client outside of Eclipse
    Updating and installing software
      Updating the installation
      Installing new software
      Updating software using the Available Updates wizard
      Uninstalling software
      Installation Details
        Installation Details for Plug-ins
        Installation Details for Features
        Installation Details for the Configuration
      Adding a new software site
      Working with the Available Software sites
      Reverting to a previous install configuration
      Scheduling automatic updates
    Minimizing data loss from crashes
      Ant Content Assist
      Ant Editor
      Ant Formatter
      Ant Runtime
      Ant Templates
      Automatic Updates
      Available Software Sites
      Build Order
      Colors and Fonts
      Content Types
      CVS Annotate
      CVS Comment Templates
      CVS Console
      CVS Ext Connection Method
      CVS Label Decorations
      CVS Synchronize/Compare
      CVS Update/Merge
      CVS Watch/Edit
      External Tools
      File Associations
      Help Content
      Label Decorations
      Linked Resources
      Local History
      Network Connections
      Quick Diff
      Secure Storage
      Startup and Shutdown
      Team File Content
      Team Ignored Resources
      Team Models
      Text Editors
      Web Browser
    Team support with CVS
      CVS Checkout wizard
      CVS Console
      CVS History view
      CVS Repositories view
      CVS Workspace Synchronization
      CVS Merge Synchronization
      Merge wizard
      Add CVS Repository wizard
      CVS Sharing wizard
      CVS Label Decorations
      Ignoring resources from version control
    Secure storage
      How secure storage works
      Password recovery
      Life of a master password
      Secure storage runtime options
    User interface information
      Development environment
        Workbench toolbar
        Perspective Bar
        Fast View Bar
        View toolbars
        Local history
        List of key bindings
        Switching workspaces
      Views and editors
        Workbench window layout
        Editor area
        Compare editor
        Search view
        Project Explorer view
        Bookmarks view
        Properties view
        Outline view
        CVS views
        Tasks view
        Problems view
        Ant editor
        Ant view
        Error Log view
        New Project wizard
        New Folder wizard
        New File wizard
        CVS Wizards
        Import wizard
        Export wizard
      Help contents
        Workbench User Guide
        Working with cheat sheets
          Working with composite cheat sheets
        File search
        Open Resource dialog
      Workbench menus
        File menu
        Edit menu
        Navigate menu
        Project menu
        Window menu
        Help menu
      Icons and buttons
        Project Explorer view icons
        Editor area marker bar
        Tasks view
        Toolbar buttons
        External Tools and Ant Icons
  Tips and tricks
    Team - CVS
  What's new
  Eclipse platform overview
  Getting started
    Basic tutorial
      The Workbench
      Editors and views
      A simple project
        Using the File menu
        Using the popup
        Using the New button
      Closing an editor
      Navigating resources
        Opening resources in the Project Explorer
        Go To
      Exporting files
      Importing files
        Drag and drop or copy and paste
        Import wizard
      Deleting resources
      Working with other editors
        External editors
        Embedded editors
        Editing files outside the Workbench
      Copying, renaming and moving
        Starting a search
        The Search view
      Tasks and markers
        Unassociated tasks
        Associated tasks
        Opening files
        Adding and viewing bookmarks
        Using bookmarks
        Removing bookmarks
      Rearranging views and editors
        Rearranging views
        Tiling editors
        Rearranging tabbed views
        Maximizing and minimizing
        New perspectives
        New windows
        Saving perspectives
        Turning menu and tool bar items on and off
        Simple compare
        Understanding the comparison
        Working with the comparison
      Local history
      Responsive UI
      Exiting the Workbench
    Team CVS tutorial
      Setting up a CVS repository
      Starting offline
      Sharing the project
        Specifying a repository location
        Repository locations
        Sharing a project
      Working with another user
        Checking out a project
        Another user making changes
        Making our own changes
        Working with conflicting changes
        Versioning your project
        A quick review
      Working with CVS History
    Ant & external tools tutorial
      Eclipse Ant basics
        Creating Ant buildfiles
        Editing Ant buildfiles
        Running Ant buildfiles
        Saving & Reusing Ant options
        Using the Ant view
      Ant buildfiles as project builders
        Creating a project builder Ant buildfile
        Executing project builders
        Project Builder Ant Targets
      External tools
        Non-Ant project builders
        Stand-alone external tools
      Resource hierarchies
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Path variables
      Resource filters
      Working sets
      Local history
      Ant Editor
      External editors
      Fast views
      Detached views
      Ant view
      Project Explorer view
      Help view
      Tasks view
      Problems view
      Outline view
      Properties view
      Search view
    Label decorations
    Ant & External tools
      Ant support
      External tools
    Team programming with CVS
      CVS Repositories
      Three way comparisons
      Synchronizing with a CVS repository
    Accessibility features in Eclipse
      Navigating the user interface using the keyboard
      Accessibility features in textual editors
      Fonts and colors in Eclipse
    Running Eclipse
    Upgrading Eclipse
    Working with perspectives
      Switching between perspectives
      Specifying the default perspective
      Opening perspectives
      Changing where perspectives open
      Showing and hiding menu items and toolbar buttons
      Configuring perspective command groups
      Configuring perspective shortcuts
      Saving a user defined perspective
      Deleting a user defined perspective
      Resetting perspectives
    Working with views and editors
      Opening views
      Moving and docking views
      Rearranging tabbed views
      Creating fast views
      Working with fast views
      Detaching views and editors
      Opening files for editing
      Associating editors with file types
      Editing files outside the Workbench
      Tiling editors
      Maximizing and minimizing in the eclipse presentation
    Customizing the Workbench
      Customizing welcome
        Customize Welcome Dialog
      Rearranging the main toolbar
      Changing the key bindings
      Changing fonts and colors
      Controlling single and double click behavior
      Importing and exporting preferences
    Working with projects, folders and files
      Creating a project
      Closing projects
      Deleting projects
      Creating a folder
      Creating a file
      Creating linked resources
      Creating virtual folders
      Moving resources
      Copying resources
      Renaming resources
      Deleting resources
      Viewing resources properties
      Creating resource filters
    Navigating and finding resources
      Finding a resource quickly
      Searching for files
      Searching for text within a file
      Showing or hiding files in the Project Explorer view
      Linking the Project Explorer view to the active editor
    Problems, bookmarks, tasks and other markers
      Creating a bookmark within a file
      Creating a bookmark for an entire file
      Deleting a bookmark
      Adding line items in the Tasks view
      Associating a task with a resource
      Deleting tasks
      Filtering the Tasks and Problems views
      Automatically fixing problems
    Comparing resources
      Setting preferences for comparing files
      Understanding the comparison
      Merging changes in the compare editor
    Working with local history
      Comparing resources with the local history
      Replacing a resource with local history
      Restoring deleted resources from local history
      Setting local history preferences
      Importing existing projects
      Importing resources from the file system
      Importing resources from an Archive file
      Exporting resources to the file system
      Exporting resources to an Archive file
    Building resources
      Performing builds automatically
      Performing builds manually
      Saving resources automatically before a manual build
      Changing build order
    Running Ant buildfiles
      Modifying the Ant classpath
      Using a different version of Ant
      Adding new Ant tasks and types
    Running external tools
    Accessing help
      Navigating help topics
      Searching help
      Using help scopes
      Accessing context-sensitive help
      Help display settings
      Help accessibility
    Working in the team environment with CVS
      Working with a CVS repository
        Creating a CVS repository location
        Connecting and configuring CVS with SSH
        Password Management
        Discarding a CVS repository location
        Refreshing the CVS Repositories View
        Discovering branch and version tags
        Changing the properties of a CVS repository location
        Changing the encoding of a CVS repository location
        Setting the content type of a file extension
      Working with projects shared with CVS
        Enabling the CVS resource decorations
        Sharing a new project using CVS
        Project checked out with another CVS tool
        Checking out a project from a CVS repository
        Checking out a module from a CVS repository
        Checking out a folder into an existing project
        Disconnecting a project from CVS
        Setting the CVS keyword substitution mode
        Filtering CVS Revisions in the History view
        Changing the sharing of a project
        Sharing your workspace setup using Project Sets
      Synchronizing with the repository
        Version control life cycle: adding and ignoring resources
          Creating a global ignore pattern
          Authoring the CVS .cvsignore file
          Overriding or removing resource ignore patterns
        Resolving conflicts
        Merging from a branch
        Viewing a file's revision history
        Creating a version of a project
        Versioning projects in the repository
      Comparing resources with repository versions
      Working with patches
      Replacing resources in the workbench
      Finding out who's working on what: watch/edit
      Determining who last modified a line with the Annotate command
      Quick Diff: Showing changes in a text editor
      Changing CVS team settings
      Restoring deleted files from the repository
      Reverting a branch to a previous version
      Moving version tags
      Running the CVS command-line client outside of Eclipse
    Updating and installing software
      Updating the installation
      Installing new software
      Updating software using the Available Updates wizard
      Uninstalling software
      Installation Details
        Installation Details for Plug-ins
        Installation Details for Features
        Installation Details for the Configuration
      Adding a new software site
      Working with the Available Software sites
      Reverting to a previous install configuration
      Scheduling automatic updates
    Minimizing data loss from crashes
      Ant Content Assist
      Ant Editor
      Ant Formatter
      Ant Runtime
      Ant Templates
      Automatic Updates
      Available Software Sites
      Build Order
      Colors and Fonts
      Content Types
      CVS Annotate
      CVS Comment Templates
      CVS Console
      CVS Ext Connection Method
      CVS Label Decorations
      CVS Synchronize/Compare
      CVS Update/Merge
      CVS Watch/Edit
      External Tools
      File Associations
      Help Content
      Label Decorations
      Linked Resources
      Local History
      Network Connections
      Quick Diff
      Secure Storage
      Startup and Shutdown
      Team File Content
      Team Ignored Resources
      Team Models
      Text Editors
      Web Browser
    Team support with CVS
      CVS Checkout wizard
      CVS Console
      CVS History view
      CVS Repositories view
      CVS Workspace Synchronization
      CVS Merge Synchronization
      Merge wizard
      Add CVS Repository wizard
      CVS Sharing wizard
      CVS Label Decorations
      Ignoring resources from version control
    Secure storage
      How secure storage works
      Password recovery
      Life of a master password
      Secure storage runtime options
    User interface information
      Development environment
        Workbench toolbar
        Perspective Bar
        Fast View Bar
        View toolbars
        Local history
        List of key bindings
        Switching workspaces
      Views and editors
        Workbench window layout
        Editor area
        Compare editor
        Search view
        Project Explorer view
        Bookmarks view
        Properties view
        Outline view
        CVS views
        Tasks view
        Problems view
        Ant editor
        Ant view
        Error Log view
        New Project wizard
        New Folder wizard
        New File wizard
        CVS Wizards
        Import wizard
        Export wizard
      Help contents
        Workbench User Guide
        Working with cheat sheets
          Working with composite cheat sheets
        File search
        Open Resource dialog
      Workbench menus
        File menu
        Edit menu
        Navigate menu
        Project menu
        Window menu
        Help menu
      Icons and buttons
        Project Explorer view icons
        Editor area marker bar
        Tasks view
        Toolbar buttons
        External Tools and Ant Icons
  Tips and tricks
    Team - CVS
  What's new
Java development user guide
  Java development overview
  Getting Started
    Basic tutorial
      Preparing Eclipse
      Creating your first Java project
      Browsing Java elements using the package explorer
      Editing Java elements
        Opening a Java editor
        Using quick views
        Adding new methods
        Using content assist
        Identifying problems in your code
        Using code templates
        Organizing import statements
        Using the local history
        Extracting a new method
      Creating a Java class
      Renaming Java elements
      Moving and copying Java elements
      Navigate to a Java element's declaration
      Viewing the type Hierarchy
      Searching the workbench
      Running your programs
      Debugging your programs
      Evaluating expressions
      Evaluating snippets
      Using the Java browsing perspective
      Writing and running JUnit tests
    Project configuration tutorial
      Detecting existing layout
      Organizing sources
      Sibling products in a common source tree
      Overlapping products in a common source tree
      Product with nested tests
      Products sharing a common source framework
      Product nesting resources in output directory
      Project using a source framework with restricted access
    Eclipse and J2SE 5.0
    Eclipse and Java 7
    Java Projects
    Java Builder
      Build Classpath
        Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns
        Access Rules
        Classpath Variables
    Java Perspectives
    Java Views
      Filtering in Java Views
      Sorting in Java Views
      Java Element Decorations
      Presentation Options for Java Views
    Java Editor
    Quick Fix and Assist
      Template variables
    Java Search
    Refactoring Support
    Local Debugging
    Remote Debugging
    String Externalization
    Customizing the Debugger and Console
      Changing the active perspective when launching
      Changing the appearance of the console view
    Creating JAR Files
      Creating a new JAR file
      Setting advanced options
      Defining the JAR file's manifest
      Regenerating a JAR File
      Creating a new runnable JAR file
    Using the Local History
      Comparing a Java element with a local history edition
      Replacing a Java element with a local history edition
      Restoring a deleted workbench element
    Externalizing Strings
      Finding strings to externalize
      Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in property files
    Navigating the Workbench
      Opening an editor for a selected element
      Showing an element in the Package Explorer view
      Opening a type in the Package Explorer view
      Opening an editor on a type
      Opening a package
    Working with JREs
      Assigning the default JRE for the workbench
      Adding a new JRE definition
      Choosing a JRE for launching a project
      Deleting a JRE definition
    Running and Debugging
        Adding Line Breakpoints
        Removing Line Breakpoints
        Enabling and Disabling Breakpoints
        Setting Method Breakpoints
        Applying Hit Counts
        Managing Conditional Breakpoints
        Catching Java Exceptions
        Creating Exception Breakpoint Filters
      Local Debugging
        Preparing to Debug
        Launching a Java program in Debug Mode
        Suspending Threads
        Resuming Threads
        Stepping through the execution of a program
        Inspecting Values
        Evaluating expressions
      Remote Debugging
        Using the remote Java application launch configuration
        Disconnecting from a VM
      Creating a Java application launch configuration
      Launching a Java program
      Launching a Java applet
      Setting execution arguments
      Relaunching a program
      Inspecting memory in the Memory view
        Adding a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view
        Adding multiple memory renderings and removing renderings
        Working with memory monitors
        Changing the contents of a memory location
        Memory view preferences
        Working with multiple Memory views
        Removing memory monitors from the Memory view
    Using the Scrapbook
      Creating a Java Scrapbook Page
      Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression
      Displaying the result of evaluating an expression
      Running an expression
      Using code assist
      Scrapbook error reporting
        Viewing compilation errors
        Viewing runtime exceptions
    Compiling Java code
      Using the batch compiler
      Using the ant javac adapter
      Excluding warnings
    Improving Java code quality
      Using null annotations
        Inter-procedural null ananlysis
        Available annotations
        Setup of the build path
        Interpretation of null annotations
        Design by contract: API specification
        Complete specification using an extended type system
        Compiler messages explained
        Tips for making code better analyzable
        Tips for adopting null annotations
      Using null type annotations
          Type parameters
          Type variables
          Type arguments
        More locations
          Project configuration
        Compiler messages explained
      Avoiding resource leaks
      Ensuring completeness of switch statements
    Using the Formatter Application
      Running the formatter application
      Generating a config file for the formatter application
      Condition Option
      Enabled Option
      Exception Breakpoint Caught Option
      Exception Breakpoint Suspend on Subclass Option
      Exception Breakpoint Uncaught Option
      Hit Count Option
      Method Breakpoint Entry Option
      Method Breakpoint Exit Option
      Suspend Policy Option
      Watchpoint Modification Option
      Watchpoint Access Option
    Menus and Actions
      File Menu Actions
      Edit Menu Actions
      Source Menu Actions
      Refactor Menu Actions
      Navigate Menu Actions
      Search Menu Actions
      Project Menu Actions
      Run Menu Actions
      Java Toolbar Actions
      Run and Debug Toolbar Actions
      Java Editor Actions
          Member Sort Order
          Type Filters
        Build Path
          Classpath Variables
          User Libraries
        Code Style
          Clean Up
          Code Templates
          Organize Imports
          Task Tags
          Detail Formatters
          Heap Walking
          Logical Structures
          Primitive Display Options
          Step Filtering
          Content Assist
          Mark Occurrences
          Save Actions
          Syntax Coloring
            Template Editing
        Installed JREs
          Execution Environments
        Properties Files Editor
          Default Launchers
          Launch Configurations
        String Substitution
        View Management
    Property Pages
      Javadoc Location
      Java Build Path
      Java Compiler
      Java Task Tags
      Source Attachment
      Run / Debug
      Refactor Actions
      Refactor Wizard
      Extract Method Errors
      Java Search Tab
      Java Search Actions
      Java Toolbar Actions
      Java Editor Toolbar Actions
      Run and Debug Toolbar Actions
      Breakpoints View
        Add Java Exception Breakpoint
        Breakpoint Properties
        Collapse All
        Expand All
        Export Breakpoints
        Go to File for Breakpoint
        Group By
        Hit Count
        Import Breakpoints
        Link with Debug View
        Remove Selected Breakpoints
        Remove All Breakpoints
        Select All
        Select Default Working Set
        Show Qualified Names
        Show Supported Breakpoints
        Skip All Breakpoints
        Suspend Policy
        Working Sets...
      Console View
        CVS Console
          Open Link
          Select All
        Process Console
          Console Preferences
          Remove All Terminated Launches
          Remove Launch
          Select All
          Show Console When Standard Out Changes
          Show Console When Standard Error Changes
        Stacktrace Console
          Autoformat Console
          Open Link
          Select All
        Clear the Console
        Display Selected Console
        Open Console
        Pin the Console
        Scroll Lock
      Debug View
        Execution Control Commands
          Step Into
          Step Over
          Step Return
          Terminate/Disconnect All
          Terminate and Relaunch
          Terminate and Remove
        Copy Stack
        Drop to Frame
        Edit Launch Configuration
        Edit Source Lookup
        Edit Step Filters
        Filter Package
        Filter Type
        Lookup Source
        Open Declared Type
        Open Declared Type Hierarchy
        Remove All Terminated
        Show Monitors
        Show Qualified Names
        Show System Threads
        Show Thread Groups
        Use Step Filters
      Display View
        Content Assist
        Copy Selected Statements
        Cut Selected Statements
        Execute Selected Statement
        Select All
      Expressions View
        Detail Pane
          Assign Value
          Content Assist
          Force Return
          Max Length
          Select All
          Wrap Text
        View Display Commands
          Show Contants
          Show Logical
          Show Null
          Show Qualified
          Show References
          Show Static
          Show Type Names
        View Layout Commands
          Show Columns
          Select Columns
          Horizontal Layout
          Vertical Layout
          View Only
        Add Watch Expression
        All Instances
        All References
        Change Variable Value
        Collapse All
        Copy Expressions
        Convert to Watch Expression
        Disable Selected Watch Expression
        Edit Watch Expression
        Enable Selected Watch Expression
        Inspect Variable
        Java Preferences
        Reevaluate Watch Expression
        Remove Selected Expressions
        Remove All Expressions
        Select All
        Toggle Watchpoint
      Package Explorer view
        Java Element Filters dialog
      Variables View
        Detail Pane
          Assign Value
          Content Assist
          Force Return
          Max Length
          Select All
          Wrap Text
        View Display Commands
          Show Contants
          Show Logical
          Show Null
          Show Qualified
          Show References
          Show Static
          Show Type Names
        View Layout Commands
          Show Columns
          Select Columns
          Horizontal Layout
          Vertical Layout
          View Only
        All Instances
        All References
        Change Variable Value
        Collapse All
        Copy Variables
        Create Watch Expression
        Inspect Variable
        Java Preferences
        Select All
        Toggle Watchpoint
      Java Outline View
      Java Scrapbook Page
      Type Hierarchy View
      Call Hierarchy View
      JUnit View
      Javadoc View
    Java Editor
      Java Content Assist
      Java Formatter
      Quick fix
      Quick assist
      Suppress warnings
    Wizards and Dialogs
      Create New Elements
        New Java Project Wizard
          Java Build Path Page
          Attaching Source to JAR Files and Variables
        New Java Package Wizard
        New Java Class Wizard
        New Java Enum Wizard
        New Java Interface Wizard
        New Java Annotation Wizard
        New Source Folder Wizard
        New Java Scrapbook Page Wizard
      Export Breakpoints
      Export Launch Configurations
      Externalize Strings wizard
      Import Breakpoints
      Import Launch Configurations
      JAR File Exporter
      Javadoc Generation
      Runnable JAR File Exporter
      Java Element Filters
      Open Type Dialog
      Create Getter and Setter
      Generate toString()
        Format Templates
        Code Styles
        Content Listing
      Override Methods
    Frequently-Asked Questions: JDT
    Available Quick Assists
    Available Quick Fixes
    List of JDT Key Bindings
  Tips and tricks
  What's new
    Java Editor
    Java Formatter
    Java Compiler
    Java Views and Dialogs
  Java development overview
  Getting Started
    Basic tutorial
      Preparing Eclipse
      Creating your first Java project
      Browsing Java elements using the package explorer
      Editing Java elements
        Opening a Java editor
        Using quick views
        Adding new methods
        Using content assist
        Identifying problems in your code
        Using code templates
        Organizing import statements
        Using the local history
        Extracting a new method
      Creating a Java class
      Renaming Java elements
      Moving and copying Java elements
      Navigate to a Java element's declaration
      Viewing the type Hierarchy
      Searching the workbench
      Running your programs
      Debugging your programs
      Evaluating expressions
      Evaluating snippets
      Using the Java browsing perspective
      Writing and running JUnit tests
    Project configuration tutorial
      Detecting existing layout
      Organizing sources
      Sibling products in a common source tree
      Overlapping products in a common source tree
      Product with nested tests
      Products sharing a common source framework
      Product nesting resources in output directory
      Project using a source framework with restricted access
    Eclipse and J2SE 5.0
    Eclipse and Java 7
    Java Projects
    Java Builder
      Build Classpath
        Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns
        Access Rules
        Classpath Variables
    Java Perspectives
    Java Views
      Filtering in Java Views
      Sorting in Java Views
      Java Element Decorations
      Presentation Options for Java Views
    Java Editor
    Quick Fix and Assist
      Template variables
    Java Search
    Refactoring Support
    Local Debugging
    Remote Debugging
    String Externalization
    Customizing the Debugger and Console
      Changing the active perspective when launching
      Changing the appearance of the console view
    Creating JAR Files
      Creating a new JAR file
      Setting advanced options
      Defining the JAR file's manifest
      Regenerating a JAR File
      Creating a new runnable JAR file
    Using the Local History
      Comparing a Java element with a local history edition
      Replacing a Java element with a local history edition
      Restoring a deleted workbench element
    Externalizing Strings
      Finding strings to externalize
      Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in property files
    Navigating the Workbench
      Opening an editor for a selected element
      Showing an element in the Package Explorer view
      Opening a type in the Package Explorer view
      Opening an editor on a type
      Opening a package
    Working with JREs
      Assigning the default JRE for the workbench
      Adding a new JRE definition
      Choosing a JRE for launching a project
      Deleting a JRE definition
    Running and Debugging
        Adding Line Breakpoints
        Removing Line Breakpoints
        Enabling and Disabling Breakpoints
        Setting Method Breakpoints
        Applying Hit Counts
        Managing Conditional Breakpoints
        Catching Java Exceptions
        Creating Exception Breakpoint Filters
      Local Debugging
        Preparing to Debug
        Launching a Java program in Debug Mode
        Suspending Threads
        Resuming Threads
        Stepping through the execution of a program
        Inspecting Values
        Evaluating expressions
      Remote Debugging
        Using the remote Java application launch configuration
        Disconnecting from a VM
      Creating a Java application launch configuration
      Launching a Java program
      Launching a Java applet
      Setting execution arguments
      Relaunching a program
      Inspecting memory in the Memory view
        Adding a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view
        Adding multiple memory renderings and removing renderings
        Working with memory monitors
        Changing the contents of a memory location
        Memory view preferences
        Working with multiple Memory views
        Removing memory monitors from the Memory view
    Using the Scrapbook
      Creating a Java Scrapbook Page
      Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression
      Displaying the result of evaluating an expression
      Running an expression
      Using code assist
      Scrapbook error reporting
        Viewing compilation errors
        Viewing runtime exceptions
    Compiling Java code
      Using the batch compiler
      Using the ant javac adapter
      Excluding warnings
    Improving Java code quality
      Using null annotations
        Inter-procedural null ananlysis
        Available annotations
        Setup of the build path
        Interpretation of null annotations
        Design by contract: API specification
        Complete specification using an extended type system
        Compiler messages explained
        Tips for making code better analyzable
        Tips for adopting null annotations
      Using null type annotations
          Type parameters
          Type variables
          Type arguments
        More locations
          Project configuration
        Compiler messages explained
      Avoiding resource leaks
      Ensuring completeness of switch statements
    Using the Formatter Application
      Running the formatter application
      Generating a config file for the formatter application
      Condition Option
      Enabled Option
      Exception Breakpoint Caught Option
      Exception Breakpoint Suspend on Subclass Option
      Exception Breakpoint Uncaught Option
      Hit Count Option
      Method Breakpoint Entry Option
      Method Breakpoint Exit Option
      Suspend Policy Option
      Watchpoint Modification Option
      Watchpoint Access Option
    Menus and Actions
      File Menu Actions
      Edit Menu Actions
      Source Menu Actions
      Refactor Menu Actions
      Navigate Menu Actions
      Search Menu Actions
      Project Menu Actions
      Run Menu Actions
      Java Toolbar Actions
      Run and Debug Toolbar Actions
      Java Editor Actions
          Member Sort Order
          Type Filters
        Build Path
          Classpath Variables
          User Libraries
        Code Style
          Clean Up
          Code Templates
          Organize Imports
          Task Tags
          Detail Formatters
          Heap Walking
          Logical Structures
          Primitive Display Options
          Step Filtering
          Content Assist
          Mark Occurrences
          Save Actions
          Syntax Coloring
            Template Editing
        Installed JREs
          Execution Environments
        Properties Files Editor
          Default Launchers
          Launch Configurations
        String Substitution
        View Management
    Property Pages
      Javadoc Location
      Java Build Path
      Java Compiler
      Java Task Tags
      Source Attachment
      Run / Debug
      Refactor Actions
      Refactor Wizard
      Extract Method Errors
      Java Search Tab
      Java Search Actions
      Java Toolbar Actions
      Java Editor Toolbar Actions
      Run and Debug Toolbar Actions
      Breakpoints View
        Add Java Exception Breakpoint
        Breakpoint Properties
        Collapse All
        Expand All
        Export Breakpoints
        Go to File for Breakpoint
        Group By
        Hit Count
        Import Breakpoints
        Link with Debug View
        Remove Selected Breakpoints
        Remove All Breakpoints
        Select All
        Select Default Working Set
        Show Qualified Names
        Show Supported Breakpoints
        Skip All Breakpoints
        Suspend Policy
        Working Sets...
      Console View
        CVS Console
          Open Link
          Select All
        Process Console
          Console Preferences
          Remove All Terminated Launches
          Remove Launch
          Select All
          Show Console When Standard Out Changes
          Show Console When Standard Error Changes
        Stacktrace Console
          Autoformat Console
          Open Link
          Select All
        Clear the Console
        Display Selected Console
        Open Console
        Pin the Console
        Scroll Lock
      Debug View
        Execution Control Commands
          Step Into
          Step Over
          Step Return
          Terminate/Disconnect All
          Terminate and Relaunch
          Terminate and Remove
        Copy Stack
        Drop to Frame
        Edit Launch Configuration
        Edit Source Lookup
        Edit Step Filters
        Filter Package
        Filter Type
        Lookup Source
        Open Declared Type
        Open Declared Type Hierarchy
        Remove All Terminated
        Show Monitors
        Show Qualified Names
        Show System Threads
        Show Thread Groups
        Use Step Filters
      Display View
        Content Assist
        Copy Selected Statements
        Cut Selected Statements
        Execute Selected Statement
        Select All
      Expressions View
        Detail Pane
          Assign Value
          Content Assist
          Force Return
          Max Length
          Select All
          Wrap Text
        View Display Commands
          Show Contants
          Show Logical
          Show Null
          Show Qualified
          Show References
          Show Static
          Show Type Names
        View Layout Commands
          Show Columns
          Select Columns
          Horizontal Layout
          Vertical Layout
          View Only
        Add Watch Expression
        All Instances
        All References
        Change Variable Value
        Collapse All
        Copy Expressions
        Convert to Watch Expression
        Disable Selected Watch Expression
        Edit Watch Expression
        Enable Selected Watch Expression
        Inspect Variable
        Java Preferences
        Reevaluate Watch Expression
        Remove Selected Expressions
        Remove All Expressions
        Select All
        Toggle Watchpoint
      Package Explorer view
        Java Element Filters dialog
      Variables View
        Detail Pane
          Assign Value
          Content Assist
          Force Return
          Max Length
          Select All
          Wrap Text
        View Display Commands
          Show Contants
          Show Logical
          Show Null
          Show Qualified
          Show References
          Show Static
          Show Type Names
        View Layout Commands
          Show Columns
          Select Columns
          Horizontal Layout
          Vertical Layout
          View Only
        All Instances
        All References
        Change Variable Value
        Collapse All
        Copy Variables
        Create Watch Expression
        Inspect Variable
        Java Preferences
        Select All
        Toggle Watchpoint
      Java Outline View
      Java Scrapbook Page
      Type Hierarchy View
      Call Hierarchy View
      JUnit View
      Javadoc View
    Java Editor
      Java Content Assist
      Java Formatter
      Quick fix
      Quick assist
      Suppress warnings
    Wizards and Dialogs
      Create New Elements
        New Java Project Wizard
          Java Build Path Page
          Attaching Source to JAR Files and Variables
        New Java Package Wizard
        New Java Class Wizard
        New Java Enum Wizard
        New Java Interface Wizard
        New Java Annotation Wizard
        New Source Folder Wizard
        New Java Scrapbook Page Wizard
      Export Breakpoints
      Export Launch Configurations
      Externalize Strings wizard
      Import Breakpoints
      Import Launch Configurations
      JAR File Exporter
      Javadoc Generation
      Runnable JAR File Exporter
      Java Element Filters
      Open Type Dialog
      Create Getter and Setter
      Generate toString()
        Format Templates
        Code Styles
        Content Listing
      Override Methods
    Frequently-Asked Questions: JDT
    Available Quick Assists
    Available Quick Fixes
    List of JDT Key Bindings
  Tips and tricks
  What's new
    Java Editor
    Java Formatter
    Java Compiler
    Java Views and Dialogs
Platform Plug-in Developer Guide
  Programmer's Guide
    Welcome to Eclipse
      Who needs a platform?
      The challenge
      What is Eclipse?
      Go to
    Platform architecture
      Platform SDK roadmap
    Simple plug-in example
      A minimal plug-in
      Creating the plug-in project
      The Hello World view
      The Hello World manifests
      Running the plug-in
      Beyond the basics
    Runtime overview
      The runtime plug-in model
        Plug-ins and bundles
        Extension points and the registry
      Runtime components
      Runtime preferences
      Runtime application model
      Content types
        Using content types
        Contributing content types
      Concurrency infrastructure
        Reporting progress
        Job scheduling
        Scheduling rules
      Network support
        Secure storage
          Secure storage architecture
          Developing with secure storage
          Creating password providers
        Signed bundles and protecting against malicious code
        Login based on JAAS
      Console Shell
      Structured text
        Terminology and design
        Supported text types
    Plugging into the workbench
      Workbench under the covers
      Basic workbench extension points using commands
        Workbench Core Expressions
      The plug-in class
      Preference pages
        Contributing a preference page
        Implementing a preference page
        Field editors
    Dialogs and wizards
      Standard dialogs
      Application dialogs
      Dialog settings
      Workbench wizard extension points
      Wizard dialogs
      Multi-page wizards
      Filtered items selection dialog
        Creating a custom filtered items selection dialog
        Advanced use of the filtered items selection dialog
    JFace UI framework
      Actions and contributions (Deprecated)
      User interface resources
      Long-running operations
      Field assist
    Standard Widget Toolkit
        Custom widgets
        Custom Layouts
      Threading issues
      Error handling
    UI Forms
          XML Markup
      Advanced Topics
        Color and font management
        Managed forms
        Master/Details block
      Multi-page form editors
    Common Navigator Framework
      Configuring the Common Navigator
      Operational Topics
      Step-by-step Instructions
        Creation of Common Navigator View
        Content and Action Binding
        Migrating from the ResourceNavigator
    Resources overview
      Resources and the workspace
      Resources and the file system
      Resource properties
      Project-scoped preferences
      File encoding and content types
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Resources filters
      Resource markers
      Modifying the workspace
        Batching resource changes
        Tracking resource changes
        Concurrency and the workspace
    Advanced resource concepts
      Project natures
      Incremental project builders
        Project Build Configurations
      Derived resources
      Workspace save participation
      Resource modification hooks
      Refresh providers
      Alternate file systems
        Using the file system API
        Working with resources in other file systems
        User interface support in other file systems
        File system providers
      Dynamic path variables
    Advanced workbench concepts
      Workbench menu contributions
      Undoable operations
        Undo and the IDE Workbench
      Workbench key bindings
        Contexts and key bindings
      Element factories
      Accessible user interfaces
      Honoring single click support
      Working sets
      Filtering large user interfaces
        Activities (Not currently in 4.1)
      Workbench concurrency support
      Workbench resource support
        Contributing a property page
        Implementing a property page
        Support for displaying markers
        Marker help and resolution
          Contributing marker help
          Contributing marker resolution
        Contributing resource filters
        Text file encoding
      Status handling
        Defining a status handler
      Workbench editors
      Text editors and platform text
      Documents and partitions
      Source viewers and annotations
      Configuring a source viewer
      Text and ruler hover
      Syntax coloring
      Content assist
      Registering editor actions
      Other text editor responsibilities
      Content outliners
    Search support
      Contributing a search page
      Contributing a search result page
    Compare support
      Merging multiple files
      Implementing a content viewer
      Implementing a structure viewer
      Advanced compare techniques
    Team support
      Repository providers
      Resource management
      Synchronization Support
        Local History Synchronization Example
        Beyond the basics
      Support for Logical Model Integration
        Repository Roadmap for Logical Model Integration
        Model Roadmap for Logical Model Integration
      Rich Team Integration
        Adding team actions
        Team decorators
        Adding preferences and properties
        Project sets
        Team and linked resources
        Team private resources
        File types
        Adding History support
    Program debug and launch support
      Launching a program
        Adding launchers to the platform
          Obtaining a program's source code
          Comparing launch configurations
          Process factories
          Launching Java applications
        Handling errors from a launched program
        Launch configuration dialog
        Launch configuration type images
        Launch shortcuts
      Debugging a program
        Platform debug model
        Debug model presentation
        Debug UI utility classes
    Platform Ant support
      Running Ant buildfiles programmatically
      Ant tasks provided by the platform
      Contributing tasks and types
      Developing Ant tasks and types within Eclipse
      Expanding the Ant classpath
    User assistance support
        Defining an intro part
          Contributing a HelloWorld intro Part
        Using the CustomizableIntroPart
          Defining an intro config
          Defining intro content
          Defining a minimal intro configuration
          Using XHTML as intro content
          Displaying static HTML content in the CustomizableIntroPart
          Extending an intro config
            Extending the content of an intro config
            Defining intro themes
            Contributing a standby content part
            Defining a custom IntroURL action
            Intro Content File XML Format
            SWT Properties for Intro
        Universal intro
          Contributing to universal intro
          Adding the preference page
          Extending the universal intro
          Configuring product defaults
          Managing links
          Rich Client Platform (RCP) help
          Standalone help
          Information center
          Help system customization
            Help data XML format
            Generated navigation topics
            The Help Menu
            Information center customization
            Using about.html to debug information centers
            Using AbstractHelpScope to filter an information center
          Pre-indexing documentation
        Help content
          Table of contents (toc) files
          Help server and file locations
          Completing the plug-in manifest
          Adding criteria to help content
          Building nested documentation structures
          Contributing XHTML help documents
          Remote Help
          Active help
            Writing the help action
            Invoking the action from HTML
            Tips for debugging active help
          Embedding commands in help
            Authoring a command link
          Processing Help Content
          Adding child links to help topics
          Help Placeholders
        Context-sensitive help
          Declaring a context id
          Describing and packaging context-sensitive help
          Dynamic context help
        Help search
          Plugging in search engines
        Deploying the information center as a Web Archive
      Cheat sheets
        Simple cheat sheets
        Cheat sheet content file XML format
        Composite cheat sheets
        Composite cheat sheet content file XML format
        Cheat sheet authoring guidelines
      Status handling
        Defining a product status handler
        Contributing a sample handler
      Dynamic content
    Provisioning platform, p2
      API Overview
      Metadata management
        Publishing metadata
        Ant tasks for publishing metadata
        Customizing metadata
        Provisioning Actions and Touchpoints
      Installation management
      Repository management
        Mirroring repositories
        Composite repositories
        Content categorization
        Ant tasks for managing repositories
      Customizing the p2 UI
        Reusing parts of the UI
        Configuring the UI Policy
        Forced update on startup
    Packaging and delivering Eclipse based products
      Defining a Product
        The products extension point
        Customizing a product
      Plug-ins and fragments
      Locale specific files
      Product installation guidelines
      Product extensions
      Updating a product or extension
      Deploying eclipse based application with Java Web Start
      Associate and open files with an eclipse based application
    Building a Rich Client Platform application
      The browser example
      Defining a rich client application
      Customizing the workbench
      Making UI contributions
        Adding the perspective
        Adding views
        Defining the actions
    Http Service and JSP Support
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    OSGi API Reference
    Other reference information
      Runtime options
      Eclipse Launcher
      API rules of engagement
      Naming conventions
      Glossary of terms
      Map of platform plug-ins
      Starting Eclipse from Java
      Multi-user installs
      Third party libraries and classloading
      Plug-in manifest
      OSGi bundle manifest
      Project description file
      Message bundles
      Running on GCJ
      The "platform" URL protocol
      Tips for making user interfaces accessible
      Supporting bidirectional text
      How to write an Eclipse installer
      About.ini file format
      Plug-in archives
      Feature manifest
      Feature archives
      The dropins folder and supported file layouts
  What's new
  4.4 Plug-in Migration Guide
    Deprecated API removals
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.4 from 4.3
      Adopting 4.4 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.3 from 4.2
      Adopting 4.3 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.2 from 3.7
      Adopting 4.2 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 3.7 from 3.6
      Adopting 3.7 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 3.6 from 3.5
      Adopting 3.6 mechanisms and API
  Examples Guide
    Installing the examples
    Standard Widget Toolkit
      Using the SWT example launcher
      Running and browsing the SWT examples manually
      Stand-alone examples
        Address book
        File viewer
        Hello world
        Hover help
        Image analyzer
        Java syntax viewer
        Text editor
      Workbench views
        Custom Controls
      Field assist example
      Java editor
      Template editor
      Multi page editor
      Property sheet
      Readme tool
      Undo example
      Repository Providers
      Synchronize Participants
      Logical Model Integration
      Structured Compare
      XML Compare
  Questions Index
  Programmer's Guide
    Welcome to Eclipse
      Who needs a platform?
      The challenge
      What is Eclipse?
      Go to
    Platform architecture
      Platform SDK roadmap
    Simple plug-in example
      A minimal plug-in
      Creating the plug-in project
      The Hello World view
      The Hello World manifests
      Running the plug-in
      Beyond the basics
    Runtime overview
      The runtime plug-in model
        Plug-ins and bundles
        Extension points and the registry
      Runtime components
      Runtime preferences
      Runtime application model
      Content types
        Using content types
        Contributing content types
      Concurrency infrastructure
        Reporting progress
        Job scheduling
        Scheduling rules
      Network support
        Secure storage
          Secure storage architecture
          Developing with secure storage
          Creating password providers
        Signed bundles and protecting against malicious code
        Login based on JAAS
      Console Shell
      Structured text
        Terminology and design
        Supported text types
    Plugging into the workbench
      Workbench under the covers
      Basic workbench extension points using commands
        Workbench Core Expressions
      The plug-in class
      Preference pages
        Contributing a preference page
        Implementing a preference page
        Field editors
    Dialogs and wizards
      Standard dialogs
      Application dialogs
      Dialog settings
      Workbench wizard extension points
      Wizard dialogs
      Multi-page wizards
      Filtered items selection dialog
        Creating a custom filtered items selection dialog
        Advanced use of the filtered items selection dialog
    JFace UI framework
      Actions and contributions (Deprecated)
      User interface resources
      Long-running operations
      Field assist
    a href="">Standard Widget Toolkit
        Custom widgets
        Custom Layouts
      Threading issues
      Error handling
    UI Forms
          XML Markup
      Advanced Topics
        Color and font management
        Managed forms
        Master/Details block
      Multi-page form editors
    Common Navigator Framework
      Configuring the Common Navigator
      Operational Topics
      Step-by-step Instructions
        Creation of Common Navigator View
        Content and Action Binding
        Migrating from the ResourceNavigator
    Resources overview
      Resources and the workspace
      Resources and the file system
      Resource properties
      Project-scoped preferences
      File encoding and content types
      Linked resources
      Virtual folders
      Resources filters
      Resource markers
      Modifying the workspace
        Batching resource changes
        Tracking resource changes
        Concurrency and the workspace
    Advanced resource concepts
      Project natures
      Incremental project builders
        Project Build Configurations
      Derived resources
      Workspace save participation
      Resource modification hooks
      Refresh providers
      Alternate file systems
        Using the file system API
        Working with resources in other file systems
        User interface support in other file systems
        File system providers
      Dynamic path variables
    Advanced workbench concepts
      Workbench menu contributions
      Undoable operations
        Undo and the IDE Workbench
      Workbench key bindings
        Contexts and key bindings
      Element factories
      Accessible user interfaces
      Honoring single click support
      Working sets
      Filtering large user interfaces
        Activities (Not currently in 4.1)
      Workbench concurrency support
      Workbench resource support
        Contributing a property page
        Implementing a property page
        Support for displaying markers
        Marker help and resolution
          Contributing marker help
          Contributing marker resolution
        Contributing resource filters
        Text file encoding
      Status handling
        Defining a status handler
      Workbench editors
      Text editors and platform text
      Documents and partitions
      Source viewers and annotations
      Configuring a source viewer
      Text and ruler hover
      Syntax coloring
      Content assist
      Registering editor actions
      Other text editor responsibilities
      Content outliners
    Search support
      Contributing a search page
      Contributing a search result page
    Compare support
      Merging multiple files
      Implementing a content viewer
      Implementing a structure viewer
      Advanced compare techniques
    Team support
      Repository providers
      Resource management
      Synchronization Support
        Local History Synchronization Example
        Beyond the basics
      Support for Logical Model Integration
        Repository Roadmap for Logical Model Integration
        Model Roadmap for Logical Model Integration
      Rich Team Integration
        Adding team actions
        Team decorators
        Adding preferences and properties
        Project sets
        Team and linked resources
        Team private resources
        File types
        Adding History support
    Program debug and launch support
      Launching a program
        Adding launchers to the platform
          Obtaining a program's source code
          Comparing launch configurations
          Process factories
          Launching Java applications
        Handling errors from a launched program
        Launch configuration dialog
        Launch configuration type images
        Launch shortcuts
      Debugging a program
        Platform debug model
        Debug model presentation
        Debug UI utility classes
    Platform Ant support
      Running Ant buildfiles programmatically
      Ant tasks provided by the platform
      Contributing tasks and types
      Developing Ant tasks and types within Eclipse
      Expanding the Ant classpath
    User assistance support
        Defining an intro part
          Contributing a HelloWorld intro Part
        Using the CustomizableIntroPart
          Defining an intro config
          Defining intro content
          Defining a minimal intro configuration
          Using XHTML as intro content
          Displaying static HTML content in the CustomizableIntroPart
          Extending an intro config
            Extending the content of an intro config
            Defining intro themes
            Contributing a standby content part
            Defining a custom IntroURL action
            Intro Content File XML Format
            SWT Properties for Intro
        Universal intro
          Contributing to universal intro
          Adding the preference page
          Extending the universal intro
          Configuring product defaults
          Managing links
          Rich Client Platform (RCP) help
          Standalone help
          Information center
          Help system customization
            Help data XML format
            Generated navigation topics
            The Help Menu
            Information center customization
            Using about.html to debug information centers
            Using AbstractHelpScope to filter an information center
          Pre-indexing documentation
        Help content
          Table of contents (toc) files
          Help server and file locations
          Completing the plug-in manifest
          Adding criteria to help content
          Building nested documentation structures
          Contributing XHTML help documents
          Remote Help
          Active help
            Writing the help action
            Invoking the action from HTML
            Tips for debugging active help
          Embedding commands in help
            Authoring a command link
          Processing Help Content
          Adding child links to help topics
          Help Placeholders
        Context-sensitive help
          Declaring a context id
          Describing and packaging context-sensitive help
          Dynamic context help
        Help search
          Plugging in search engines
        Deploying the information center as a Web Archive
      Cheat sheets
        Simple cheat sheets
        Cheat sheet content file XML format
        Composite cheat sheets
        Composite cheat sheet content file XML format
        Cheat sheet authoring guidelines
      Status handling
        Defining a product status handler
        Contributing a sample handler
      Dynamic content
    Provisioning platform, p2
      API Overview
      Metadata management
        Publishing metadata
        Ant tasks for publishing metadata
        Customizing metadata
        Provisioning Actions and Touchpoints
      Installation management
      Repository management
        Mirroring repositories
        Composite repositories
        Content categorization
        Ant tasks for managing repositories
      Customizing the p2 UI
        Reusing parts of the UI
        Configuring the UI Policy
        Forced update on startup
    Packaging and delivering Eclipse based products
      Defining a Product
        The products extension point
        Customizing a product
      Plug-ins and fragments
      Locale specific files
      Product installation guidelines
      Product extensions
      Updating a product or extension
      Deploying eclipse based application with Java Web Start
      Associate and open files with an eclipse based application
    Building a Rich Client Platform application
      The browser example
      Defining a rich client application
      Customizing the workbench
      Making UI contributions
        Adding the perspective
        Adding views
        Defining the actions
    Http Service and JSP Support
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    OSGi API Reference
    Other reference information
      Runtime options
      Eclipse Launcher
      API rules of engagement
      Naming conventions
      Glossary of terms
      Map of platform plug-ins
      Starting Eclipse from Java
      Multi-user installs
      Third party libraries and classloading
      Plug-in manifest
      OSGi bundle manifest
      Project description file
      Message bundles
      Running on GCJ
      The "platform" URL protocol
      Tips for making user interfaces accessible
      Supporting bidirectional text
      How to write an Eclipse installer
      About.ini file format
      Plug-in archives
      Feature manifest
      Feature archives
      The dropins folder and supported file layouts
  What's new
  4.4 Plug-in Migration Guide
    Deprecated API removals
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.4 from 4.3
      Adopting 4.4 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.3 from 4.2
      Adopting 4.3 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 4.2 from 3.7
      Adopting 4.2 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 3.7 from 3.6
      Adopting 3.7 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse 3.6 from 3.5
      Adopting 3.6 mechanisms and API
  Examples Guide
    Installing the examples
    Standard Widget Toolkit
      Using the SWT example launcher
      Running and browsing the SWT examples manually
      Stand-alone examples
        Address book
        File viewer
        Hello world
        Hover help
        Image analyzer
        Java syntax viewer
        Text editor
      Workbench views
        Custom Controls
      Field assist example
      Java editor
      Template editor
      Multi page editor
      Property sheet
      Readme tool
      Undo example
      Repository Providers
      Synchronize Participants
      Logical Model Integration
      Structured Compare
      XML Compare
  Questions Index
JDT Plug-in Developer Guide
  Programmer's Guide
    JDT Core
      Java model
      Manipulating Java code
      Setting the Java build path
      Compiling Java code
      Using the Java search engine
      Indexes for the Java search
      Performing code assist on Java code
      JDT Core options
      Formatting Java code
    JDT UI
      JavaUI utilities
        Opening a Java editor
        Creating Java specific prompter dialogs
      Presenting Java elements in a JFace viewer
      Java wizard pages
      Customizing Java editors
      Writing Jar files
      Contributing a clean up and a save action
      Contributing a quick fix and a quick assist
    JDT Debug
      Running Java code
    JDT JUnit integration
      Observing JUnit test runs
    JDT Annotation Processing
      Getting Started
      Headless Build
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Other Reference Information
      JDT Plug-ins Map
  4.4 Plug-in Migration Guide
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 4.4 from 4.3
      Adopting 4.4 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 4.3 from 3.8
      Adopting 3.9 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.8 from 3.7
      Adopting 3.8 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.7 from 3.6
      Adopting 3.7 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.6 from 3.5
      Adopting 3.6 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.5 from 3.4
      Adopting 3.5 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.4 from 3.3
      Adopting 3.4 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.3 from 3.2
      Adopting 3.3 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.2 from 3.1
      Adopting 3.2 Mechanisms and API
  Questions Index
  Programmer's Guide
    JDT Core
      Java model
      Manipulating Java code
      Setting the Java build path
      Compiling Java code
      Using the Java search engine
      Indexes for the Java search
      Performing code assist on Java code
      JDT Core options
      Formatting Java code
    JDT UI
      JavaUI utilities
        Opening a Java editor
        Creating Java specific prompter dialogs
      Presenting Java elements in a JFace viewer
      Java wizard pages
      Customizing Java editors
      Writing Jar files
      Contributing a clean up and a save action
      Contributing a quick fix and a quick assist
    JDT Debug
      Running Java code
    JDT JUnit integration
      Observing JUnit test runs
    JDT Annotation Processing
      Getting Started
      Headless Build
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Other Reference Information
      JDT Plug-ins Map
  4.4 Plug-in Migration Guide
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 4.4 from 4.3
      Adopting 4.4 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 4.3 from 3.8
      Adopting 3.9 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.8 from 3.7
      Adopting 3.8 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.7 from 3.6
      Adopting 3.7 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.6 from 3.5
      Adopting 3.6 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.5 from 3.4
      Adopting 3.5 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.4 from 3.3
      Adopting 3.4 Mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.3 from 3.2
      Adopting 3.3 mechanisms and API
    Migrating to Eclipse JDT 3.2 from 3.1
      Adopting 3.2 Mechanisms and API
  Questions Index
Plug-in Development Environment Guide
  PDE Overview
    Extensions and Extension Points
    Target Platform
    Update Site
    PDE Build
      Automated Building of RCP applications from a product configuration file
      Automated Building of Features
      Automated Building of Plug-ins
      Generating Ant scripts from PDE
      Generating Ant scripts from scripts
      Using Shared Licenses
    PDE Build Advanced Topics
      Customizing a Headless Build
      Feature and Plug-in Custom Build Steps
      Fetching from Repositories
      Controlling the output format of the build
      Compilation Order and Parallelization
      Version Qualifiers
      Controlling compilation environment
      Compiler options and settings
      Source Plug-in and Feature generation
      Individual Source Bundles
      Repackaging Eclipse Components
      Adding Files to the Root of a Build
    PDE Build Integration with p2
      Building p2 Repositories and products
      Feature builds with p2
      Product builds with p2
      PDE/Build extensions to p2
      Integration with the 3.4 metadata generator
      Feature Metadata Layout
      Reusing Metadata
      Configuring Products
    API Tools
      Setting up API Tools
      Setting up a baseline
      Creating filters
      Remove filters
      Changing API Tools options
      Comparing to an API baseline
    PDE UI
      Export and Install Into Running Host
      Import Projects from a Repository
    API Tools Ant Tasks
      Analysis Ant Task
      Analysis Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Freeze Ant Task
      API Freeze Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Deprecation Ant Task
      API Deprecation Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Use Ant Task
      API Use Report Conversion Task (Producer)
      API Use Report Conversion Task (Consumer)
      API Use Migration Ant Task
      API Use Migration Report Conversion Task
      File Generation Ant Task
      Compare Ant Task
      API Use Scan Problems Ant Task
      API Use Scan Problems Report Conversion Ant Task
    Build Configuration
      Builder Configuration properties
      Feature and Plug-in Build configuration
      Plug-in Manifest Editor
        Plug-in Overview
        Plug-in Dependencies
        Plug-in Runtime
          Access Rules
        Plug-in Extensions
          New Extension Wizard
        Plug-in Extension Points
        Plug-in Build
      Feature Manifest Editor
        Feature Overview
        Feature Information
        Included Plug-ins
        Included Features
        Feature Dependencies
        Feature Installation
      Site Manifest Editor
        Site Map
        Site Information
      Extension Point Schema Editor
        Schema Overview Page
        Schema Definition Page
      Product Configuration Editor
        Product Overview
        Product Dependencies
        Product Configuration
        Product Launching
        Product Splash
        Product Branding
        Product Licensing
      Target Definition Editor
        Target Definition
        Target Content
        Target Environment
      Simple Cheat Sheet Editor
        Simple Cheat Sheet Page
          Content Section
          Title Section
          Introduction Section
          Step Section
          Sub-Step Section
          Command Section
            Command Composer Dialog
              Commands Section
              Command Details
          Help Section
        Register Cheat Sheet Wizard
      Composite Cheat Sheet Editor
        Composite Cheat Sheet Page
      Table of Contents Editor
        Table of Contents Page
      Context Help Editor
      Category Definition Editor
      Eclipse Application Launcher
        Main Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Plug-ins Tab
        Configuration Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
      OSGi Framework Launcher
        Bundles Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Settings Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
      JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher
        Test Tab
        Main Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Plug-ins Tab
        Configuration Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
    Menus and Actions
      API Tools Setup
      Compare with API baseline
      Plug-in Development
      API Baselines
      API Errors and Warnings
        Plug-in Compiler Preferences
        Extension Point Schema Compiler Preferences
        Feature and Update Site Compiler Preferences
      OSGi Frameworks
      Target Platform
      API Use Scans
    Property Pages
      API Errors and Warnings
      API Problem Filters
      Runtime Classpath
      Plug-in Manifest Compiler
      Create API Problem Filter
      Missing API Baseline
      Since Tags
      Version Numbering
      Remove Unused API Problem Filters
      Plug-in Dependencies
      Plug-in Image Browser
      Plug-in Registry
      Target Platform State
    Wizards and Dialogs
      New Project Creation Wizards
        Plug-in Project
          Plug-in Project Structure
          Plug-in Content
        Plug-in from existing JAR archives
        Fragment Project
          Fragment Project Structure
          Fragment Content
        Feature Project
        Feature Patch
        Update Site Project
      New File Creation Wizards
        Category Definition
        Extension Point Schema
        Product Configuration
        Target Definition
        Cheat Sheet
        Context Help
        Table of Contents
      Import Wizards
        Plug-in Import
        Feature Import
      Export Wizards
        Plug-in Export
        Feature Export
        Product Export
        Target Export
      Task Wizards
        Converting Java Projects to Plug-in Projects
        Externalizing Strings
        Organizing Manifest Files
        Updating Classpaths
      API Tools
        API Tools Setup Wizard
        API Baseline Wizard
        API Compare Wizard
        API Use Reports
        API Use Patterns Wizard
      Target Wizards
        New Target Wizard
        Edit Target Wizard
          Locations Tab
          Content Tab
          Environment Tab
          Arguments Tab
            Import Arguments Dialog
          Implicit Dependencies Tab
            Implicit Dependencies Selection Dialog
        Move Target Wizard
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Other Reference Information
      PDE Plug-ins Map
    Defining API Restrictions
    Javadoc @since Tag Management
  Tips and Tricks
  What's new
    API Tools
    Views and Editors
  PDE Overview
    Extensions and Extension Points
    Target Platform
    Update Site
    PDE Build
      Automated Building of RCP applications from a product configuration file
      Automated Building of Features
      Automated Building of Plug-ins
      Generating Ant scripts from PDE
      Generating Ant scripts from scripts
      Using Shared Licenses
    PDE Build Advanced Topics
      Customizing a Headless Build
      Feature and Plug-in Custom Build Steps
      Fetching from Repositories
      Controlling the output format of the build
      Compilation Order and Parallelization
      Version Qualifiers
      Controlling compilation environment
      Compiler options and settings
      Source Plug-in and Feature generation
      Individual Source Bundles
      Repackaging Eclipse Components
      Adding Files to the Root of a Build
    PDE Build Integration with p2
      Building p2 Repositories and products
      Feature builds with p2
      Product builds with p2
      PDE/Build extensions to p2
      Integration with the 3.4 metadata generator
      Feature Metadata Layout
      Reusing Metadata
      Configuring Products
    API Tools
      Setting up API Tools
      Setting up a baseline
      Creating filters
      Remove filters
      Changing API Tools options
      Comparing to an API baseline
    PDE UI
      Export and Install Into Running Host
      Import Projects from a Repository
    API Tools Ant Tasks
      Analysis Ant Task
      Analysis Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Freeze Ant Task
      API Freeze Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Deprecation Ant Task
      API Deprecation Report Conversion Ant Task
      API Use Ant Task
      API Use Report Conversion Task (Producer)
      API Use Report Conversion Task (Consumer)
      API Use Migration Ant Task
      API Use Migration Report Conversion Task
      File Generation Ant Task
      Compare Ant Task
      API Use Scan Problems Ant Task
      API Use Scan Problems Report Conversion Ant Task
    Build Configuration
      Builder Configuration properties
      Feature and Plug-in Build configuration
      Plug-in Manifest Editor
        Plug-in Overview
        Plug-in Dependencies
        Plug-in Runtime
          Access Rules
        Plug-in Extensions
          New Extension Wizard
        Plug-in Extension Points
        Plug-in Build
      Feature Manifest Editor
        Feature Overview
        Feature Information
        Included Plug-ins
        Included Features
        Feature Dependencies
        Feature Installation
      Site Manifest Editor
        Site Map
        Site Information
      Extension Point Schema Editor
        Schema Overview Page
        Schema Definition Page
      Product Configuration Editor
        Product Overview
        Product Dependencies
        Product Configuration
        Product Launching
        Product Splash
        Product Branding
        Product Licensing
      Target Definition Editor
        Target Definition
        Target Content
        Target Environment
      Simple Cheat Sheet Editor
        Simple Cheat Sheet Page
          Content Section
          Title Section
          Introduction Section
          Step Section
          Sub-Step Section
          Command Section
            Command Composer Dialog
              Commands Section
              Command Details
          Help Section
        Register Cheat Sheet Wizard
      Composite Cheat Sheet Editor
        Composite Cheat Sheet Page
      Table of Contents Editor
        Table of Contents Page
      Context Help Editor
      Category Definition Editor
      Eclipse Application Launcher
        Main Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Plug-ins Tab
        Configuration Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
      OSGi Framework Launcher
        Bundles Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Settings Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
      JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher
        Test Tab
        Main Tab
        Arguments Tab
        Plug-ins Tab
        Configuration Tab
        Tracing Tab
        Environment Tab
        Common Tab
    Menus and Actions
      API Tools Setup
      Compare with API baseline
      Plug-in Development
      API Baselines
      API Errors and Warnings
        Plug-in Compiler Preferences
        Extension Point Schema Compiler Preferences
        Feature and Update Site Compiler Preferences
      OSGi Frameworks
      Target Platform
      API Use Scans
    Property Pages
      API Errors and Warnings
      API Problem Filters
      Runtime Classpath
      Plug-in Manifest Compiler
      Create API Problem Filter
      Missing API Baseline
      Since Tags
      Version Numbering
      Remove Unused API Problem Filters
      Plug-in Dependencies
      Plug-in Image Browser
      Plug-in Registry
      Target Platform State
    Wizards and Dialogs
      New Project Creation Wizards
        Plug-in Project
          Plug-in Project Structure
          Plug-in Content
        Plug-in from existing JAR archives
        Fragment Project
          Fragment Project Structure
          Fragment Content
        Feature Project
        Feature Patch
        Update Site Project
      New File Creation Wizards
        Category Definition
        Extension Point Schema
        Product Configuration
        Target Definition
        Cheat Sheet
        Context Help
        Table of Contents
      Import Wizards
        Plug-in Import
        Feature Import
      Export Wizards
        Plug-in Export
        Feature Export
        Product Export
        Target Export
      Task Wizards
        Converting Java Projects to Plug-in Projects
        Externalizing Strings
        Organizing Manifest Files
        Updating Classpaths
      API Tools
        API Tools Setup Wizard
        API Baseline Wizard
        API Compare Wizard
        API Use Reports
        API Use Patterns Wizard
      Target Wizards
        New Target Wizard
        Edit Target Wizard
          Locations Tab
          Content Tab
          Environment Tab
          Arguments Tab
            Import Arguments Dialog
          Implicit Dependencies Tab
            Implicit Dependencies Selection Dialog
        Move Target Wizard
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Other Reference Information
      PDE Plug-ins Map
    Defining API Restrictions
    Javadoc @since Tag Management
  Tips and Tricks
  What's new
    API Tools
    Views and Editors
Autotools Plug-in User Guide
  Supported Environments
  Creating an Autotools Project
  Invoking Autotools
  Special Editors
  Make Targets
  Updating This Document
  Supported Environments
  Creating an Autotools Project
  Invoking Autotools
  Special Editors
  Make Targets
  Updating This Document
BIRT Charting Programmer Reference
    API Reference
      Chart Engine API Reference
      Chart Simple API Reference
      Chart User Interface API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    API Reference
      Chart Engine API Reference
      Chart Simple API Reference
      Chart User Interface API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
BIRT Programmer Reference
    API Reference
      Report Object Model API Reference
      Report Engine API Reference
      Report Core API Reference
      Report Core UI API Reference
      BIRT Report Scripting API Reference
      Data Engine API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Report Object Model (ROM) Defintions Reference
    API Reference
      Report Object Model API Reference
      Report Engine API Reference
      Report Core API Reference
      Report Core UI API Reference
      BIRT Report Scripting API Reference
      Data Engine API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    Report Object Model (ROM) Defintions Reference
BIRT Report Developer Guide
  Excerpts from BIRT Field Guide
    Learning the Basics
      About the report design environment
      Tutorial 1: Building a simple listing report
        Task 1: Create a new project
        Task 2: Create a new report
        Task 3: Build a data source
        Task 4: Build a data set
        Task 5: Lay out the report
        Task 6: Sort the data
        Task 7: Format the report
          Edit the column headings
          Format the column headings
          Display first and last names on the same line
          Increase the space between rows
        Task 8: Create a report title
    Accessing Data
      About BIRT data sources
      About data sets
        How to create a Cassandra data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a Cassandra data source
        How to create an Excel data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from an Excel workbook
        How to create a Hive data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a Hadoop system
        How to specify the connection information for a database or other JDBC data source
        How to add a JDBC driver
        How to delete JDBC drivers in a JAR file
        How to create a SQL query to retrieve data from a JDBC data source
        How to use a stored procedure to retrieve data from a JDBC data source
        How to create a MongoDB data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a MongoDB database
        How to create a POJO data source
        How to create a POJO data set
        How to view and change output columns
        How to add a computed field to a data set
        How to join data sets
        How to change the number of rows that appear in Preview Results
    Binding Data
      How to create a column binding
    Laying Out a Report
      How to add a row or column
      How to delete a row or column
      How to bind a data set to a table
      How to insert a linked image
      How to insert an embedded image
      How to insert images that are stored in a data source
    Displaying Text
      How to use a dynamic text element
    Formatting Report Content
      How to create a style
      How to import styles
      How to link a CSS file
      How to apply a style
      How to modify a style
      How to delete a style
      How to create a formatting rule
      How to modify a formatting rule
      How to delete a formatting rule
      How to resize a column or row by dragging its boundary
      How to specify a row height
      How to specify a column width
      Resizing margins, borders, and padding of elements
        How to merge table or grid cells
        How to map data values to different display values
        How to hide an element conditionally
    Sorting and Grouping Data
      Tutorial 2: Grouping report data
        Task 1: Open the report design
        Task 2: Save the report as a new file
        Task 3: Add the credit limit field to the data set
        Task 4: Add credit limit data to the report
        Task 5: Group customer data by credit limit
        Task 6: Display credit limit ranges in the group header
        Task 7: Display aggregate information
          Display the number of customers in each group
          Display the total number of customers in the report
        Task 8: Format the report
          Adjust the column widths
          Remove credit limit data from the detail rows
          Display group headings on the first row of each group
          Separate each group with a line
          Display the number of customers text on one line
        Task 9: Preview the report in the BIRT report viewer
        Task 10: Display credit limit ranges in the table of contents
    Aggregating Data
      How to display aggregate data
    Writing Expressions
    Filtering Data
      How to filter the rows to retrieve from a JDBC data source
      How to filter at the data set level
      How to filter at the report element level
      How to filter at the group level
    Enabling the User to Filter Data
      How to create a basic report parameter
      How to insert a parameter marker in the SQL query
      How to define a data set parameter
      How to update a filter condition dynamically when the report runs
    Building a Report That Contains Subreports
      Tutorial 3: Building a report containing side-by-side subreports
        Task 1: Create a new report
        Task 2: Build a data source
        Task 3: Build a data set for the customer report
        Task 4: Build a data set for the orders subreport
        Task 5: Build a data set for the payments subreport
        Task 6: Create the customer master report
        Task 7: Create the orders subreport
        Task 8: Link the orders subreport to the customers master report
        Task 9: Create the payments subreport
        Task 10: Link the payments subreport to the customers master report
        Task 11: Display only customers that have orders or payments
        Task 12: Display the subreports next to one another
        Task 13: View the outline of the report
        Task 14: Format the report
    Using a Chart
      Tutorial 4: Creating a stand-alone chart
        Task 1: Set up and query the data source
        Task 2: Add the chart to the report
        Task 3: Provide data for a chart
        Task 4: Enlarge the chart and preview the report
        Task 5: Change the chart and value series titles
        Task 6: Refine the chart appearance
    Displaying Data in Charts
      How to group categories on the x-axis
      How to change chart preview preferences
    Laying Out and Formatting a Chart
      Overview of formatting
        How to set a chart’s background color
        How to modify the plot area
        How to format an axis title
        How to set the data type and format of an axis
    Presenting Data in a Cross Tab
      Tutorial 5: Creating a cross tab
        Task 1: Create a new report
        Task 2: Build a data source
        Task 3: Build a data set
        Task 4: Set up data for the cross tab
        Task 5: Add a cross tab to the report
        Task 6: Add grand totals
          How to filter data at the cross tab level
    Designing a Multipage Report
      How to display text in the header and footer
      How to specify a header or footer size
      How to exclude header content from the first page
    Adding Interactive Viewing Features
      How to define a bookmark
      How to create a hyperlink that links two sections in a report
      How to link two reports
      How to create a table of contents entry
    Building a Shared Development Framework
      How to add an element to a library
      How to set a theme for a report design
      How to drop a theme from a report design
      How to create a template report item
      How to set up a template folder
      How to publish a template
      How to use a template report item
    Localizing Text
      How to assign a resource file to a report
      How to assign an existing resource key to a label or text element
      How to preview a report in a different locale
    Using Scripting in a Report Design
      Overview of BIRT scripting
        Choosing between JavaScript and Java
        Using both JavaScript and Java
    Using JavaScript to Write an Event Handler
      How to use BIRT Report Designer to enter a JavaScript event handler
      Determining script execution sequence
        Providing the ReportDesign.initialize code
          How to provide code for the ReportDesign.initialize script
        Providing code for the scripts you want to track
        Providing the ReportDesign.afterFactory code
      Tutorial 6: Writing an event handler in JavaScript
        Task 1: Create the report design
        Task 2: Create a counter in Table.onCreate
        Task 3: Conditionally increment the counter
        Task 4: Display the result
      Calling external JavaScript functions
    Using Java to Write an Event Handler
      How to create an event handler class and add it to the Java project
      How to associate a Java class with a report element
    Scripting Reference
      BIRT JavaScript classes quick reference
      Class BirtComp
      Class BirtDateTime
      Class BirtDuration
      Class BirtMath
      Class BirtStr
      Class Finance
      Class Formatter
  Excerpts from BIRT Field Guide
    Learning the Basics
      About the report design environment
      Tutorial 1: Building a simple listing report
        Task 1: Create a new project
        Task 2: Create a new report
        Task 3: Build a data source
        Task 4: Build a data set
        Task 5: Lay out the report
        Task 6: Sort the data
        Task 7: Format the report
          Edit the column headings
          Format the column headings
          Display first and last names on the same line
          Increase the space between rows
        Task 8: Create a report title
    Accessing Data
      About BIRT data sources
      About data sets
        How to create a Cassandra data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a Cassandra data source
        How to create an Excel data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from an Excel workbook
        How to create a Hive data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a Hadoop system
        How to specify the connection information for a database or other JDBC data source
        How to add a JDBC driver
        How to delete JDBC drivers in a JAR file
        How to create a SQL query to retrieve data from a JDBC data source
        How to use a stored procedure to retrieve data from a JDBC data source
        How to create a MongoDB data source
        How to specify what data to retrieve from a MongoDB database
        How to create a POJO data source
        How to create a POJO data set
        How to view and change output columns
        How to add a computed field to a data set
        How to join data sets
        How to change the number of rows that appear in Preview Results
    Binding Data
      How to create a column binding
    Laying Out a Report
      How to add a row or column
      How to delete a row or column
      How to bind a data set to a table
      How to insert a linked image
      How to insert an embedded image
      How to insert images that are stored in a data source
    Displaying Text
      How to use a dynamic text element
    Formatting Report Content
      How to create a style
      How to import styles
      How to link a CSS file
      How to apply a style
      How to modify a style
      How to delete a style
      How to create a formatting rule
      How to modify a formatting rule
      How to delete a formatting rule
      How to resize a column or row by dragging its boundary
      How to specify a row height
      How to specify a column width
      Resizing margins, borders, and padding of elements
        How to merge table or grid cells
        How to map data values to different display values
        How to hide an element conditionally
    Sorting and Grouping Data
      Tutorial 2: Grouping report data
        Task 1: Open the report design
        Task 2: Save the report as a new file
        Task 3: Add the credit limit field to the data set
        Task 4: Add credit limit data to the report
        Task 5: Group customer data by credit limit
        Task 6: Display credit limit ranges in the group header
        Task 7: Display aggregate information
          Display the number of customers in each group
          Display the total number of customers in the report
        Task 8: Format the report
          Adjust the column widths
          Remove credit limit data from the detail rows
          Display group headings on the first row of each group
          Separate each group with a line
          Display the number of customers text on one line
        Task 9: Preview the report in the BIRT report viewer
        Task 10: Display credit limit ranges in the table of contents
    Aggregating Data
      How to display aggregate data
    Writing Expressions
    Filtering Data
      How to filter the rows to retrieve from a JDBC data source
      How to filter at the data set level
      How to filter at the report element level
      How to filter at the group level
    Enabling the User to Filter Data
      How to create a basic report parameter
      How to insert a parameter marker in the SQL query
      How to define a data set parameter
      How to update a filter condition dynamically when the report runs
    Building a Report That Contains Subreports
      Tutorial 3: Building a report containing side-by-side subreports
        Task 1: Create a new report
        Task 2: Build a data source
        Task 3: Build a data set for the customer report
        Task 4: Build a data set for the orders subreport
        Task 5: Build a data set for the payments subreport
        Task 6: Create the customer master report
        Task 7: Create the orders subreport
        Task 8: Link the orders subreport to the customers master report
        Task 9: Create the payments subreport
        Task 10: Link the payments subreport to the customers master report
        Task 11: Display only customers that have orders or payments
        Task 12: Display the subreports next to one another
        Task 13: View the outline of the report
        Task 14: Format the report
    Using a Chart
      Tutorial 4: Creating a stand-alone chart
        Task 1: Set up and query the data source
        Task 2: Add the chart to the report
        Task 3: Provide data for a chart
        Task 4: Enlarge the chart and preview the report
        Task 5: Change the chart and value series titles
        Task 6: Refine the chart appearance
    Displaying Data in Charts
      How to group categories on the x-axis
      How to change chart preview preferences
    Laying Out and Formatting a Chart
      Overview of formatting
        How to set a chart’s background color
        How to modify the plot area
        How to format an axis title
        How to set the data type and format of an axis
    Presenting Data in a Cross Tab
      Tutorial 5: Creating a cross tab
        Task 1: Create a new report
        Task 2: Build a data source
        Task 3: Build a data set
        Task 4: Set up data for the cross tab
        Task 5: Add a cross tab to the report
        Task 6: Add grand totals
          How to filter data at the cross tab level
    Designing a Multipage Report
      How to display text in the header and footer
      How to specify a header or footer size
      How to exclude header content from the first page
    Adding Interactive Viewing Features
      How to define a bookmark
      How to create a hyperlink that links two sections in a report
      How to link two reports
      How to create a table of contents entry
    Building a Shared Development Framework
      How to add an element to a library
      How to set a theme for a report design
      How to drop a theme from a report design
      How to create a template report item
      How to set up a template folder
      How to publish a template
      How to use a template report item
    Localizing Text
      How to assign a resource file to a report
      How to assign an existing resource key to a label or text element
      How to preview a report in a different locale
    Using Scripting in a Report Design
      Overview of BIRT scripting
        Choosing between JavaScript and Java
        Using both JavaScript and Java
    Using JavaScript to Write an Event Handler
      How to use BIRT Report Designer to enter a JavaScript event handler
      Determining script execution sequence
        Providing the ReportDesign.initialize code
          How to provide code for the ReportDesign.initialize script
        Providing code for the scripts you want to track
        Providing the ReportDesign.afterFactory code
      Tutorial 6: Writing an event handler in JavaScript
        Task 1: Create the report design
        Task 2: Create a counter in Table.onCreate
        Task 3: Conditionally increment the counter
        Task 4: Display the result
      Calling external JavaScript functions
    Using Java to Write an Event Handler
      How to create an event handler class and add it to the Java project
      How to associate a Java class with a report element
    Scripting Reference
      BIRT JavaScript classes quick reference
      Class BirtComp
      Class BirtDateTime
      Class BirtDuration
      Class BirtMath
      Class BirtStr
      Class Finance
      Class Formatter
C/C++ Development User Guide
  Before you begin
  Getting Started
    Preparing the Workbench
    Creating a simple application
    Creating a Makefile project
    Importing an existing project
    Creating a C++ file
    Creating a makefile
    Building a project
    Debugging projects
    Importing C/C++ source files into Eclipse
    CDT Overview
    CDT Projects
    Perspectives available to C/C++ developers
    Views in the C/C++ perspective
    Code aids
      Content Assist
    Editing C/C++ files
      C/C++ editor
    Navigation aids
      Outline View
      Project File views
      C/C++ Search
      Open Declaration
      Building C/C++ Projects
      Scanner Discovery of include paths and preprocessor macros
      Debug overview
      Debug information
    C/C++ search
      C/C++ Indexer
      C/C++ Indexer Progress Bar
    Creating a project
    Creating a project via a project template
    Work with C or C++ project files
      Display file members in the C/C++ Projects view
      Converting a C or C++ nature for a project
      Create a C/C++ file
      Create a makefile
      Hide files of a given type
      Converting CDT 1.x Projects
      Converting CDT 2.x Managed Make Projects
      Adding Convert to a C/C++ Make Project to the New menu
    Write code
      Customize the C/C++ editor
      Comment out code
      Working with Content Assist
        Using Content Assist
        Creating and editing templates
        Importing and exporting templates
      Shift lines of code to the left or right
      Navigate to C/C++ declarations by name
        Toggle Function Definition
    Building projects
      Renaming a project
      Defining Project Build settings
      Adding and Editing Build Variables
      Tuning Error Parsers
      Selecting a binary parser
      Adding Include paths and symbols
      Selecting a project type
      Building Manually
      Removing Build Automatically
      Autosaving on a build
      Creating a make target
      Creating Project References
      Customizing the Console view
      Tracking down compilation errors
        Jumping to errors
        Filtering the Problems view
    Running and debugging projects
      Creating or editing a run/debug configuration
        Selecting a run or debug configuration
        Creating a run or debug configuration
        Selecting an application to run or debug
        Specifying execution arguments
        Setting environment variables
        Defining debug settings
        Specifying the location of source files
        Specifying the location of the run configuration
        Debugging a program
        Debugging an existing executable
        Using breakpoints, watchpoints, and breakpoint actions
          Adding breakpoints
          Adding watchpoints
          Adding breakpoint actions
          Removing breakpoints and watchpoints
          Enabling or disable breakpoints and watchpoints
          Attaching or removing breakpoint actions
        Controlling debug execution
        Stepping into assembler functions
        Working with variables
        Adding expressions
        Working with registers
        Working with memory
    Searching the CDT
      Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
      Setting Source Folders
    Include paths and macros for C/C++ indexer
    C/C++ Views and Editors
      Selecting Views and Editors
      C/C++ Projects view
      Project Explorer view
      Outline view
      Make Targets view
      Editor view
      Executables view
      Console view
      Problems view
      Tasks view
      Properties view
      Search view
      Call Hierarchy view
      Type Hierarchy view
      Include Browser view
      C/C++ Icons
    Debug views
      Registers view
      Memory view
      Traditional Memory Rendering preferences
      Disassembly view
      Modules view
      Signals view
      Debug view
      Debug preferences
    C/C++ Menubar
      File Menu
      Edit Menu
      Source Menu
      Refactor Menu
      Navigate Menu
      Search Menu
      Project Menu
      Run Menu
      Window Menu
      Help Menu
    C/C++ Toolbar
    C/C++ Open Element
    C/C++ Find and Replace
    C/C++ Preferences
      Build preferences
        Build Variables
        Make Targets
        Makefile Editor
        Error Parsers
        Scanner Discovery
      Code Style preferences
        Code Templates
      Debug preferences
        Breakpoint Actions
        Source Lookup Path
        GDB MI
      Editor preferences
        Content Assist
        Mark Occurrences
        Save Actions
        Syntax Coloring
      File Types
      Language Mappings
      New CDT Project Wizard
        Preferred Toolchains tab
        Wizard Defaults tab
        Makefile Project pages
          Binary parsers
          Error parsers
          Discovery options
          Builder settings
      Property Pages Settings
        Multiple Configurations Edit
      Task Tags
    C/C++ Properties
      C/C++ Project properties
        Resource page
        Builders page
        Common C/C++ Configurations handling
          Manage Configurations dialog
          Create Configuration dialog
          Rename Configuration dialog
        C/C++ Build
          Build Variables page
          Discovery options page
          Environment page
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
            Build Steps tab
            Build Artifact tab
            Binary Parsers tab
            Error Parsers tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Documentation page
          Export Settings page
          File Types page
          Indexer page
          Language Mapping page
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Source Location tab
            Output Location tab
            References tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
            Entries tab
            Providers tab
        Project References page
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ Folder properies
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ File Properties
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
            Build Steps tab
          Tool Chain Editor page
        C/C++ General
          Language Mapping page
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
    C/C++ New Project Wizard
      Set Project Name and Location
      Select Project type
      Select Toolchain
      Select Configurations
    C/C++ Run and Debug
    C/C++ search page
  What's new in CDT
  Before you begin
  Getting Started
    Preparing the Workbench
    Creating a simple application
    Creating a Makefile project
    Importing an existing project
    Creating a C++ file
    Creating a makefile
    Building a project
    Debugging projects
    Importing C/C++ source files into Eclipse
    CDT Overview
    CDT Projects
    Perspectives available to C/C++ developers
    Views in the C/C++ perspective
    Code aids
      Content Assist
    Editing C/C++ files
      C/C++ editor
    Navigation aids
      Outline View
      Project File views
      C/C++ Search
      Open Declaration
      Building C/C++ Projects
      Scanner Discovery of include paths and preprocessor macros
      Debug overview
      Debug information
    C/C++ search
      C/C++ Indexer
      C/C++ Indexer Progress Bar
    Creating a project
    Creating a project via a project template
    Work with C or C++ project files
      Display file members in the C/C++ Projects view
      Converting a C or C++ nature for a project
      Create a C/C++ file
      Create a makefile
      Hide files of a given type
      Converting CDT 1.x Projects
      Converting CDT 2.x Managed Make Projects
      Adding Convert to a C/C++ Make Project to the New menu
    Write code
      Customize the C/C++ editor
      Comment out code
      Working with Content Assist
        Using Content Assist
        Creating and editing templates
        Importing and exporting templates
      Shift lines of code to the left or right
      Navigate to C/C++ declarations by name
        Toggle Function Definition
    Building projects
      Renaming a project
      Defining Project Build settings
      Adding and Editing Build Variables
      Tuning Error Parsers
      Selecting a binary parser
      Adding Include paths and symbols
      Selecting a project type
      Building Manually
      Removing Build Automatically
      Autosaving on a build
      Creating a make target
      Creating Project References
      Customizing the Console view
      Tracking down compilation errors
        Jumping to errors
        Filtering the Problems view
    Running and debugging projects
      Creating or editing a run/debug configuration
        Selecting a run or debug configuration
        Creating a run or debug configuration
        Selecting an application to run or debug
        Specifying execution arguments
        Setting environment variables
        Defining debug settings
        Specifying the location of source files
        Specifying the location of the run configuration
        Debugging a program
        Debugging an existing executable
        Using breakpoints, watchpoints, and breakpoint actions
          Adding breakpoints
          Adding watchpoints
          Adding breakpoint actions
          Removing breakpoints and watchpoints
          Enabling or disable breakpoints and watchpoints
          Attaching or removing breakpoint actions
        Controlling debug execution
        Stepping into assembler functions
        Working with variables
        Adding expressions
        Working with registers
        Working with memory
    Searching the CDT
      Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
      Setting Source Folders
    Include paths and macros for C/C++ indexer
    C/C++ Views and Editors
      Selecting Views and Editors
      C/C++ Projects view
      Project Explorer view
      Outline view
      Make Targets view
      Editor view
      Executables view
      Console view
      Problems view
      Tasks view
      Properties view
      Search view
      Call Hierarchy view
      Type Hierarchy view
      Include Browser view
      C/C++ Icons
    Debug views
      Registers view
      Memory view
      Traditional Memory Rendering preferences
      Disassembly view
      Modules view
      Signals view
      Debug view
      Debug preferences
    C/C++ Menubar
      File Menu
      Edit Menu
      Source Menu
      Refactor Menu
      Navigate Menu
      Search Menu
      Project Menu
      Run Menu
      Window Menu
      Help Menu
    C/C++ Toolbar
    C/C++ Open Element
    C/C++ Find and Replace
    C/C++ Preferences
      Build preferences
        Build Variables
        Make Targets
        Makefile Editor
        Error Parsers
        Scanner Discovery
      Code Style preferences
        Code Templates
      Debug preferences
        Breakpoint Actions
        Source Lookup Path
        GDB MI
      Editor preferences
        Content Assist
        Mark Occurrences
        Save Actions
        Syntax Coloring
      File Types
      Language Mappings
      New CDT Project Wizard
        Preferred Toolchains tab
        Wizard Defaults tab
        Makefile Project pages
          Binary parsers
          Error parsers
          Discovery options
          Builder settings
      Property Pages Settings
        Multiple Configurations Edit
      Task Tags
    C/C++ Properties
      C/C++ Project properties
        Resource page
        Builders page
        Common C/C++ Configurations handling
          Manage Configurations dialog
          Create Configuration dialog
          Rename Configuration dialog
        C/C++ Build
          Build Variables page
          Discovery options page
          Environment page
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
            Build Steps tab
            Build Artifact tab
            Binary Parsers tab
            Error Parsers tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Documentation page
          Export Settings page
          File Types page
          Indexer page
          Language Mapping page
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Source Location tab
            Output Location tab
            References tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
            Entries tab
            Providers tab
        Project References page
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ Folder properies
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ File Properties
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
            Build Steps tab
          Tool Chain Editor page
        C/C++ General
          Language Mapping page
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
    C/C++ New Project Wizard
      Set Project Name and Location
      Select Project type
      Select Toolchain
      Select Configurations
    C/C++ Run and Debug
    C/C++ search page
  What's new in CDT
C/C++ Library Documentation
Callgraph User Guide
  Callgraph User Guide
    General Usage
    Callgraph Perspectives
      Radial View
      Tree View
      Level View
      Aggregate View
    General Usage
      Collapse Mode
      Watching function calls in chronological order
      Code link
      Save/load profile runs
    Updating This Document
  Callgraph User Guide
    General Usage
    Callgraph Perspectives
      Radial View
      Tree View
      Level View
      Aggregate View
    General Usage
      Collapse Mode
      Watching function calls in chronological order
      Code link
      Save/load profile runs
    Updating This Document
CDT Plug-in Developer Guide
  Programmer's Guide
      Prebuilt Indexes in CDT 4.0
      Versioning of Prebuilt Indexes
    Managed Build System Extensibility Document
    Project Template Engine
    What's new in CDT Build System 4.0
    Migrating your tool-chain integration to CDT 4.0
    DSF Tutorial
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
  Examples Guide
  Programmer's Guide
      Prebuilt Indexes in CDT 4.0
      Versioning of Prebuilt Indexes
    Managed Build System Extensibility Document
    Project Template Engine
    What's new in CDT Build System 4.0
    Migrating your tool-chain integration to CDT 4.0
    DSF Tutorial
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
  Examples Guide
ChangeLog Editor User Guide
  ChangeLog Editor User Guide
    ChangeLog Preferences
    ChangeLog Editor
    ChangeLog Plug-in Functions
      Insert ChangeLog
      Prepare ChangeLog
      Format ChangeLog
    Updating This Document
  ChangeLog Editor User Guide
    ChangeLog Preferences
    ChangeLog Editor
    ChangeLog Plug-in Functions
      Insert ChangeLog
      Prepare ChangeLog
      Format ChangeLog
    Updating This Document
Dali Java Persistence Tools User Guide
  Getting started
    Requirements and installation
    Dali quick start
      Creating a new JPA project
      Creating a Java persistent entity with persistent fields
    Understanding Java persistence
    Understanding OR mappings
    Understanding Java Persistence API
      The persistence.xml file
      The orm.xml file
    Understanding Java Architecture for XML Binding
    Creating a new JPA project
    Creating a new JAXB project
    Creating Database Web Services from Builder XML
    Converting a Java project to a JPA project
    Creating a JPA entity
    Adding persistence to a class
      Mapped superclass
    Adding virtual attributes
    Managing the persistence.xml file
    Synchronizing classes
    Managing the orm.xml file
      Creating an orm.xml file
      Working with orm.xml file
    Specifying additional tables
    Specifying entity inheritance
    Creating queries
    Mapping an entity
      Basic mapping
      Element collection mapping
      Embedded mapping
      Embedded ID mapping
      ID mapping
      Many-to-many mapping
      Many-to-one mapping
      One-to-many mapping
      One-to-one mapping
      Transient mapping
      Version mapping
    Generating entities from tables
    Generating tables from entities
    Generating dynamic entities from tables
    Modifying persistent project properties
    Converting JPA metadata to XML
    Validating mappings and reporting problems
      Error messages
      Warning messages
      Generate Entities from Tables wizard
        Select Tables
        Table Associations
        Customize Default Entity Generation
        Customize Individual Entities
      Generate Dynamic Entities from Tables wizard
        Select Tables
        Table Associations
        Customize Default Entity Generation
        Customize Individual Entities
      Create JPA Entity wizard
        Entity Class page
        Entity Properties page
      Create ORM Mapping File wizard
        Mapping File Location
        Mapping File Options
      Create New JPA Project wizard
        New JPA Project page
        Java Page
        JPA Facet page
      Create New JAXB Project wizard
        New JAXB Project page
        Java Page
        JAXB Facet page
      New Database Web services from Builder XML wizard
        Web Dynamic page
        Select Builder XML File page
        Driver Files page
      Generate Tables from Entities wizard
        Schema Generation
      Create New Association wizard
        Association Tables
        Join Columns
        Association Cardinality
    Property pages
      JPA Details view (for entities)
        Mapped Superclass
        Attribute Overrides
        Primary Key Generation
        Secondary tables
      JPA Details view (for attributes)
        Basic Mapping
        Element Collection Mapping
        Embedded Mapping
        Embedded ID Mapping
        ID Mapping
        Many-to-Many Mapping
        Many-to-One Mapping
        One-to-Many Mapping
        One-to-One Mapping
        Version Mapping
        Type information
        Joining Strategy
        Derived Identity
        Primary Key Generation information
      JPA Details view (for orm.xml)
        Entity Mappings
        Persistence Unit
      JPA Structure view
      persistence.xml Editor
        Schema Generation
      Java Persistence Preferences page - JPA
      Java Persistence Preferences page - Errors/Warnings
      Project Properties page - JPA
      Project Properties page - EclipseLink
      Project Properties page - Entity Generation
      Project Properties page - Errors/Warnings
      Project Properties page - JAXB Options
      Project Properties page - Schemas
      Edit Join Columns dialog
      Add Join Column dialog
      Select Cascade dialog
      New EclipseLink Mapping File dialog
      Add Converter dialog
      Mapping Type Selection dialog
      JPA Metadata Conversion dialog
      Make Persistent dialog
      Add Query dialog
      Add Primary Key Join Column dialog
      Add Schema Location dialog
      Select Schema Location dialog
      Add Virtual Attribute dialog
    JPA Development perspective
    Icons and buttons
    Dali developer documentation
  Tips and tricks
  Getting started
    Requirements and installation
    Dali quick start
      Creating a new JPA project
      Creating a Java persistent entity with persistent fields
    Understanding Java persistence
    Understanding OR mappings
    Understanding Java Persistence API
      The persistence.xml file
      The orm.xml file
    Understanding Java Architecture for XML Binding
    Creating a new JPA project
    Creating a new JAXB project
    Creating Database Web Services from Builder XML
    Converting a Java project to a JPA project
    Creating a JPA entity
    Adding persistence to a class
      Mapped superclass
    Adding virtual attributes
    Managing the persistence.xml file
    Synchronizing classes
    Managing the orm.xml file
      Creating an orm.xml file
      Working with orm.xml file
    Specifying additional tables
    Specifying entity inheritance
    Creating queries
    Mapping an entity
      Basic mapping
      Element collection mapping
      Embedded mapping
      Embedded ID mapping
      ID mapping
      Many-to-many mapping
      Many-to-one mapping
      One-to-many mapping
      One-to-one mapping
      Transient mapping
      Version mapping
    Generating entities from tables
    Generating tables from entities
    Generating dynamic entities from tables
    Modifying persistent project properties
    Converting JPA metadata to XML
    Validating mappings and reporting problems
      Error messages
      Warning messages
      Generate Entities from Tables wizard
        Select Tables
        Table Associations
        Customize Default Entity Generation
        Customize Individual Entities
      Generate Dynamic Entities from Tables wizard
        Select Tables
        Table Associations
        Customize Default Entity Generation
        Customize Individual Entities
      Create JPA Entity wizard
        Entity Class page
        Entity Properties page
      Create ORM Mapping File wizard
        Mapping File Location
        Mapping File Options
      Create New JPA Project wizard
        New JPA Project page
        Java Page
        JPA Facet page
      Create New JAXB Project wizard
        New JAXB Project page
        Java Page
        JAXB Facet page
      New Database Web services from Builder XML wizard
        Web Dynamic page
        Select Builder XML File page
        Driver Files page
      Generate Tables from Entities wizard
        Schema Generation
      Create New Association wizard
        Association Tables
        Join Columns
        Association Cardinality
    Property pages
      JPA Details view (for entities)
        Mapped Superclass
        Attribute Overrides
        Primary Key Generation
        Secondary tables
      JPA Details view (for attributes)
        Basic Mapping
        Element Collection Mapping
        Embedded Mapping
        Embedded ID Mapping
        ID Mapping
        Many-to-Many Mapping
        Many-to-One Mapping
        One-to-Many Mapping
        One-to-One Mapping
        Version Mapping
        Type information
        Joining Strategy
        Derived Identity
        Primary Key Generation information
      JPA Details view (for orm.xml)
        Entity Mappings
        Persistence Unit
      JPA Structure view
      persistence.xml Editor
        Schema Generation
      Java Persistence Preferences page - JPA
      Java Persistence Preferences page - Errors/Warnings
      Project Properties page - JPA
      Project Properties page - EclipseLink
      Project Properties page - Entity Generation
      Project Properties page - Errors/Warnings
      Project Properties page - JAXB Options
      Project Properties page - Schemas
      Edit Join Columns dialog
      Add Join Column dialog
      Select Cascade dialog
      New EclipseLink Mapping File dialog
      Add Converter dialog
      Mapping Type Selection dialog
      JPA Metadata Conversion dialog
      Make Persistent dialog
      Add Query dialog
      Add Primary Key Join Column dialog
      Add Schema Location dialog
      Select Schema Location dialog
      Add Virtual Attribute dialog
    JPA Development perspective
    Icons and buttons
    Dali developer documentation
  Tips and tricks
Data Tools Platform Plug-in Developer Guide
  Data Tools Platform Help-Helper Documentation
    Overview of DTP Help-Helper Plug-in
    Introduction to Context-Sensitive Help
      Static vs. Dynamic Help Contexts
      Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help
      Help Context Abstraction
    DTP Help-Helper
      Help Keys
      Context Provider Delegate
    Context-Sensitive Help UI Implementation
      View Implementation Example
      Dialog Implementation Example
      helpKey Constants Interface Class
    helpKey Properties Files
      helpKey Properties File Names
    Context-Sensitive Help UA Plug-ins
      Eclipse Context XML Files Extension
      helpKey Properties Files Extension
      Context-Sensitive Help Plug-in IDs
    Team Responsibilities and Collaboration
      Development Team Responsibilities
      Documentation Team Responsibilities
    Documentation Team Workflow
      Help Context IDs
      Help Search Expressions
      Context-Sensitive Help Plug-ins with DITA
        UI Plug-ins Associated with Help Contexts
        Related Topics Associated with Help Contexts
        Context-Specific Help Content
    Test Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help
      Test Objectives
      Test Procedures
      Plug-in Spy
      Debug Mode
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
  Data Tools Platform Help-Helper Documentation
    Overview of DTP Help-Helper Plug-in
    Introduction to Context-Sensitive Help
      Static vs. Dynamic Help Contexts
      Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help
      Help Context Abstraction
    DTP Help-Helper
      Help Keys
      Context Provider Delegate
    Context-Sensitive Help UI Implementation
      View Implementation Example
      Dialog Implementation Example
      helpKey Constants Interface Class
    helpKey Properties Files
      helpKey Properties File Names
    Context-Sensitive Help UA Plug-ins
      Eclipse Context XML Files Extension
      helpKey Properties Files Extension
      Context-Sensitive Help Plug-in IDs
    Team Responsibilities and Collaboration
      Development Team Responsibilities
      Documentation Team Responsibilities
    Documentation Team Workflow
      Help Context IDs
      Help Search Expressions
      Context-Sensitive Help Plug-ins with DITA
        UI Plug-ins Associated with Help Contexts
        Related Topics Associated with Help Contexts
        Context-Specific Help Content
    Test Dynamic Context-Sensitive Help
      Test Objectives
      Test Procedures
      Plug-in Spy
      Debug Mode
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
Data Tools Platform User Documentation
  Data Tools Platform
    Model Base
    SQL Development Tools
  Apache Derby Tutorial
    Apache Derby Tutorial Prerequisites
    Creating a Driver Definition for Apache Derby
    Creating an Apache Derby Connection Profile
    Connecting to Apache Derby
    Running a Stored Procedure
    Creating and Executing a SQL Query
  Data Source Explorer View
  Label Decorations Preferences
  Setting Connectivity Preferences
    Database Connection Profile Preferences
    Driver Definitions
  Creating a Connection Profile
    Creating a Database Connection Profile
    Refreshing a Connection Profile
    Renaming a Connection Profile
    Deleting a Connection Profile
    Testing a Connection Profile
    Importing a Connection Profile
    Exporting a Connection Profile
    Editing Connection Profile Properties
      Common Properties
      Default Schema Filter Properties
      Default Stored Procedure Filter Properties
      Default Table Filter Properties
      JDBC or Driver Connection Properties
      Derby Connection Properties
      Version Properties
      Console Editor Application
  Creating a Driver Definition
    Editing a Driver Definition
  Setting SQL Development Preferences
    Execution Plan View Options Preferences
    Database Development General Preferences
    SQL Editor Preferences
      Code Assist Preferences
      SQL Files/Scrapbooks Preferences
      Syntax Coloring Preferences
      Templates Preferences
    SQL Query Builder Preferences
    SQL Results View Options Preferences
      Export Format Options Preferences
      History Options Preferences
      Result Set Viewer Preferences
  SQL Query Builder
    Creating a SELECT Statement
      Creating a FULLSELECT (UNION) Statement
      Creating a WITH Statement
      Creating Joins
    Creating an INSERT Statement From a Values Set
    Creating an INSERT Statement From a Subquery
    Creating an UPDATE Statement
    Creating a DELETE Statement
    Building Expressions
      Expression Types
    Editing a SQL Statement
    Running the SQL Statement Code
  Creating a SQL File
    SQL File Editor
    SQL Scrapbook
    Editing a SQL File
    Opening a SQL File
    Saving a SQL File
  Executing a SQL Statement
  Running an Ad Hoc SQL Statement
  Executing a SQL File
  Running a Routine Object
    Creating a Launch Configuration for Routine Objects
    Routine Objects
  Generating DDL
  Viewing SQL Results
    SQL Results View
    Terminating Execution in SQL Results View
    Exporting SQL Execution Results
    Saving Execution Results to a Project
    Removing Results from SQL Results View
    Saving SQL Results History
    Filtering SQL Results History
  Data Tools Platform
    Model Base
    SQL Development Tools
  Apache Derby Tutorial
    Apache Derby Tutorial Prerequisites
    Creating a Driver Definition for Apache Derby
    Creating an Apache Derby Connection Profile
    Connecting to Apache Derby
    Running a Stored Procedure
    Creating and Executing a SQL Query
  Data Source Explorer View
  Label Decorations Preferences
  Setting Connectivity Preferences
    Database Connection Profile Preferences
    Driver Definitions
  Creating a Connection Profile
    Creating a Database Connection Profile
    Refreshing a Connection Profile
    Renaming a Connection Profile
    Deleting a Connection Profile
    Testing a Connection Profile
    Importing a Connection Profile
    Exporting a Connection Profile
    Editing Connection Profile Properties
      Common Properties
      Default Schema Filter Properties
      Default Stored Procedure Filter Properties
      Default Table Filter Properties
      JDBC or Driver Connection Properties
      Derby Connection Properties
      Version Properties
      Console Editor Application
  Creating a Driver Definition
    Editing a Driver Definition
  Setting SQL Development Preferences
    Execution Plan View Options Preferences
    Database Development General Preferences
    SQL Editor Preferences
      Code Assist Preferences
      SQL Files/Scrapbooks Preferences
      Syntax Coloring Preferences
      Templates Preferences
    SQL Query Builder Preferences
    SQL Results View Options Preferences
      Export Format Options Preferences
      History Options Preferences
      Result Set Viewer Preferences
  SQL Query Builder
    Creating a SELECT Statement
      Creating a FULLSELECT (UNION) Statement
      Creating a WITH Statement
      Creating Joins
    Creating an INSERT Statement From a Values Set
    Creating an INSERT Statement From a Subquery
    Creating an UPDATE Statement
    Creating a DELETE Statement
    Building Expressions
      Expression Types
    Editing a SQL Statement
    Running the SQL Statement Code
  Creating a SQL File
    SQL File Editor
    SQL Scrapbook
    Editing a SQL File
    Opening a SQL File
    Saving a SQL File
  Executing a SQL Statement
  Running an Ad Hoc SQL Statement
  Executing a SQL File
  Running a Routine Object
    Creating a Launch Configuration for Routine Objects
    Routine Objects
  Generating DDL
  Viewing SQL Results
    SQL Results View
    Terminating Execution in SQL Results View
    Exporting SQL Execution Results
    Saving Execution Results to a Project
    Removing Results from SQL Results View
    Saving SQL Results History
    Filtering SQL Results History
ECF OSGi Remote Services Developer Guide
  New and Noteworthy
  Download and Install
  OSGi Remote Services
    Tutorials and Getting Started
      Building your first OSGi Remote Service
      Using Java8's CompletableFuture for Non-blocking Remote Services
      Building your first Asynchronous OSGi Remote Service
      OSGi Remote Services for the Raspberry Pi
      Creating a RESTful Remote Service Provider
      Getting Started with OSGi Remote Services
      OSGi Remote Services and ECF
    Download and Install into Eclipse or Apache Karaf
      Download and Install into Eclipse
      Install into Apache Karaf
      Install and run Timeline Tutorial in Apache Karaf
    Java8's CompletableFuture for Non-blocking Remote Services
    Asynchronous/Non-Blocking Remote Services
    File-based Discovery of Remote Services
    Distributed EventAdmin Service
    Tracing Options for Remote Services
    Discovery and Distribution Provider Configuration Properties
      OSGi Remote Services API
        ECF Core API



        Discovery API
        Remote Service/Distribution Provider API


        Remote Service Admin API

        Distributed EventAdmin API
      All API
    Project Homepage
    Mailing List
    Recent Presentations
      Democamp presentation by committer Markus Kuppe
      Discover OSGi Remote Services
      Fun with OSGi Remote Services
    Reference Documentation
        OSGi Remote Services API
          ECF Core API
          Discovery API
          Remote Service/Distribution Provider API
          Remote Service Admin API
          Distributed EventAdmin API
        All API



















      Extension Points
  New and Noteworthy
  Download and Install
  OSGi Remote Services
    Tutorials and Getting Started
      Building your first OSGi Remote Service
      Using Java8's CompletableFuture for Non-blocking Remote Services
      Building your first Asynchronous OSGi Remote Service
      OSGi Remote Services for the Raspberry Pi
      Creating a RESTful Remote Service Provider
      Getting Started with OSGi Remote Services
      OSGi Remote Services and ECF
    Download and Install into Eclipse or Apache Karaf
      Download and Install into Eclipse
      Install into Apache Karaf
      Install and run Timeline Tutorial in Apache Karaf
    Java8's CompletableFuture for Non-blocking Remote Services
    Asynchronous/Non-Blocking Remote Services
    File-based Discovery of Remote Services
    Distributed EventAdmin Service
    Tracing Options for Remote Services
    Discovery and Distribution Provider Configuration Properties
      OSGi Remote Services API
        ECF Core API



        Discovery API
        Remote Service/Distribution Provider API


        Remote Service Admin API

        Distributed EventAdmin API
      All API
    Project Homepage
    Mailing List
    Recent Presentations
      Democamp presentation by committer Markus Kuppe
      Discover OSGi Remote Services
      Fun with OSGi Remote Services
    Reference Documentation
        OSGi Remote Services API
          ECF Core API
          Discovery API
          Remote Service/Distribution Provider API
          Remote Service Admin API
          Distributed EventAdmin API
        All API



















      Extension Points
EGit Documentation
  EGit User Guide
    Getting Started
      Basic Tutorial: Adding a project to version control
          Identifying yourself
          Setting up the Home Directory on Windows
          Pointing out the System wide configuration
        Create Repository
        Track Changes
        Inspect History
      GitHub Tutorial
        Create Local Repository
        Create Repository at GitHub
        Eclipse SSH Configuration
        Push Upstream
      EclipseCon 2012 Git Tutorial
        Local Branches
        Remote Tracking Branches
      Working Directory
      Recording Changes in the Repository
      Creating Repositories
        Considerations for Git Repositories to be used in Eclipse
          The short story
          The longer story
            Eclipse Workspace and Repository working directory
        Creating a new empty Git Repository
        Creating a Git Repository for multiple Projects
      Starting from existing Git Repositories
        Starting the import wizard
        Cloning or adding Repositories
          Cloning a Repository
          Adding a Repository
        Selecting a Repository from the List
        Importing projects
        Wizard for project import
          Import Existing Projects
            Limiting the Scope for Project Import
          Use the New Projects Wizard
          Import as General Project
      Working with remote Repositories
        Cloning Remote Repositories
          Repository Selection
          Branch Selection
          Local Destination
          Cloning from specific locations
        Pushing to other Repositories
          Pushing to upstream
            Configuring upstream push
          Direct Push
          Push Wizard
            Push URI
            Push Ref Specifications
            Delete Ref Specifications
            Conflicting Push Ref Specifications
            Push Confirmation
            Push Result Report
        Fetching from other Repositories
          Fetching from upstream
            Configuring fetch from upstream
          Direct Fetch
          Fetch Wizard
            Fetch Ref Specifications
            Fetch Result Report
        Pulling New Changes from Upstream Branch
      Working with Gerrit
        Enabling Gerrit for a repository
        Pushing a change to a Gerrit Code Review Server
        Fetching a change from a Gerrit Code Review Server
      Inspecting the state of the Repository
        Label Decorations
          Text Decorations
          Icon Decorations
        Commit Dialog
        Comparing Content
          Compare editor and Synchronize View
          Compare working tree with last commit
          Comparing Working Tree with Index
          Comparing Working Tree with a branch, a tag or a reference
          Comparing Working Tree with Any Commit
            From the project explorer:
            From the history view (files only):
          Comparing Two Commits
          Comparing Index with HEAD or Any Other Commit
        Comparing with Branches (Synchronize)
        Inspecting Commits
          View Diff for a Commit
          Showing the contents of a Commit
      Committing Changes
        Modifying the content
          Committing with the Staging View
          Committing using Commit Dialog
          Commit Message
          Amending Commits
      Reverting Changes
        Reverting changes in the working tree
          Replace with File in Git Index
          Replace with HEAD
          Replace with Branch, Tag or Reference
          Replace with Commit
          Replace with Previous Revision
        Revert using quickdiff
        Reverting changes introduced by a specific commit
        Resetting your current HEAD
          Reset to specific branch or tag
          Reset to a specific commit
          Revert all local and staged changes
        General remarks about branches
          Upstream configuration
        Checking out an existing Branch
          From the team menu on a project node:
          From the Git Repositories View
          From the History View
        Creating a New Local Branch
          From the team menu
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Renaming an Existing Branch
          From the Team menu on a Project node
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Deleting a Branch
          From the Team Menu on a Project node
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Branch Creation Dialog
        Merging a branch or a tag into the current branch
          Starting merge from the History View
          Starting merge from the Team menu
          Starting merge from the Git Repositories View
          Merge options
          Possible merge results
            Merge Result dialog
        Resolving a merge conflict
          Using Merge Tool
          Manual conflict resolution
          Finding conflicting files
          Editing conflicting files
          Adding conflict resolution to the git index
          Committing a merge
        Aborting Merge
        Rebase Introduction
        Rebase, A Simple Example
        The Real World: Rebase Conflicts
        Starting Rebase
        Rebase Confirmation Dialog
        Rebase Conflicts
        Aborting Rebase
      Interactive Rebase
        Starting interactive rebase
        Planning rebase
        Executing interactive rebase
        Safety Instructions
        Rebase with auto-stashing
      Cherry Picking
        Cherry-pick Introduction
        Cherry-pick Example
        Creating a Tag
        Replacing an Existing Tag
        Deletion of tags
        Light-weight and Signed Tags
        Creating Patches
          Create a Patch from a Commit
          Patch Wizard
        Applying Patches
      Managing Repositories
        Adding Repositories to the Git Repositories View
          Adding a Repository manually
          Cloning a Repository
          Creating a Repository
          Adding a Repository using Copy and Paste
        Removing Repositories
          Removing a Repository from the Repositories View
          Deleting a Repository
        Structure of the Git Repositories View
        Functions of the Git Repositories View
          Project Import
          Branch and Tag Support
            Check-out of Branches and Tags
            Creation and Deletion of Branches
            Merging a Branch or a Tag
            Synchronizing with a Branch or a Tag
            Determining the Checked-out Branch
            Resetting to a Branch or a Tag
            "Detached" HEAD
          Inspecting References
          Browsing the Working Directory
          Repository Configuration
          Remote Repositories
            Direct Fetch and Push Support
            Adding a Remote Configuration
            Changing Remote Configurations
            Gerrit Configuration
        Link with Selection
        Link with Editor
        Hierarchical Branch Layout
        Bare Repositories
        Removing Repositories from the Git Repositories View
        Showing Repository in Related Views
          Show in History
          Show in Reflog
          Show in Properties
      Working with Tasks
        Commit Message Template
      Viewing Commits
        Tagging a commit
        Creating a branch from a commit
        Checking out a commit
        Cherry picking a commit
        Opening the commit viewer
      Searching for commits
        Git Search page
        Browsing Search Results
        Launching Git Search
        Open commit dialog
      Finding the author of each line in a file
      Working with Submodules
        Cloning Repositories with Submodules
        Browsing Submodules
        Adding a Submodule
        Updating Submodules
      Team Project Sets
        Project Context Menu
        Resource Context Menu
        Repositories View Menus
        History View Menus
        Git Workbench Toolbar and Git Workbench Menu
        Menu Actions
      Git Perspective and Views
        Git Perspective
        Git Repositories View
        History View
          Opening the History View
          Organization of the History View
          Using the History View
            Inspecting the Commit Graph
            Displaying and Comparing versions of a File
            Working with the Filter Settings
          Toolbar actions
            Filter settings
            Compare Mode
            All Branches
          View Menu actions
            Configuring the View
          Context Menu actions
            Compare with working tree
            Compare with each other
            Create Branch...
            Delete Branch
            Create Tag...
            Create Patch...
            Cherry Pick
            Revert Commit
            Rebase on top of
            Reset " Soft/Mixed/Hard
            Quickdiff " Reset Quickdiff Basline to HEAD
            Quickdiff " Reset Quickdiff Basline to first parent of HEAD
            Quickdiff " Set as Baseline
            Show Revision Comment
            Show Revision Details
            Wrap Comments
            Fill Paragraphs
          Drag and Drop Support
          Working with the Revision Details Area
        Synchronize View
          Synchronization State
        Git Tree Compare View
        Git Staging View
          Partial Staging
        Git Reflog View
      Git URLs
      Git References
        Push Refspecs
        Fetch Refspecs
      Git Ignore
      Git Fetch Factory for PDE Build
    Updating This Document
  JGit User Guide
    Getting Started
      Taking JGit for a Spin
        Building the JGit CLI
        Running the JGit CLI
          Inspecting the Repository
          Graphical History View
        Git Objects
      Porcelain API
        AddCommand (git-add)
        CommitCommand (git-commit)
        TagCommand (git-tag)
        LogCommand (git-log)
        MergeCommand (git-merge)
      Ant Tasks
      Finding children of a commit
      Snippet Collection
    Advanced Topics
      Reducing memory usage with RevWalk
        Restrict the walked revision graph
        Discard the body of a commit
        Subclassing RevWalk and RevCommit
        Cleaning up after a revision walk
    Updating This Document
  EGit 3.4 New and Noteworthy
      Usability Improvements
      Performance Improvements
      Build and Release Engineering
    Bug Fixes
    Updating This Document
  JGit 3.4 New and Noteworthy
      Command Line
      Performance Improvements
      Build and Release Engineering
    Bug Fixes
    Updating This Document
  Git for Eclipse Users
    Centralised version control systems
    Distributed Version Control Systems
    How does it work?
    Changesets and branches
    Pulling and pushing
    Cloning and remotes
    Initialising, committing and branching
    Worked example
    Rebasing and fast-forwarding
    Updating This Document
  EGit User Guide
    Getting Started
      Basic Tutorial: Adding a project to version control
          Identifying yourself
          Setting up the Home Directory on Windows
          Pointing out the System wide configuration
        Create Repository
        Track Changes
        Inspect History
      GitHub Tutorial
        Create Local Repository
        Create Repository at GitHub
        Eclipse SSH Configuration
        Push Upstream
      EclipseCon 2012 Git Tutorial
        Local Branches
        Remote Tracking Branches
      Working Directory
      Recording Changes in the Repository
      Creating Repositories
        Considerations for Git Repositories to be used in Eclipse
          The short story
          The longer story
            Eclipse Workspace and Repository working directory
        Creating a new empty Git Repository
        Creating a Git Repository for multiple Projects
      Starting from existing Git Repositories
        Starting the import wizard
        Cloning or adding Repositories
          Cloning a Repository
          Adding a Repository
        Selecting a Repository from the List
        Importing projects
        Wizard for project import
          Import Existing Projects
            Limiting the Scope for Project Import
          Use the New Projects Wizard
          Import as General Project
      Working with remote Repositories
        Cloning Remote Repositories
          Repository Selection
          Branch Selection
          Local Destination
          Cloning from specific locations
        Pushing to other Repositories
          Pushing to upstream
            Configuring upstream push
          Direct Push
          Push Wizard
            Push URI
            Push Ref Specifications
            Delete Ref Specifications
            Conflicting Push Ref Specifications
            Push Confirmation
            Push Result Report
        Fetching from other Repositories
          Fetching from upstream
            Configuring fetch from upstream
          Direct Fetch
          Fetch Wizard
            Fetch Ref Specifications
            Fetch Result Report
        Pulling New Changes from Upstream Branch
      Working with Gerrit
        Enabling Gerrit for a repository
        Pushing a change to a Gerrit Code Review Server
        Fetching a change from a Gerrit Code Review Server
      Inspecting the state of the Repository
        Label Decorations
          Text Decorations
          Icon Decorations
        Commit Dialog
        Comparing Content
          Compare editor and Synchronize View
          Compare working tree with last commit
          Comparing Working Tree with Index
          Comparing Working Tree with a branch, a tag or a reference
          Comparing Working Tree with Any Commit
            From the project explorer:
            From the history view (files only):
          Comparing Two Commits
          Comparing Index with HEAD or Any Other Commit
        Comparing with Branches (Synchronize)
        Inspecting Commits
          View Diff for a Commit
          Showing the contents of a Commit
      Committing Changes
        Modifying the content
          Committing with the Staging View
          Committing using Commit Dialog
          Commit Message
          Amending Commits
      Reverting Changes
        Reverting changes in the working tree
          Replace with File in Git Index
          Replace with HEAD
          Replace with Branch, Tag or Reference
          Replace with Commit
          Replace with Previous Revision
        Revert using quickdiff
        Reverting changes introduced by a specific commit
        Resetting your current HEAD
          Reset to specific branch or tag
          Reset to a specific commit
          Revert all local and staged changes
        General remarks about branches
          Upstream configuration
        Checking out an existing Branch
          From the team menu on a project node:
          From the Git Repositories View
          From the History View
        Creating a New Local Branch
          From the team menu
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Renaming an Existing Branch
          From the Team menu on a Project node
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Deleting a Branch
          From the Team Menu on a Project node
          From the Repositories View
          From the History View
        Branch Creation Dialog
        Merging a branch or a tag into the current branch
          Starting merge from the History View
          Starting merge from the Team menu
          Starting merge from the Git Repositories View
          Merge options
          Possible merge results
            Merge Result dialog
        Resolving a merge conflict
          Using Merge Tool
          Manual conflict resolution
          Finding conflicting files
          Editing conflicting files
          Adding conflict resolution to the git index
          Committing a merge
        Aborting Merge
        Rebase Introduction
        Rebase, A Simple Example
        The Real World: Rebase Conflicts
        Starting Rebase
        Rebase Confirmation Dialog
        Rebase Conflicts
        Aborting Rebase
      Interactive Rebase
        Starting interactive rebase
        Planning rebase
        Executing interactive rebase
        Safety Instructions
        Rebase with auto-stashing
      Cherry Picking
        Cherry-pick Introduction
        Cherry-pick Example
        Creating a Tag
        Replacing an Existing Tag
        Deletion of tags
        Light-weight and Signed Tags
        Creating Patches
          Create a Patch from a Commit
          Patch Wizard
        Applying Patches
      Managing Repositories
        Adding Repositories to the Git Repositories View
          Adding a Repository manually
          Cloning a Repository
          Creating a Repository
          Adding a Repository using Copy and Paste
        Removing Repositories
          Removing a Repository from the Repositories View
          Deleting a Repository
        Structure of the Git Repositories View
        Functions of the Git Repositories View
          Project Import
          Branch and Tag Support
            Check-out of Branches and Tags
            Creation and Deletion of Branches
            Merging a Branch or a Tag
            Synchronizing with a Branch or a Tag
            Determining the Checked-out Branch
            Resetting to a Branch or a Tag
            "Detached" HEAD
          Inspecting References
          Browsing the Working Directory
          Repository Configuration
          Remote Repositories
            Direct Fetch and Push Support
            Adding a Remote Configuration
            Changing Remote Configurations
            Gerrit Configuration
        Link with Selection
        Link with Editor
        Hierarchical Branch Layout
        Bare Repositories
        Removing Repositories from the Git Repositories View
        Showing Repository in Related Views
          Show in History
          Show in Reflog
          Show in Properties
      Working with Tasks
        Commit Message Template
      Viewing Commits
        Tagging a commit
        Creating a branch from a commit
        Checking out a commit
        Cherry picking a commit
        Opening the commit viewer
      Searching for commits
        Git Search page
        Browsing Search Results
        Launching Git Search
        Open commit dialog
      Finding the author of each line in a file
      Working with Submodules
        Cloning Repositories with Submodules
        Browsing Submodules
        Adding a Submodule
        Updating Submodules
      Team Project Sets
        Project Context Menu
        Resource Context Menu
        Repositories View Menus
        History View Menus
        Git Workbench Toolbar and Git Workbench Menu
        Menu Actions
      Git Perspective and Views
        Git Perspective
        Git Repositories View
        History View
          Opening the History View
          Organization of the History View
          Using the History View
            Inspecting the Commit Graph
            Displaying and Comparing versions of a File
            Working with the Filter Settings
          Toolbar actions
            Filter settings
            Compare Mode
            All Branches
          View Menu actions
            Configuring the View
          Context Menu actions
            Compare with working tree
            Compare with each other
            Create Branch...
            Delete Branch
            Create Tag...
            Create Patch...
            Cherry Pick
            Revert Commit
            Rebase on top of
            Reset " Soft/Mixed/Hard
            Quickdiff " Reset Quickdiff Basline to HEAD
            Quickdiff " Reset Quickdiff Basline to first parent of HEAD
            Quickdiff " Set as Baseline
            Show Revision Comment
            Show Revision Details
            Wrap Comments
            Fill Paragraphs
          Drag and Drop Support
          Working with the Revision Details Area
        Synchronize View
          Synchronization State
        Git Tree Compare View
        Git Staging View
          Partial Staging
        Git Reflog View
      Git URLs
      Git References
        Push Refspecs
        Fetch Refspecs
      Git Ignore
      Git Fetch Factory for PDE Build
    Updating This Document
  JGit User Guide
    Getting Started
      Taking JGit for a Spin
        Building the JGit CLI
        Running the JGit CLI
          Inspecting the Repository
          Graphical History View
        Git Objects
      Porcelain API
        AddCommand (git-add)
        CommitCommand (git-commit)
        TagCommand (git-tag)
        LogCommand (git-log)
        MergeCommand (git-merge)
      Ant Tasks
      Finding children of a commit
      Snippet Collection
    Advanced Topics
      Reducing memory usage with RevWalk
        Restrict the walked revision graph
        Discard the body of a commit
        Subclassing RevWalk and RevCommit
        Cleaning up after a revision walk
    Updating This Document
  EGit 3.4 New and Noteworthy
      Usability Improvements
      Performance Improvements
      Build and Release Engineering
    Bug Fixes
    Updating This Document
  JGit 3.4 New and Noteworthy
      Command Line
      Performance Improvements
      Build and Release Engineering
    Bug Fixes
    Updating This Document
  Git for Eclipse Users
    Centralised version control systems
    Distributed Version Control Systems
    How does it work?
    Changesets and branches
    Pulling and pushing
    Cloning and remotes
    Initialising, committing and branching
    Worked example
    Rebasing and fast-forwarding
    Updating This Document
EGit GitHub Documentation
  Mylyn GitHub Connector User Guide
    Getting Started
      Issue Editor
      Gist Editor
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Updating This Document
  Mylyn GitHub Connector User Guide
    Getting Started
      Issue Editor
      Gist Editor
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
    Updating This Document
EMF Facet Documentation
  User Guide
    Table Widget
    General EMF Utilities
    Deprecated Components
      NatTable Widget (previous version)
  Developer Guide
    Table Widget
    General EMF Utilities
    API Reference
    Deprecated Components
      Model Browser
      NatTable Widget (previous version)
  Project Documents
    New and Noteworthy
    API use report
      API Use Report
    Simultaneous Release Tracker Required Documents
      API Policy
      Checking the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
      Ramp Down Policy
      Retention Policy
      Running Tests
      Test Report
      Metrics Report
  User Guide
    Table Widget
    General EMF Utilities
    Deprecated Components
      NatTable Widget (previous version)
  Developer Guide
    Table Widget
    General EMF Utilities
    API Reference
    Deprecated Components
      Model Browser
      NatTable Widget (previous version)
  Project Documents
    New and Noteworthy
    API use report
      API Use Report
    Simultaneous Release Tracker Required Documents
      API Policy
      Checking the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment
      Ramp Down Policy
      Retention Policy
      Running Tests
      Test Report
      Metrics Report
Fortran Development User Guide
  Basic Features
    Getting Started
    Starting a New Project
    Upgrading Projects Created with Earlier Versions of Photran
    Writing Code
    Compiling Fortran Programs
    Running and Debugging Fortran Programs
  Advanced Features
    Advanced Editing Features
    Search and Navigation
  Basic Features
    Getting Started
    Starting a New Project
    Upgrading Projects Created with Earlier Versions of Photran
    Writing Code
    Compiling Fortran Programs
    Running and Debugging Fortran Programs
  Advanced Features
    Advanced Editing Features
    Search and Navigation
GCov User Guide
  GCov Plug-in User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
    Opening gcov result
    Profiling Code Coverage
    Gcov main view
    Updating This Document
  GCov Plug-in User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
    Opening gcov result
    Profiling Code Coverage
    Gcov main view
    Updating This Document
GDB Tracepoint Analysis User Guide
  Getting Started
  GDB Trace Perspective
  Collecting Tracepoint Data
  Importing Tracepoint Data
    Creating a Tracing Project
    Importing a GDB Trace
    Selecting the GDB Trace Type
    Selecting the Trace Executable
  Visualizing Tracepoint Data
    Opening a GDB Trace
    Viewing Trace Data
    Navigating the GDB Trace
  Updating This Document
  Getting Started
  GDB Trace Perspective
  Collecting Tracepoint Data
  Importing Tracepoint Data
    Creating a Tracing Project
    Importing a GDB Trace
    Selecting the GDB Trace Type
    Selecting the Trace Executable
  Visualizing Tracepoint Data
    Opening a GDB Trace
    Viewing Trace Data
    Navigating the GDB Trace
  Updating This Document
GEF Developer Guide
  Programmer's Guide
      Hit Testing
      Connections and Routing
      Coordinate Systems
    GEF (MVC)
      When and Where to Use GEF
      Creating a Graphical View
      Editing and EditPolicies
      The EditPart Lifecycle
      Tools and the Palette
      Types of Interactions
    API Reference
      GEF (MVC)
  Programmer's Guide
      Hit Testing
      Connections and Routing
      Coordinate Systems
    GEF (MVC)
      When and Where to Use GEF
      Creating a Graphical View
      Editing and EditPolicies
      The EditPart Lifecycle
      Tools and the Palette
      Types of Interactions
    API Reference
      GEF (MVC)
GNU Tools On-line Documentation
GProf User Guide
  GProf User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
    Supported format
    Opening gmon.out
    Profiling Using GProf
    GProf View
    Updating This Document
  GProf User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
    Supported format
    Opening gmon.out
    Profiling Using GProf
    GProf View
    Updating This Document
Graphiti Developer Guide
    Graphiti Introduction
      Development of High-Quality Graphical Model Editors and Viewers
      Architecture and Basic Concepts
      Tasks of the Diagram Type Agent
    Scenario Description
    Plug-In Structure
      Add Feature
      Create Feature
      Update Feature
      Remove and Delete Feature
      Move Feature
      Resize Feature
      Layout Feature
      Custom Feature
      Add Connection Feature
        Create Connection Feature
        Connection Visualization
        Providing Reconnection Funcionality
      Direct Editing Feature
        Direct Editing Activation
      Copy and Paste Feature
    Tool Behavior Provider
      Context Buttons
      Context Menus
      Rendering Decorators
      Tool Tips
      Selection Behavior
    Property Sheet
      Default Attribute Values of Graphics Algorithms
    Color Schemas
    Polygon and Polyline
    User-defined Properties
    Dark Feature Processing
    Support for non-EMF Models
    Prepared Example Project
  Further Topics
    Analysing Issues
    Diagrams beyond Editors
    Chess Example
    Filesystem Example
    Diagram Composites
  Overview on Graphiti Tools
    New Graphiti Plug-in Project Wizard
    API Reference



    Extension Points Reference
  What's New
    Graphiti Introduction
      Development of High-Quality Graphical Model Editors and Viewers
      Architecture and Basic Concepts
      Tasks of the Diagram Type Agent
    Scenario Description
    Plug-In Structure
      Add Feature
      Create Feature
      Update Feature
      Remove and Delete Feature
      Move Feature
      Resize Feature
      Layout Feature
      Custom Feature
      Add Connection Feature
        Create Connection Feature
        Connection Visualization
        Providing Reconnection Funcionality
      Direct Editing Feature
        Direct Editing Activation
      Copy and Paste Feature
    Tool Behavior Provider
      Context Buttons
      Context Menus
      Rendering Decorators
      Tool Tips
      Selection Behavior
    Property Sheet
      Default Attribute Values of Graphics Algorithms
    Color Schemas
    Polygon and Polyline
    User-defined Properties
    Dark Feature Processing
    Support for non-EMF Models
    Prepared Example Project
  Further Topics
    Analysing Issues
    Diagrams beyond Editors
    Chess Example
    Filesystem Example
    Diagram Composites
  Overview on Graphiti Tools
    New Graphiti Plug-in Project Wizard
    API Reference



    Extension Points Reference
  What's New
JavaScript Development Guide
  JSDT Overview
  Getting Started
    Create an HTML Project
    Create a JavaScript Project
    Create a New JavaScript File
    Create a New HTML File
    Architecture Overview
    JSDT Features
    JSDT Known Limitations
    Add a Library to the Global Scope
    Configuring Source Folders
    Remove a Library From the Global Scope
    API Reference
          Common Tab
          Include Tab
          Main Tab
          Rhino Launch Shortcut
          Rhino Tab Group
          Source Tab
    Extension Points Reference
    Property Pages
    Menus and Actions
    Wizards and Dialogs
  JSDT Overview
  Getting Started
    Create an HTML Project
    Create a JavaScript Project
    Create a New JavaScript File
    Create a New HTML File
    Architecture Overview
    JSDT Features
    JSDT Known Limitations
    Add a Library to the Global Scope
    Configuring Source Folders
    Remove a Library From the Global Scope
    API Reference
          Common Tab
          Include Tab
          Main Tab
          Rhino Launch Shortcut
          Rhino Tab Group
          Source Tab
    Extension Points Reference
    Property Pages
    Menus and Actions
    Wizards and Dialogs
JavaServer Faces Tooling Developer Guide
  Programmer's Guide
    Contributing JSP Source Page Editing Services for a Tag Library
      Design-time Meta-data Framework
      Using Meta-Data for Providing Source Editing Services
    JSF Expression Language Tooling
      Using Context Resolvers
      Contributing EL Variables
      The Design Time Application Manager
    Design-Time Tag Metadata Operations
    WTP JSF Home Page
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    WTP JSF Home Page
    Supplying Tag Library Metadata for Apache MyFaces Tomahawk - Part One
    Implementing a New Tag-Based EL Variable Contributor for JSP
    Providing Design-Time Tag Metadata
    WTP JSF Home Page
  Programmer's Guide
    Contributing JSP Source Page Editing Services for a Tag Library
      Design-time Meta-data Framework
      Using Meta-Data for Providing Source Editing Services
    JSF Expression Language Tooling
      Using Context Resolvers
      Contributing EL Variables
      The Design Time Application Manager
    Design-Time Tag Metadata Operations
    WTP JSF Home Page
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
    WTP JSF Home Page
    Supplying Tag Library Metadata for Apache MyFaces Tomahawk - Part One
    Implementing a New Tag-Based EL Variable Contributor for JSP
    Providing Design-Time Tag Metadata
    WTP JSF Home Page
JavaServer Faces Tooling User Guide
  Getting Started
    JSF Tools Tutorial - JSF 2.0
    JSF Tools Tutorial - JSF 1.2
    Web Page Editor
    Apache MyFaces Trinidad - Initial Setup Guide
    JavaServer Faces Specification
    JSF Facets
      What happens during facet install?
      What happens during facet un-install?
    JSF Libraries
    JSP JSF Source Page Editing Tools
      Content Assist
    JSF Application Configuration
    JSF Tag Registry
    JSF Component Tree
    Creating New JSF Projects
    Adding JSF Facet to Existing projects
    Creating JSF JSP Pages
    Creating Managed Beans
    Creating Navigation Rules
      Defining Link Properties
      Testing Linked Pages
    Configuring Faces Config File
      Adding a Component
      Adding a RenderKit
      Adding a Converter
      Adding a Validator
      Adding an Action Listener
      Adding a Default RenderKit ID
      Adding Locale Configuration
      Adding a Message Bundle
      Adding a Navigation Handler
      Adding a Property Resolver
      Adding a State Manager
      Adding a Variable Resolver
      Adding a View Handler
      Adding an Application Factory
      Adding a Faces Context Factory
      Adding a Lifecycle Factory
      Adding a RenderKit Factory
      Adding a Phase Listener
    Validating JSF Applications
      Changing EL Validation Preferences
    Executing JSF Pages
    Migrating JSF Libraries
    Tag Library Support in the JSP Source Editor
      JSF Core
      JSF HTML
    JSF Library Management
    JSF Design-Time Skinning Support
  New and Noteworthy
  Getting Started
    JSF Tools Tutorial - JSF 2.0
    JSF Tools Tutorial - JSF 1.2
    Web Page Editor
    Apache MyFaces Trinidad - Initial Setup Guide
    JavaServer Faces Specification
    JSF Facets
      What happens during facet install?
      What happens during facet un-install?
    JSF Libraries
    JSP JSF Source Page Editing Tools
      Content Assist
    JSF Application Configuration
    JSF Tag Registry
    JSF Component Tree
    Creating New JSF Projects
    Adding JSF Facet to Existing projects
    Creating JSF JSP Pages
    Creating Managed Beans
    Creating Navigation Rules
      Defining Link Properties
      Testing Linked Pages
    Configuring Faces Config File
      Adding a Component
      Adding a RenderKit
      Adding a Converter
      Adding a Validator
      Adding an Action Listener
      Adding a Default RenderKit ID
      Adding Locale Configuration
      Adding a Message Bundle
      Adding a Navigation Handler
      Adding a Property Resolver
      Adding a State Manager
      Adding a Variable Resolver
      Adding a View Handler
      Adding an Application Factory
      Adding a Faces Context Factory
      Adding a Lifecycle Factory
      Adding a RenderKit Factory
      Adding a Phase Listener
    Validating JSF Applications
      Changing EL Validation Preferences
    Executing JSF Pages
    Migrating JSF Libraries
    Tag Library Support in the JSP Source Editor
      JSF Core
      JSF HTML
    JSF Library Management
    JSF Design-Time Skinning Support
  New and Noteworthy
JAX-WS Tools User Guide
  Getting Started
    Requirements and Installation
    Quick Start
    Java API for XML-Based Web Services
    Create a project for CXF Web services
      Install the CXF Project Facet
      Manage the exporting of CXF libraries during deployment
      Enable JAX-WS Annotation Processing
    Create a Web Service from a Java implementation bean using Apache CXF
    Generate an SEI and a skeleton implementation bean from a WSDL document using Apache CXF
    Generate a JAX-WS Web Service Client from a WSDL document using Apache CXF
    Creating Web services and clients using Apache CXF and Ant tasks
      Creating a Web service using Ant tasks
        Top-down CXF Web service Ant task properties file reference
        Bottom-up CXF Web service Ant task properties file reference
      Creating a Web service client using Ant tasks
        CXF Web service client Ant task properties file reference
      Using the Ant Tasks at the Command Line
    Create a JAX-WS Handler
      Endpoint Config
      Server and runtime
    CXF Project Facet
    Annotation Validation
    Annotation Properties View
    Developer Documentation
      API Reference
        JAX-WS DOM API Reference

        Annotations Framework API Reference

        Utility Classes

      Extension Points Reference
        Annotations Framework Extension Points Reference

        JAX-WS DOM Extension Points Reference

  Tips and tricks
  Getting Started
    Requirements and Installation
    Quick Start
    Java API for XML-Based Web Services
    Create a project for CXF Web services
      Install the CXF Project Facet
      Manage the exporting of CXF libraries during deployment
      Enable JAX-WS Annotation Processing
    Create a Web Service from a Java implementation bean using Apache CXF
    Generate an SEI and a skeleton implementation bean from a WSDL document using Apache CXF
    Generate a JAX-WS Web Service Client from a WSDL document using Apache CXF
    Creating Web services and clients using Apache CXF and Ant tasks
      Creating a Web service using Ant tasks
        Top-down CXF Web service Ant task properties file reference
        Bottom-up CXF Web service Ant task properties file reference
      Creating a Web service client using Ant tasks
        CXF Web service client Ant task properties file reference
      Using the Ant Tasks at the Command Line
    Create a JAX-WS Handler
      Endpoint Config
      Server and runtime
    CXF Project Facet
    Annotation Validation
    Annotation Properties View
    Developer Documentation
      API Reference
        JAX-WS DOM API Reference

        Annotations Framework API Reference

        Utility Classes

      Extension Points Reference
        Annotations Framework Extension Points Reference

        JAX-WS DOM Extension Points Reference

  Tips and tricks
JPA Diagram Editor Project User Guide
  Getting Started
    Create new JPA project
    Configuring the JPA Diagram Editor
    Creating and Displaying Persistent Types
    Managing Entity Inheritance
    Defining and Removing Relationships between Entities
    Managing Persistent Types
    Refactoring, Configuring and Removing Persistent Types
    Opening the Miniature View and the JPA Details View
    Defining Persistent Types in orm.xml
    JPA Diagram Editor Support for JPA 2.0
      Embedding an Embeddable
      Adding Attribute of Type element-collection
      Defining and Removing Relationships between Embeddables and Entities
      Derived Identifiers
    Property Page - JPA Diagram Editor Options
  Getting Started
    Create new JPA project
    Configuring the JPA Diagram Editor
    Creating and Displaying Persistent Types
    Managing Entity Inheritance
    Defining and Removing Relationships between Entities
    Managing Persistent Types
    Refactoring, Configuring and Removing Persistent Types
    Opening the Miniature View and the JPA Details View
    Defining Persistent Types in orm.xml
    JPA Diagram Editor Support for JPA 2.0
      Embedding an Embeddable
      Adding Attribute of Type element-collection
      Defining and Removing Relationships between Embeddables and Entities
      Derived Identifiers
    Property Page - JPA Diagram Editor Options
Jubula Reference Manual
  1. Introduction
  2. Shortcuts
  3. Using Wildcards for Text Verification
  4. Components, Actions, and Parameters
    4.1 abstract Toolkit
      4.1.1 Button Component
      4.1.2 Component with Text
      4.1.3 Component with Text Input
      4.1.4 Graphics Component
    4.2 concrete Toolkit
      4.2.1 Application
      4.2.2 Button Component
      4.2.3 Combo Component
      4.2.4 Label
      4.2.5 List
      4.2.6 Menu Bar
      4.2.7 Tabbed Component
      4.2.8 Table
      4.2.9 Text Component
      4.2.10 Tree
    4.3 gef Toolkit
      4.3.1 Figure Canvas
    4.4 html Toolkit
      4.4.1 Browser
      4.4.2 HTML Hyperlink
    4.5 rcp Toolkit
    4.6 swing Toolkit
    4.7 swt Toolkit
      4.7.1 (SWT) Tree
      4.7.2 Toolbar Item
      4.7.3 Tree Table
  5. Constants for lists, combo boxes, trees and menus
    5.1 Parameters which use Indices
  6. Overview of Components
  7. Using Relative Paths
  8. Special characters
    8.1 Verbatim text symbol
    8.2 General special characters
    8.3 Symbols with special meanings for certain parameters
  9. Language Codes
  10. Keyboard layout files
    10.1 Creating a keyboard layout file
  11. Debugging
    11.1 Remote Debugging
      11.1.1 Configuring Eclipse for remote debugging
  1. Introduction
  2. Shortcuts
  3. Using Wildcards for Text Verification
  4. Components, Actions, and Parameters
    4.1 abstract Toolkit
      4.1.1 Button Component
      4.1.2 Component with Text
      4.1.3 Component with Text Input
      4.1.4 Graphics Component
    4.2 concrete Toolkit
      4.2.1 Application
      4.2.2 Button Component
      4.2.3 Combo Component
      4.2.4 Label
      4.2.5 List
      4.2.6 Menu Bar
      4.2.7 Tabbed Component
      4.2.8 Table
      4.2.9 Text Component
      4.2.10 Tree
    4.3 gef Toolkit
      4.3.1 Figure Canvas
    4.4 html Toolkit
      4.4.1 Browser
      4.4.2 HTML Hyperlink
    4.5 rcp Toolkit
    4.6 swing Toolkit
    4.7 swt Toolkit
      4.7.1 (SWT) Tree
      4.7.2 Toolbar Item
      4.7.3 Tree Table
  5. Constants for lists, combo boxes, trees and menus
    5.1 Parameters which use Indices
  6. Overview of Components
  7. Using Relative Paths
  8. Special characters
    8.1 Verbatim text symbol
    8.2 General special characters
    8.3 Symbols with special meanings for certain parameters
  9. Language Codes
  10. Keyboard layout files
    10.1 Creating a keyboard layout file
  11. Debugging
    11.1 Remote Debugging
      11.1.1 Configuring Eclipse for remote debugging
Jubula User Manual
  1. Introduction
    1.1 Comparison to other testing approaches
      1.1.1 Manual Tests
      1.1.2 Programmed Tests
      1.1.3 Recorded Tests
      1.1.4 Our approach
      1.1.5 Early test creation
      1.1.6 Code-free automation
      1.1.7 Manual tester intelligence
    1.2 How to read this manual
      1.2.1 Layout
      1.2.2 Conventions Used
  2. Samples: example tests
    2.1 Accessing the prepared Project
    2.2 The structure of the example Project
      2.2.1 The reused Projects
      2.2.2 The categories
    2.3 Adder Tests
      2.3.1 Sample 1: using the Swing Simple Adder
      2.3.2 Sample 2: using the SWT Simple Adder
      2.3.3 Sample 3: using the HTML Simple Adder
      2.3.4 Sample 4: using the JavaFX Simple Adder
    2.4 DVD Tool Tests
      2.4.1 Sample 2.1: testing the menu bar and dialog boxes
      2.4.2 Sample 2.2: testing trees
      2.4.3 Sample 2.3: testing tables
      2.4.4 Sample 2.4: testing tabbed panes, lists, combo boxes
  3. Tasks
    3.1 Starting and connecting to the AUT Agent
      3.1.1 Starting the AUT Agent
      3.1.2 Connecting to the AUT Agent
    3.2 Starting the Integrated Test Environment (ITE )
      3.2.1 Windows Users
      3.2.2 Unix Users
      3.2.3 Choosing a workspace
      3.2.4 Restarting the ITE
      3.2.5 Help system
      3.2.6 Working with the AUT Agent and client on one machine
    3.3 Logging into and switching databases
      3.3.1 Logging in to the Database
      3.3.2 Selecting and changing the Database connection
    3.4 Migrating to newer versions
    3.5 Working with Projects
      3.5.1 Creating a new Project
      3.5.2 Editing the Project and AUT properties
      3.5.3 Reusing (referencing) whole Projects in a Project
      3.5.4 Opening Projects
      3.5.5 Refreshing Projects
      3.5.6 Deleting Projects
      3.5.7 Saving a Project as a new Project
      3.5.8 Importing Projects
      3.5.9 Exporting Projects
      3.5.10 Versioning Projects
      3.5.11 Tracking changes in a Project
    3.6 Defining applications under test (AUT's )
    3.7 Starting and configuring AUT's
      3.7.1 Configuring AUT's to be started from the ITE
      3.7.2 Basic information required for every AUT configuration
      3.7.3 Using a working directory in an AUT configuration
      3.7.4 Starting Java AUT's (Swing, SWT/RCP/GEF)
      3.7.5 Starting JavaFX AUT's
      3.7.6 Starting Web AUT's (HTML)
      3.7.7 Starting Win AUT's (.NET, WPF)
      3.7.8 Starting iOS AUT's
      3.7.9 Starting other AUT's
    3.8 Working with browsers: renaming, deleting, using IDs, multiple browsers
      3.8.1 Renaming items in browsers
      3.8.2 Deleting items from browsers
      3.8.3 Working with IDs for Test Cases and Test Suites
      3.8.4 Opening the Test Case Browser multiple times
      3.8.5 Opening the task editor for items in browsers
    3.9 Working with editors: opening, adding/deleting/renaming items, commenting, extracting and replacing, reverting changes
      3.9.1 Opening items in editors
      3.9.2 Adding items to editors
      3.9.3 Deleting items from editors
      3.9.4 Renaming items in editors
      3.9.5 Adding comments to items in editors
      3.9.6 Adding Task IDs to items in editors
      3.9.7 Commenting out items in editors
      3.9.8 Extracting Test Cases from editors: Refactoring
      3.9.9 Replacing Test Cases in editors: Refactoring
      3.9.10 Saving Test Cases from an editor as a new Test Case
      3.9.11 Reverting changes in an editor
    3.10 Working with categories in the browsers and editors
      3.10.1 Creating a category
      3.10.2 Creating Test Cases , Test Suites and Test Jobs in an existing category
      3.10.3 Adding comments to categories
    3.11 Working with Test Cases
      3.11.1 Creating Test Cases
      3.11.2 Creating tests from the library of pre-defined Test Cases
      3.11.3 Opening existing Test Cases
      3.11.4 Editing Test Cases
      3.11.5 Adding and inserting new Test Cases to a Test Case
      3.11.6 Moving Test Cases to external Projects
      3.11.7 Replacing a specific Test Case at places where it has been reused
    3.12 Working with test data
      3.12.1 Data types and entering data for Test Cases
      3.12.2 Entering concrete values as data in Test Cases
      3.12.3 Using references for data in Test Cases
      3.12.4 Using the edit parameters dialog to add, edit and delete references
      3.12.5 Using variables as data for Test Cases
      3.12.6 Using functions as data for Test Cases
      3.12.7 Concatenating (combining) parameters
      3.12.8 Viewing and changing data sources for Test Cases
      3.12.9 Using central data sets
      3.12.10 Using an Excel file as an external data source
      3.12.11 Using the Data Sets View to enter data loops and to translate data
      3.12.12 Special parameters: empty strings and the escape character
      3.12.13 Overwriting data for Test Cases and Test Suites
    3.13 Working with component names
      3.13.1 Creating new component names
      3.13.2 Entering and reassigning component names in the Component Names View
      3.13.3 Renaming component names
      3.13.4 Propagating component names
      3.13.5 No component type exists message in Component Names View
      3.13.6 Merging component names
      3.13.7 Deleting unused component names
      3.13.8 Understanding the component hierarchy
    3.14 Working with Test Suites
      3.14.1 Creating a Test Suite
      3.14.2 Configuring Test Suites in the Properties View
    3.15 Working with Test Jobs to test multiple AUT's
      3.15.1 Combining Test Suites into a Test Job
      3.15.2 Testing different AUT's in one test run
      3.15.3 Creating a new Test Job
      3.15.4 Specifying which AUT to test in a Test Job
    3.16 Information on Test Steps
      3.16.1 Specifying Test Steps
      3.16.2 Editing Test Steps
    3.17 Working with manual Test Cases
      3.17.1 Creating manual tests
      3.17.2 Executing and analyzing manual tests
    3.18 Object mapping
      3.18.1 Object mapping
      3.18.2 Working with the Object Mapping Editor
      3.18.3 Deleting from the Object Mapping Editor
      3.18.4 Collecting components (technical names) from the AUT
      3.18.5 Mapping (assigning) collected technical names to component names
      3.18.6 Object mapping and AUT changes
      3.18.7 Viewing properties for a component in the Object Mapping Mode
    3.19 Test execution
      3.19.1 Prerequisites for test execution
      3.19.2 Starting the AUT
      3.19.3 Starting, stopping and pausing Test Suites and Test Jobs
      3.19.4 Interactive test analysis
      3.19.5 Altering the speed of test execution
    3.20 Working with test results
      3.20.1 The Test Result View
      3.20.2 XML and HTML reports
      3.20.3 Working with the Test Result Summary View
    3.21 Producing long-term reports of test runs with BIRT
      3.21.1 Generating BIRT reports
      3.21.2 Writing your own BIRT reports
      3.21.3 Showing BIRT reports in an external viewer
    3.22 Working with external task repositories (ALM Integration)
      3.22.1 Configuring task repositories in your workspace
      3.22.2 Working on tasks in the ITE : contexts
      3.22.3 Creating tasks in external repositories from test result reports
      3.22.4 Automatically reporting to external repositories after test runs
    3.23 Working with the dashboard
      3.23.1 The Dashboard application
      3.23.2 Starting the Dashboard application in the browser
      3.23.3 Using the Dashboard locally: Starting the Dashboard with default parameters and automatic browser opening
      3.23.4 Using the Dashboard over the network: Starting the Dashboard server with custom parameters
      3.23.5 Connecting to the Dashboard in the browser
      3.23.6 Using the Dashboard
      3.23.7 Stopping the Dashboard
    3.24 Using the test executor for testing from the command line
      3.24.1 Starting the test executor
      3.24.2 Parameters for the test executor
      3.24.3 Using the test executor with the embedded Database
      3.24.4 Using a configuration file
    3.25 Using the dbtool client to import, delete and export from the command line
      3.25.1 Starting the dbtool
      3.25.2 Parameters for the dbtool
    3.26 Dealing with errors in tests: Event Handlers
      3.26.1 Adding Event Handlers to a Test Case
      3.26.2 Event types
      3.26.3 Reentry types
    3.27 Working with code coverage with Java tests
      3.27.1 Configuring code coverage for an AUT
      3.27.2 Resetting and accumulating code coverage
      3.27.3 Viewing the code coverage for a test run
      3.27.4 Troubleshooting code coverage
    3.28 Preferences
      3.28.1 Test preferences
      3.28.2 AUT Agent preferences
      3.28.3 Embedded AUT Agent preferences
      3.28.4 Database preferences
      3.28.5 Editor preferences
      3.28.6 Object mapping preferences
      3.28.7 Observation mode preferences
      3.28.8 Test result preferences
      3.28.9 Importing and exporting Database preferences
      3.28.10 Label decoration preferences
      3.28.11 Workspace preferences
      3.28.12 General/Keys preferences
      3.28.13 Help preferences
    3.29 Searching
      3.29.1 Searching for and opening the original specification of a Test Case or Test Suite
      3.29.2 Searching for places where a Test Case or Test Suite has been used
      3.29.3 Searching for places where a component name has been used
      3.29.4 Searching for places where a central test data set has been used
      3.29.5 Using the search dialog
      3.29.6 Using the search result view
      3.29.7 Searching for items in editors and browsers
      3.29.8 Using filters in the ITE
      3.29.9 Other filter options
    3.30 Observing Test Cases
      3.30.1 Tips and tricks for using the observation mode
      3.30.2 Starting observing
      3.30.3 Observing tests in Java AUT's
    3.31 Working with the Problem View
      3.31.1 The Problem View
    3.32 Working with the Teststyle guidelines
      3.32.1 Activating Teststyle for a Project
      3.32.2 Configuring Teststyle for a Project
      3.32.3 Working with the Problem View to view and fix Teststyle problems
    3.33 Working with Metrics
      3.33.1 Numeric Project Element Counter
      3.33.2 Ratio general : specific
      3.33.3 Empty chains analysis
      3.33.4 Waits and delays
    3.34 Adapting the user interface
      3.34.1 Moving Browsers, Views and Editors
      3.34.2 Resizing in the user interface
      3.34.3 Restoring user interface defaults
      3.34.4 Changing perspectives
    3.35 Using Chronon
      3.35.1 Using Chronon when testing your AUT
    3.36 Launch Configurations
      3.36.1 Intro
      3.36.2 Requirements
      3.36.3 Customizing the Perspective
      3.36.4 Starting the AUT
      3.36.5 AUT Agent
      3.36.6 Additional information for RCP AUT's
      3.36.7 Common Pitfalls
    3.37 Troubleshooting
      3.37.1 General help
      3.37.2 I can't start the AUT Agent
      3.37.3 I can't connect to the AUT Agent
      3.37.4 I can't start the AUT
      3.37.5 I can't map components in the Object Mapping Mode
      3.37.6 I can't execute my Test Suite
      3.37.7 My Test Suite failed
      3.37.8 My Test Suite failed when using rdesktop
      3.37.9 I can't save my editor
      3.37.10 Creating a support information package
      3.37.11 Log file locations
    3.38 Finishing up
      3.38.1 Stopping the AUT
      3.38.2 Disconnecting from the AUT Agent
      3.38.3 Closing the ITE and stopping the AUT Agent
      3.38.4 Stopping the AUT Agent
  4. Toolkit-specific information
    4.1 Testing Swing AUT's
      4.1.1 Supported Swing AUT's
      4.1.2 Design for testability in Swing
    4.2 Testing RCP AUT's
      4.2.1 Supported RCP AUT's
      4.2.2 Setting up an RCP AUT for testing
      4.2.3 Keyboard Layouts
      4.2.4 Design for testability in RCP
      4.2.5 Component name generation in RCP
      4.2.6 Best practices for testing RCP AUT's
    4.3 Testing GEF AUT's
      4.3.1 Testing GEF components
      4.3.2 Using the GEF inspector
    4.4 Testing JavaFX AUT's
      4.4.1 Design for testability in JavaFX
      4.4.2 Information on the support for JavaFX AUT's
    4.5 Testing HTML AUT's
      4.5.1 Supported HTML AUT's
      4.5.2 Design for testability in HTML AUT's
    4.6 Testing Windows (.NET) AUT's
      4.6.1 Supported Windows AUT's
      4.6.2 Information on the support for Windows AUT's
      4.6.3 Information on WinForms AUT's
      4.6.4 Information on WPF AUT's
      4.6.5 Operating system language, component recognition and extensibility
      4.6.6 UI automation and screen scaling
      4.6.7 Windows AUT's and the observation mode
      4.6.8 Mapping components in WinFormsAUT's
      4.6.9 Nested scrolling
      4.6.10 autrun not supported
    4.7 Testing iOS AUT's
      4.7.1 Supported iOS AUT's
      4.7.2 Setting up an iOS AUT for testing
      4.7.3 Design for testability in iOS AUT's
      4.7.4 Addressing the correct component in your iOS tests
      4.7.5 Working with iOS components and actions
      4.7.6 Testing AUT's written with Monotouch
  5. User interface
    5.1 Perspectives
      5.1.1 The Functional Test Specification Perspective
      5.1.2 The Functional Test Execution Perspective
      5.1.3 The Functional Test Reporting Perspective
      5.1.4 The workspace perspective
    5.2 Browsers
      5.2.1 The Test Suite Browser
      5.2.2 The Test Case Browser
      5.2.3 The Component Name Browser  
    5.3 Editors
      5.3.1 Test Case Editor
      5.3.2 Test Suite Editor
      5.3.3 Object Mapping Editor
      5.3.4 Central Test Data Editor
      5.4.1 The Properties View
      5.4.2 The Data Sets View
      5.4.3 The Component Names View
      5.4.4 The Test Result View
      5.4.5 The Problem View
      5.4.6 The search result view
      5.4.7 The Navigator View  
      5.4.8 The console
      5.4.9 The Inspector View
      5.4.10 The Test Result Summary View
      5.4.11 The Running AUT's View
      5.4.12 The Image View
      5.4.13 The Progress View
    5.5 The status bar
  6. Concepts
    6.1 Overview
    6.2 Testing
      6.2.1 Understanding how the ITE and test execution work
      6.2.2 Standards conformance
    6.3 Architecture
      6.3.1 ITE
      6.3.2 AUT Agent
      6.3.3 Working with the ITE and AUT Agent on different machines
    6.4 Database structure
      6.4.1 Supported systems
      6.4.2 Single-user
      6.4.3 Multi-user
    6.5 Approaches to testing
      6.5.1 Writing modules in advance
      6.5.2 Creating modules from existing Test Cases
      6.5.3 Choosing a method
    6.6 Test hierarchy
      6.6.1 Test Steps
      6.6.2 Test Cases
      6.6.3 Test Suites
      6.6.4 Test Jobs
      6.6.5 Projects
    6.7 Reusability
    6.8 Multi-lingual testing
      6.8.1 Project and AUT languages
    6.9 Object mapping
      6.9.1 Component names
      6.9.2 Technical names
      6.9.3 Assigning technical names to component names
      6.9.4 Locating components during test execution
    6.10 Test execution
      6.10.1 Test Step execution
    6.11 Observing user actions
    6.12 Event Handlers
      6.12.1 How Event Handlers work
      6.12.2 Default Event Handlers
      6.12.3 Customized Event Handlers
    6.13 Extensibility
    6.14 Summary
  7. Glossary
  1. Introduction
    1.1 Comparison to other testing approaches
      1.1.1 Manual Tests
      1.1.2 Programmed Tests
      1.1.3 Recorded Tests
      1.1.4 Our approach
      1.1.5 Early test creation
      1.1.6 Code-free automation
      1.1.7 Manual tester intelligence
    1.2 How to read this manual
      1.2.1 Layout
      1.2.2 Conventions Used
  2. Samples: example tests
    2.1 Accessing the prepared Project
    2.2 The structure of the example Project
      2.2.1 The reused Projects
      2.2.2 The categories
    2.3 Adder Tests
      2.3.1 Sample 1: using the Swing Simple Adder
      2.3.2 Sample 2: using the SWT Simple Adder
      2.3.3 Sample 3: using the HTML Simple Adder
      2.3.4 Sample 4: using the JavaFX Simple Adder
    2.4 DVD Tool Tests
      2.4.1 Sample 2.1: testing the menu bar and dialog boxes
      2.4.2 Sample 2.2: testing trees
      2.4.3 Sample 2.3: testing tables
      2.4.4 Sample 2.4: testing tabbed panes, lists, combo boxes
  3. Tasks
    3.1 Starting and connecting to the AUT Agent
      3.1.1 Starting the AUT Agent
      3.1.2 Connecting to the AUT Agent
    3.2 Starting the Integrated Test Environment (ITE )
      3.2.1 Windows Users
      3.2.2 Unix Users
      3.2.3 Choosing a workspace
      3.2.4 Restarting the ITE
      3.2.5 Help system
      3.2.6 Working with the AUT Agent and client on one machine
    3.3 Logging into and switching databases
      3.3.1 Logging in to the Database
      3.3.2 Selecting and changing the Database connection
    3.4 Migrating to newer versions
    3.5 Working with Projects
      3.5.1 Creating a new Project
      3.5.2 Editing the Project and AUT properties
      3.5.3 Reusing (referencing) whole Projects in a Project
      3.5.4 Opening Projects
      3.5.5 Refreshing Projects
      3.5.6 Deleting Projects
      3.5.7 Saving a Project as a new Project
      3.5.8 Importing Projects
      3.5.9 Exporting Projects
      3.5.10 Versioning Projects
      3.5.11 Tracking changes in a Project
    3.6 Defining applications under test (AUT's )
    3.7 Starting and configuring AUT's
      3.7.1 Configuring AUT's to be started from the ITE
      3.7.2 Basic information required for every AUT configuration
      3.7.3 Using a working directory in an AUT configuration
      3.7.4 Starting Java AUT's (Swing, SWT/RCP/GEF)
      3.7.5 Starting JavaFX AUT's
      3.7.6 Starting Web AUT's (HTML)
      3.7.7 Starting Win AUT's (.NET, WPF)
      3.7.8 Starting iOS AUT's
      3.7.9 Starting other AUT's
    3.8 Working with browsers: renaming, deleting, using IDs, multiple browsers
      3.8.1 Renaming items in browsers
      3.8.2 Deleting items from browsers
      3.8.3 Working with IDs for Test Cases and Test Suites
      3.8.4 Opening the Test Case Browser multiple times
      3.8.5 Opening the task editor for items in browsers
    3.9 Working with editors: opening, adding/deleting/renaming items, commenting, extracting and replacing, reverting changes
      3.9.1 Opening items in editors
      3.9.2 Adding items to editors
      3.9.3 Deleting items from editors
      3.9.4 Renaming items in editors
      3.9.5 Adding comments to items in editors
      3.9.6 Adding Task IDs to items in editors
      3.9.7 Commenting out items in editors
      3.9.8 Extracting Test Cases from editors: Refactoring
      3.9.9 Replacing Test Cases in editors: Refactoring
      3.9.10 Saving Test Cases from an editor as a new Test Case
      3.9.11 Reverting changes in an editor
    3.10 Working with categories in the browsers and editors
      3.10.1 Creating a category
      3.10.2 Creating Test Cases , Test Suites and Test Jobs in an existing category
      3.10.3 Adding comments to categories
    3.11 Working with Test Cases
      3.11.1 Creating Test Cases
      3.11.2 Creating tests from the library of pre-defined Test Cases
      3.11.3 Opening existing Test Cases
      3.11.4 Editing Test Cases
      3.11.5 Adding and inserting new Test Cases to a Test Case
      3.11.6 Moving Test Cases to external Projects
      3.11.7 Replacing a specific Test Case at places where it has been reused
    3.12 Working with test data
      3.12.1 Data types and entering data for Test Cases
      3.12.2 Entering concrete values as data in Test Cases
      3.12.3 Using references for data in Test Cases
      3.12.4 Using the edit parameters dialog to add, edit and delete references
      3.12.5 Using variables as data for Test Cases
      3.12.6 Using functions as data for Test Cases
      3.12.7 Concatenating (combining) parameters
      3.12.8 Viewing and changing data sources for Test Cases
      3.12.9 Using central data sets
      3.12.10 Using an Excel file as an external data source
      3.12.11 Using the Data Sets View to enter data loops and to translate data
      3.12.12 Special parameters: empty strings and the escape character
      3.12.13 Overwriting data for Test Cases and Test Suites
    3.13 Working with component names
      3.13.1 Creating new component names
      3.13.2 Entering and reassigning component names in the Component Names View
      3.13.3 Renaming component names
      3.13.4 Propagating component names
      3.13.5 No component type exists message in Component Names View
      3.13.6 Merging component names
      3.13.7 Deleting unused component names
      3.13.8 Understanding the component hierarchy
    3.14 Working with Test Suites
      3.14.1 Creating a Test Suite
      3.14.2 Configuring Test Suites in the Properties View
    3.15 Working with Test Jobs to test multiple AUT's
      3.15.1 Combining Test Suites into a Test Job
      3.15.2 Testing different AUT's in one test run
      3.15.3 Creating a new Test Job
      3.15.4 Specifying which AUT to test in a Test Job
    3.16 Information on Test Steps
      3.16.1 Specifying Test Steps
      3.16.2 Editing Test Steps
    3.17 Working with manual Test Cases
      3.17.1 Creating manual tests
      3.17.2 Executing and analyzing manual tests
    3.18 Object mapping
      3.18.1 Object mapping
      3.18.2 Working with the Object Mapping Editor
      3.18.3 Deleting from the Object Mapping Editor
      3.18.4 Collecting components (technical names) from the AUT
      3.18.5 Mapping (assigning) collected technical names to component names
      3.18.6 Object mapping and AUT changes
      3.18.7 Viewing properties for a component in the Object Mapping Mode
    3.19 Test execution
      3.19.1 Prerequisites for test execution
      3.19.2 Starting the AUT
      3.19.3 Starting, stopping and pausing Test Suites and Test Jobs
      3.19.4 Interactive test analysis
      3.19.5 Altering the speed of test execution
    3.20 Working with test results
      3.20.1 The Test Result View
      3.20.2 XML and HTML reports
      3.20.3 Working with the Test Result Summary View
    3.21 Producing long-term reports of test runs with BIRT
      3.21.1 Generating BIRT reports
      3.21.2 Writing your own BIRT reports
      3.21.3 Showing BIRT reports in an external viewer
    3.22 Working with external task repositories (ALM Integration)
      3.22.1 Configuring task repositories in your workspace
      3.22.2 Working on tasks in the ITE : contexts
      3.22.3 Creating tasks in external repositories from test result reports
      3.22.4 Automatically reporting to external repositories after test runs
    3.23 Working with the dashboard
      3.23.1 The Dashboard application
      3.23.2 Starting the Dashboard application in the browser
      3.23.3 Using the Dashboard locally: Starting the Dashboard with default parameters and automatic browser opening
      3.23.4 Using the Dashboard over the network: Starting the Dashboard server with custom parameters
      3.23.5 Connecting to the Dashboard in the browser
      3.23.6 Using the Dashboard
      3.23.7 Stopping the Dashboard
    3.24 Using the test executor for testing from the command line
      3.24.1 Starting the test executor
      3.24.2 Parameters for the test executor
      3.24.3 Using the test executor with the embedded Database
      3.24.4 Using a configuration file
    3.25 Using the dbtool client to import, delete and export from the command line
      3.25.1 Starting the dbtool
      3.25.2 Parameters for the dbtool
    3.26 Dealing with errors in tests: Event Handlers
      3.26.1 Adding Event Handlers to a Test Case
      3.26.2 Event types
      3.26.3 Reentry types
    3.27 Working with code coverage with Java tests
      3.27.1 Configuring code coverage for an AUT
      3.27.2 Resetting and accumulating code coverage
      3.27.3 Viewing the code coverage for a test run
      3.27.4 Troubleshooting code coverage
    3.28 Preferences
      3.28.1 Test preferences
      3.28.2 AUT Agent preferences
      3.28.3 Embedded AUT Agent preferences
      3.28.4 Database preferences
      3.28.5 Editor preferences
      3.28.6 Object mapping preferences
      3.28.7 Observation mode preferences
      3.28.8 Test result preferences
      3.28.9 Importing and exporting Database preferences
      3.28.10 Label decoration preferences
      3.28.11 Workspace preferences
      3.28.12 General/Keys preferences
      3.28.13 Help preferences
    3.29 Searching
      3.29.1 Searching for and opening the original specification of a Test Case or Test Suite
      3.29.2 Searching for places where a Test Case or Test Suite has been used
      3.29.3 Searching for places where a component name has been used
      3.29.4 Searching for places where a central test data set has been used
      3.29.5 Using the search dialog
      3.29.6 Using the search result view
      3.29.7 Searching for items in editors and browsers
      3.29.8 Using filters in the ITE
      3.29.9 Other filter options
    3.30 Observing Test Cases
      3.30.1 Tips and tricks for using the observation mode
      3.30.2 Starting observing
      3.30.3 Observing tests in Java AUT's
    3.31 Working with the Problem View
      3.31.1 The Problem View
    3.32 Working with the Teststyle guidelines
      3.32.1 Activating Teststyle for a Project
      3.32.2 Configuring Teststyle for a Project
      3.32.3 Working with the Problem View to view and fix Teststyle problems
    3.33 Working with Metrics
      3.33.1 Numeric Project Element Counter
      3.33.2 Ratio general : specific
      3.33.3 Empty chains analysis
      3.33.4 Waits and delays
    3.34 Adapting the user interface
      3.34.1 Moving Browsers, Views and Editors
      3.34.2 Resizing in the user interface
      3.34.3 Restoring user interface defaults
      3.34.4 Changing perspectives
    3.35 Using Chronon
      3.35.1 Using Chronon when testing your AUT
    3.36 Launch Configurations
      3.36.1 Intro
      3.36.2 Requirements
      3.36.3 Customizing the Perspective
      3.36.4 Starting the AUT
      3.36.5 AUT Agent
      3.36.6 Additional information for RCP AUT's
      3.36.7 Common Pitfalls
    3.37 Troubleshooting
      3.37.1 General help
      3.37.2 I can't start the AUT Agent
      3.37.3 I can't connect to the AUT Agent
      3.37.4 I can't start the AUT
      3.37.5 I can't map components in the Object Mapping Mode
      3.37.6 I can't execute my Test Suite
      3.37.7 My Test Suite failed
      3.37.8 My Test Suite failed when using rdesktop
      3.37.9 I can't save my editor
      3.37.10 Creating a support information package
      3.37.11 Log file locations
    3.38 Finishing up
      3.38.1 Stopping the AUT
      3.38.2 Disconnecting from the AUT Agent
      3.38.3 Closing the ITE and stopping the AUT Agent
      3.38.4 Stopping the AUT Agent
  4. Toolkit-specific information
    4.1 Testing Swing AUT's
      4.1.1 Supported Swing AUT's
      4.1.2 Design for testability in Swing
    4.2 Testing RCP AUT's
      4.2.1 Supported RCP AUT's
      4.2.2 Setting up an RCP AUT for testing
      4.2.3 Keyboard Layouts
      4.2.4 Design for testability in RCP
      4.2.5 Component name generation in RCP
      4.2.6 Best practices for testing RCP AUT's
    4.3 Testing GEF AUT's
      4.3.1 Testing GEF components
      4.3.2 Using the GEF inspector
    4.4 Testing JavaFX AUT's
      4.4.1 Design for testability in JavaFX
      4.4.2 Information on the support for JavaFX AUT's
    4.5 Testing HTML AUT's
      4.5.1 Supported HTML AUT's
      4.5.2 Design for testability in HTML AUT's
    4.6 Testing Windows (.NET) AUT's
      4.6.1 Supported Windows AUT's
      4.6.2 Information on the support for Windows AUT's
      4.6.3 Information on WinForms AUT's
      4.6.4 Information on WPF AUT's
      4.6.5 Operating system language, component recognition and extensibility
      4.6.6 UI automation and screen scaling
      4.6.7 Windows AUT's and the observation mode
      4.6.8 Mapping components in WinFormsAUT's
      4.6.9 Nested scrolling
      4.6.10 autrun not supported
    4.7 Testing iOS AUT's
      4.7.1 Supported iOS AUT's
      4.7.2 Setting up an iOS AUT for testing
      4.7.3 Design for testability in iOS AUT's
      4.7.4 Addressing the correct component in your iOS tests
      4.7.5 Working with iOS components and actions
      4.7.6 Testing AUT's written with Monotouch
  5. User interface
    5.1 Perspectives
      5.1.1 The Functional Test Specification Perspective
      5.1.2 The Functional Test Execution Perspective
      5.1.3 The Functional Test Reporting Perspective
      5.1.4 The workspace perspective
    5.2 Browsers
      5.2.1 The Test Suite Browser
      5.2.2 The Test Case Browser
      5.2.3 The Component Name Browser  
    5.3 Editors
      5.3.1 Test Case Editor
      5.3.2 Test Suite Editor
      5.3.3 Object Mapping Editor
      5.3.4 Central Test Data Editor
      5.4.1 The Properties View
      5.4.2 The Data Sets View
      5.4.3 The Component Names View
      5.4.4 The Test Result View
      5.4.5 The Problem View
      5.4.6 The search result view
      5.4.7 The Navigator View  
      5.4.8 The console
      5.4.9 The Inspector View
      5.4.10 The Test Result Summary View
      5.4.11 The Running AUT's View
      5.4.12 The Image View
      5.4.13 The Progress View
    5.5 The status bar
  6. Concepts
    6.1 Overview
    6.2 Testing
      6.2.1 Understanding how the ITE and test execution work
      6.2.2 Standards conformance
    6.3 Architecture
      6.3.1 ITE
      6.3.2 AUT Agent
      6.3.3 Working with the ITE and AUT Agent on different machines
    6.4 Database structure
      6.4.1 Supported systems
      6.4.2 Single-user
      6.4.3 Multi-user
    6.5 Approaches to testing
      6.5.1 Writing modules in advance
      6.5.2 Creating modules from existing Test Cases
      6.5.3 Choosing a method
    6.6 Test hierarchy
      6.6.1 Test Steps
      6.6.2 Test Cases
      6.6.3 Test Suites
      6.6.4 Test Jobs
      6.6.5 Projects
    6.7 Reusability
    6.8 Multi-lingual testing
      6.8.1 Project and AUT languages
    6.9 Object mapping
      6.9.1 Component names
      6.9.2 Technical names
      6.9.3 Assigning technical names to component names
      6.9.4 Locating components during test execution
    6.10 Test execution
      6.10.1 Test Step execution
    6.11 Observing user actions
    6.12 Event Handlers
      6.12.1 How Event Handlers work
      6.12.2 Default Event Handlers
      6.12.3 Customized Event Handlers
    6.13 Extensibility
    6.14 Summary
  7. Glossary
Libhover Developer's Guide
  Libhover Developer's Guide
    Libhover Extension
    Libhover Data
    C Library Data
      C Library Hover Utility
    C++ Library Hover
    Libhover Logic
    Updating This Document
  Libhover Developer's Guide
    Libhover Extension
    Libhover Data
    C Library Data
      C Library Hover Utility
    C++ Library Hover
    Libhover Logic
    Updating This Document
LTTng Plug-in User Guide
    About Tracing
    LTTng integration
    LTTng Tracer
    LTTng Eclipse Plug-ins
    LTTng Eclipse Dependencies
    Installation Verification
    Tracing Perspective
    Project View
      Creating a Tracing Project
      Importing Traces to the Project
        Opening a Trace
        Drag and Drop
      Trace Package Exporting and Importing
      Selecting a Trace Type
      Opening a Trace or Experiment
      Creating a Experiment
      Selecting Traces for an Experiment
      Removing Traces from an Experiment
      Renaming a Trace or Experiment
      Copying a Trace or Experiment
      Deleting a Trace or Experiment
      Deleting Supplementary Files
      Link with Editor
    Events Editor
      Searching and Filtering
      Event Source Lookup
        Source Code
        EMF Model
      Exporting To Text
    Histogram View
    Statistics View
    Colors View
    Filters View
    Time Chart View
    Environment Variables View
    State System Explorer View
    Custom Parsers
      Creating a custom text parser
      Creating a custom XML parser
      Managing custom parsers
      Opening a trace using a custom parser
  LTTng Tracer Control
    Control View
      Creating a New Connection to a Remote Host
      Disconnecting from a Remote Host
      Connecting to a Remote Host
      Deleting to a Remote Host Connection
      Creating a Tracing Session
      Creating a Tracing Session With Advanced Options
      Creating a Snapshot Tracing Session
      Enabling Channels - General
      Enabling Channels On Session Level
      Configuring Trace File Rotation
      Configuring per UID and per PID Buffers (UST only)
      Configuring Periodical Flush for metadata Channel
      Enabling Channels On Domain Level
      Enabling and Disabling Channels
      Enabling Events - General
      Enabling Kernel Events On Session Level
      Enabling UST Events On Session Level
      Enabling Events On Domain Level
      Enabling Events On Channel Level
      Enabling and Disabling Events
      Enabling Tracepoint Events From Provider
      Configuring Filter Expression On UST Event Fields
      Adding Contexts to Channels and Events of a Domain
      Adding Contexts to All Events of a Channel
      Adding Contexts to an Event of a Specific Channel
      Start Tracing
      Recording a Snapshot
      Stop Tracing
      Destroying a Tracing Session
      Refreshing the Node Information
      Quantifing LTTng overhead (Calibrate)
      Importing Session Traces to a Tracing Project
      Importing Network Traces to a Tracing Project
    Properties View
    LTTng Tracer Control Preferences
  LTTng Kernel Analysis
    LTTng Kernel Perspective
    Control Flow View
      Process tree and information
      Control flow
        Using the mouse
        Incomplete regions
        Zoom region
    Resources View
      Incomplete regions
    LTTng CPU Usage View
      Process Information
      CPU Usage Chart
        Using the mouse
    LTTng Kernel Events Editor
  LTTng-UST Analyses
    Call Stack View
      Using the Callstack View with LTTng-UST traces
      Importing a function name mapping file for LTTng-UST traces
    Memory Usage
  Trace synchronization
    Obtain synchronizable traces
      LTTng-module network tracepoint with complete data
      LTTng-modules addons kernel module with dynamic tracepoints
    Synchronize traces in TMF
  Timestamp formatting
  Data driven analysis
    Importing an XML file containing analysis
    Defining XML components
    Defining an XML state provider
      Definitions and example
      Determining the state system structure
      Writing the XML state provider
      Debugging the XML state provider
    Defining an XML time graph view
  How to use LTTng to diagnose problems
    Random stutters
    Slow I/O
  Updating This Document
    About Tracing
    LTTng integration
    LTTng Tracer
    LTTng Eclipse Plug-ins
    LTTng Eclipse Dependencies
    Installation Verification
    Tracing Perspective
    Project View
      Creating a Tracing Project
      Importing Traces to the Project
        Opening a Trace
        Drag and Drop
      Trace Package Exporting and Importing
      Selecting a Trace Type
      Opening a Trace or Experiment
      Creating a Experiment
      Selecting Traces for an Experiment
      Removing Traces from an Experiment
      Renaming a Trace or Experiment
      Copying a Trace or Experiment
      Deleting a Trace or Experiment
      Deleting Supplementary Files
      Link with Editor
    Events Editor
      Searching and Filtering
      Event Source Lookup
        Source Code
        EMF Model
      Exporting To Text
    Histogram View
    Statistics View
    Colors View
    Filters View
    Time Chart View
    Environment Variables View
    State System Explorer View
    Custom Parsers
      Creating a custom text parser
      Creating a custom XML parser
      Managing custom parsers
      Opening a trace using a custom parser
  LTTng Tracer Control
    Control View
      Creating a New Connection to a Remote Host
      Disconnecting from a Remote Host
      Connecting to a Remote Host
      Deleting to a Remote Host Connection
      Creating a Tracing Session
      Creating a Tracing Session With Advanced Options
      Creating a Snapshot Tracing Session
      Enabling Channels - General
      Enabling Channels On Session Level
      Configuring Trace File Rotation
      Configuring per UID and per PID Buffers (UST only)
      Configuring Periodical Flush for metadata Channel
      Enabling Channels On Domain Level
      Enabling and Disabling Channels
      Enabling Events - General
      Enabling Kernel Events On Session Level
      Enabling UST Events On Session Level
      Enabling Events On Domain Level
      Enabling Events On Channel Level
      Enabling and Disabling Events
      Enabling Tracepoint Events From Provider
      Configuring Filter Expression On UST Event Fields
      Adding Contexts to Channels and Events of a Domain
      Adding Contexts to All Events of a Channel
      Adding Contexts to an Event of a Specific Channel
      Start Tracing
      Recording a Snapshot
      Stop Tracing
      Destroying a Tracing Session
      Refreshing the Node Information
      Quantifing LTTng overhead (Calibrate)
      Importing Session Traces to a Tracing Project
      Importing Network Traces to a Tracing Project
    Properties View
    LTTng Tracer Control Preferences
  LTTng Kernel Analysis
    LTTng Kernel Perspective
    Control Flow View
      Process tree and information
      Control flow
        Using the mouse
        Incomplete regions
        Zoom region
    Resources View
      Incomplete regions
    LTTng CPU Usage View
      Process Information
      CPU Usage Chart
        Using the mouse
    LTTng Kernel Events Editor
  LTTng-UST Analyses
    Call Stack View
      Using the Callstack View with LTTng-UST traces
      Importing a function name mapping file for LTTng-UST traces
    Memory Usage
  Trace synchronization
    Obtain synchronizable traces
      LTTng-module network tracepoint with complete data
      LTTng-modules addons kernel module with dynamic tracepoints
    Synchronize traces in TMF
  Timestamp formatting
  Data driven analysis
    Importing an XML file containing analysis
    Defining XML components
    Defining an XML state provider
      Definitions and example
      Determining the state system structure
      Writing the XML state provider
      Debugging the XML state provider
    Defining an XML time graph view
  How to use LTTng to diagnose problems
    Random stutters
    Slow I/O
  Updating This Document
Memory Analyzer
  Getting Started
    Basic Tutorial
    Heap Dump
    Shallow vs. Retained Heap
    Dominator Tree
    Garbage Collection Roots
    Acquiring Heap Dumps
    Running Leak Suspect Report
    List the Biggest Objects
    Finding Responsible Objects
    Querying Heap Objects (OQL)
    Analyze Class Loader
    Analyzing Threads
    Analyzing Java Collection Usage
    Analyzing Finalizer
    Comparing Objects
    Export Data
    Memory Analyzer Configuration
      Leak Identification
        Component Report
      Immediate Dominators
      Group by Value
      Path to GC Roots
      Retained Set
      Top Consumers
    Query Matrix
      Finding Memory Leak
      Analyzing Memory Consumption
    OQL Syntax
      SELECT Clause
      FROM Clause
      WHERE Clause
      Property Accessors
      BNF for the Object Query Language
    Selecting Queries
    Icons Assist
    Tips and Tricks
    Extending Memory Analyzer
    API Reference
  New and Noteworthy
  Getting Started
    Basic Tutorial
    Heap Dump
    Shallow vs. Retained Heap
    Dominator Tree
    Garbage Collection Roots
    Acquiring Heap Dumps
    Running Leak Suspect Report
    List the Biggest Objects
    Finding Responsible Objects
    Querying Heap Objects (OQL)
    Analyze Class Loader
    Analyzing Threads
    Analyzing Java Collection Usage
    Analyzing Finalizer
    Comparing Objects
    Export Data
    Memory Analyzer Configuration
      Leak Identification
        Component Report
      Immediate Dominators
      Group by Value
      Path to GC Roots
      Retained Set
      Top Consumers
    Query Matrix
      Finding Memory Leak
      Analyzing Memory Consumption
    OQL Syntax
      SELECT Clause
      FROM Clause
      WHERE Clause
      Property Accessors
      BNF for the Object Query Language
    Selecting Queries
    Icons Assist
    Tips and Tricks
    Extending Memory Analyzer
    API Reference
  New and Noteworthy
MoDisco Documentation
  MoDisco User Guide
      Model Browser
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Query Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Facet Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Discovery Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      KDM Source Extension
      Metrics Visualization Builder
        KDM Metamodel
        KDM Source Discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        KDM To UML Converter
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        SMM Metamodel
        GASTM Metamodel
        Java metamodel
        Java discoverer
          User documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Java generation
        Java discoverer benchmark
        Java to KDM
          User documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Composition metamodel
        Composition discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Java source code synchronization
        XML Metamodel
        XML Discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        XML Generation
          JSP metamodel
          JSP discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          JSP Generation
          Ejbjar metamodel
          Ejbjar discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          Ejbjar Generation
          Webapp metamodel
          Webapp discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          Webapp Generation
      Simple Transformation Chain
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
    API Reference
    New and Noteworthy
  Simultaneous Release Tracker Required Documents
    API Use Report
    Test Report
    Metrics Report
  Architecture documentation
  MoDisco User Guide
      Model Browser
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Query Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Facet Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      Discovery Manager
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
      KDM Source Extension
      Metrics Visualization Builder
        KDM Metamodel
        KDM Source Discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        KDM To UML Converter
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        SMM Metamodel
        GASTM Metamodel
        Java metamodel
        Java discoverer
          User documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Java generation
        Java discoverer benchmark
        Java to KDM
          User documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Composition metamodel
        Composition discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        Java source code synchronization
        XML Metamodel
        XML Discoverer
          User Documentation
          Developer Documentation
        XML Generation
          JSP metamodel
          JSP discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          JSP Generation
          Ejbjar metamodel
          Ejbjar discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          Ejbjar Generation
          Webapp metamodel
          Webapp discoverer
            User Documentation
            Developer Documentation
          Webapp Generation
      Simple Transformation Chain
        User Documentation
        Developer Documentation
    API Reference
    New and Noteworthy
  Simultaneous Release Tracker Required Documents
    API Use Report
    Test Report
    Metrics Report
  Architecture documentation
Mylyn Documentation
  Tasks User Guide
    Feature Reference
      Task List
        Finding Tasks
          Available Fields
          Search Operators
        Task List Presentation
        Icon Legend and Color Coding
        Creating New Tasks
          Local Tasks
          Repository Tasks
        Creating new Queries
        Incoming Changes
        Reviewing Tasks
        Task Progress Indicators
        Task List Settings and Operations
      Task Repositories
      Task Editor
        Repository Task Details
      Task-Focused Interface
        Focusing Navigator Views
        Alt+Click Navigation / Show Filtered Children
        Focusing Editors
        Task-focused Ordering
        Working Set Integration
        Open Task dialog
        Task Hyperlinking
        Reporting Bugs from the Error Log
      Team Support
        Task-focused Change Sets
        Automatic Commit Messages
        Working with Patches
      Task Repository Connectors
        Bugzilla Connector
        Trac Connector
        Generic Web Templates Connector
      Updating This Document
    Frequently Asked Questions
      What is Mylyn?
        Install - Eclipse 3.4 and later
        What is the release schedule?
        Which sub-projects are included in Mylyn releases?
        What versions of Eclipse are supported?
        Which repositories are supported?
          Mylyn 3.8
          Mylyn 3.7
          Mylyn 3.6
          Mylyn 3.5
          Mylyn 3.4
        What version of Java is required?
        What version of Mylyn is distributed with the Eclipse downloads?
        What happened to the Mylyn JIRA Connector?
        My tasks or queries disappeared, what do I do?
        General Installation Troubleshooting
        Installation Troubleshooting on Eclipse 3.4 and later
          Why does the installation fail with ''No repository found''?
          Why does update fail with ''Cannot complete the request''?
        Installation Troubleshooting on Eclipse 3.3 and earlier
        Why can't I update Mylyn 3.0 to a newer release?
        Installing on Linux
          How can I get the SWT internal browser to work under Linux?
          I’m getting a “Could not create Browser page: No more handles” error
          I’m having unstable performance on Linux with a Sun JVM are there options?
          Memory consumption problem with internal browser on Linux-GTK
          Error: No more handles error
          Recommended Settings for GTK
          Recommended GTK Setup for KDE
          Solving issues with KDE environment variable settings
          Known UI issues with KDE
        Installing on MacOS
        Configuration Troubleshooting
          The default Key Mappings aren’t working correctly, what can I do?
            Linux key mappings a problem?
          How do I enable spell checking in Eclipse 3.2 and older?
          How can I change the number of editors left open before Mylyn starts closing editors?
          Do I need the Outline View when running Mylyn?
          What does the message “content assist proposals no longer appear” mean?
          Why do I get errors like “HTTP Response Code 407” or “Proxy Authentication Error” when accessing repositories through a proxy server?
          I can’t use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Arrow Up for'' Mark as Landmark''. What do I do?
          Why do I get an error when accessing secured web sites?
        Uninstall troubleshooting
        Why am seeing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space errors?
        What is Mylyn’s performance profile?
      Task List
        How do I restore my tasks from backup?
        How do I clear outgoing changes on a task?
        Why do my tasks not appear in the Task List?
        Why do tasks appear in the ''Unmatched'' container?
        How do I change the Task List colors?
        The Unmatched category contains many irrelevant tasks, how do I clean it up?
        How does Mylyn count the active time for a task?
        How do I prevent long-running tasks from adding to the progress bar?
        Does the Task List replace the Eclipse Tasks view?
        What if I use multiple workspaces?
        How do I export my task and repository data?
        Why does Mylyn use the term “task”?
        Why are closed tasks not greyed out on Linux?
        Why is starring tasks not supported?
      Task Editor
        When I submit a new bug to the priority isn’t updated?
        Why am I seeing strange boxes where I expect to see proper characters?
        How can I view images or screenshots that are attached to an image?
      Task Repositories
        What if I’m not using a Task Repository?
        What if Mylyn doesn’t support my task/bug/issue/ticket repository?
        Why were my repository credentials reset?
        Why are my updated repository attributes not showing up?
        Authentication Troubleshooting
          Certificate authentication
            Creating a keystore
          NTLM authentication
        Network Troubleshooting
          Performance Problems with HTTPS
          Error "Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac" when using https
        Why are task hyperlinks not working?
      Bugzilla Connector
        What versions are supported?
          Tips for server administrators
        Why are queries failing?
        Why do I see my old username?
        Why do tasks fail to open?
        Why do tasks fail to submit?
        What time zone is used in the task editor?
        Known limitations
      JIRA Connector
      Trac Connector
        What are the server requirements?
          XML-RPC (recommended)
        Recommended Trac version
        Does Mylyn support Trac 0.11?
        Why do I get an HTTP Error 500 Internal server error when creating a ticket that contains non-ASCII characters?
        Known limitations
        Why are tasks opened in a web browser and not in the rich editor?
        Which URLs does Mylyn access in a Trac repository?
        Problems opening the web editor on Linux
        Which Trac Plugins are supported by Mylyn?
      Web Templates Connector
        Where can I find the Web Templates connector?
        Why can’t I connect using one of the existing templates?
        Known limitations
        Where can I find additional templates?
      Task-Focused UI
        What is the Task-Focused UI?
        Why do files disappear from Focused views when I close them?
        Why did all my editor tabs disappear?
        How do I get rid of an element if it is not interesting?
        Which Focused UI features can I turn off?
        Why can’t I Alt+Click to references libraries?
        Why is the ''Link with Editor'' button disabled?
        What happened to the Active Search and Active Hierarchy views?
        Why does startup of org.eclipse.mylyn.context.ui take so long?
      Context and Timing data
        How do I prevent code checked out from polluting my task context?
        Why do I see strange elapsed times on my Planning tab?
        Is the backwards compatibility and refactoring of task context handled?
      Java Development
        Content assist troubleshooting
        Why do interesting elements not show in the Project Explorer?
        How do I stop declarations from showing in the Package Explorer?
        Why does nothing show up in the Active Search or Active Hierarchy?
        Known limitations
      Team Support
        My change set is missing or doesn’t contain elements it should. Help!
        Why does task change set not appear when I modify files?
        Why do files disappear from the change set when I close them?
        Why am I missing elements when I retrieve someone else’s context?
        What is WikiText?
        Where can I get WikiText?
        How does WikiText integrate with Mylyn?
        How do I enable/disable WikiText extensions to Mylyn?
        Where can I find WikiText documentation?
        How do I run the WikiText Ant tasks?
        Can I use WikiText without Eclipse?
        What output can WikiText create?
        What wiki markup languages does WikiText support?
        Why doesn't the preview tab show up in the WikiText editor?
        Where can I find out more about WikiText?
      Integration with other tools
        Using Mylyn with WTP
        External builders
          Retrieval of repository configuration
        Command Line
        System Properties
        How can I report a dead-lock or a problem about a stalled UI?
        How do I enable debugging output for network communications?
        How do I enable debugging output for plug-ins?
        Which usage monitoring framework should I use?
        How does Mylyn relate to IBM’s Jazz?
      Updating This Document
  EPUB User Guide
        Unsupported EPUB features
      Learning more
    The EPUB file format
    Generate EPUB using Ant
    Generate EPUB directly from markup
    The EPUB ANT task
      Adding "header" information
        Publication title
        Publication identifiers
        Language specification
        Publication subject
        Contributors and Creators
      Adding content
        Primary content files
        Secondary content files
        Table of contents
    Practical examples
      Adding a cover
  WikiText User Guide
      Table of Contents
    Getting Started
      Creating A New File
      WikiText Editor Overview
        Markup Source Tab
        Preview Tab
          Active Folding
      Switching Markup Languages
      Accessing the Markup Cheat-Sheet
      Project Settings
    Task Editor Integration
      Repository Configuration
      Task Editor Appearance
        Task Editor Fonts
      Markup for Task Repositories
        Markup for Bugzilla
    Markup Generation
      Generation In Eclipse
        Content Generation from Wiki Markup
      Content Generation from Wiki Markup using Maven
      Content Generation from Wiki Markup using Ant
        PDF and XSLFO
          PDF from XSL-FO Quick-Start
          wikitext-to-dita - Multiple Files Example
          wikitext-to-dita - Single Output File Example
        MediaWiki To Eclipse Help
      Html To WikiText
      Ant Examples
      Markup Language Customization
    Textile Syntax
      Textile Syntax Tips
        HTML Literals
        Images and DocBook
          Inline Images v.s. Block Images
          Image Scaling
          Image Size
        Extended Blocks
      Textile Extensions
      Textile Reference
    Tips and Tricks
      Word Completion
      Content Assist
        Cross-References and Content Assist
        Template-Based Content Assist
          Creating Custom Templates
        Selection and Content Assist
      Quick Outline
      Editor Preferences
        Font Preferences
      Rendering Appearance
    Upgrading From Mylyn WikiText 1.x to 2.x
      Ant Usage in 2.0
      API Changes in 2.0
    More Information
  WikiText Developer Guide
      WikiText API
      How It Works
        JFace Viewer
          JFace Viewer Limitations
      Classpath and Dependencies
        Within Eclipse
    Using The WikiText Parser
      Simple Example
      Advanced Parser Usage
      Adding CSS to HTML Output
    WikiText and the UI
      WikiText JFace Viewer
      WikiText and Browser
    Markup Languages
      Extending an Existing Markup Language
      New Markup Languages
      Markup Language UI
      Markup Language Concepts
        Markup Language Implementation Tips
      Issue Tracking
  Tasks User Guide
    Feature Reference
      Task List
        Finding Tasks
          Available Fields
          Search Operators
        Task List Presentation
        Icon Legend and Color Coding
        Creating New Tasks
          Local Tasks
          Repository Tasks
        Creating new Queries
        Incoming Changes
        Reviewing Tasks
        Task Progress Indicators
        Task List Settings and Operations
      Task Repositories
      Task Editor
        Repository Task Details
      Task-Focused Interface
        Focusing Navigator Views
        Alt+Click Navigation / Show Filtered Children
        Focusing Editors
        Task-focused Ordering
        Working Set Integration
        Open Task dialog
        Task Hyperlinking
        Reporting Bugs from the Error Log
      Team Support
        Task-focused Change Sets
        Automatic Commit Messages
        Working with Patches
      Task Repository Connectors
        Bugzilla Connector
        Trac Connector
        Generic Web Templates Connector
      Updating This Document
    Frequently Asked Questions
      What is Mylyn?
        Install - Eclipse 3.4 and later
        What is the release schedule?
        Which sub-projects are included in Mylyn releases?
        What versions of Eclipse are supported?
        Which repositories are supported?
          Mylyn 3.8
          Mylyn 3.7
          Mylyn 3.6
          Mylyn 3.5
          Mylyn 3.4
        What version of Java is required?
        What version of Mylyn is distributed with the Eclipse downloads?
        What happened to the Mylyn JIRA Connector?
        My tasks or queries disappeared, what do I do?
        General Installation Troubleshooting
        Installation Troubleshooting on Eclipse 3.4 and later
          Why does the installation fail with ''No repository found''?
          Why does update fail with ''Cannot complete the request''?
        Installation Troubleshooting on Eclipse 3.3 and earlier
        Why can't I update Mylyn 3.0 to a newer release?
        Installing on Linux
          How can I get the SWT internal browser to work under Linux?
          I’m getting a “Could not create Browser page: No more handles” error
          I’m having unstable performance on Linux with a Sun JVM are there options?
          Memory consumption problem with internal browser on Linux-GTK
          Error: No more handles error
          Recommended Settings for GTK
          Recommended GTK Setup for KDE
          Solving issues with KDE environment variable settings
          Known UI issues with KDE
        Installing on MacOS
        Configuration Troubleshooting
          The default Key Mappings aren’t working correctly, what can I do?
            Linux key mappings a problem?
          How do I enable spell checking in Eclipse 3.2 and older?
          How can I change the number of editors left open before Mylyn starts closing editors?
          Do I need the Outline View when running Mylyn?
          What does the message “content assist proposals no longer appear” mean?
          Why do I get errors like “HTTP Response Code 407” or “Proxy Authentication Error” when accessing repositories through a proxy server?
          I can’t use Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Arrow Up for'' Mark as Landmark''. What do I do?
          Why do I get an error when accessing secured web sites?
        Uninstall troubleshooting
        Why am seeing java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space errors?
        What is Mylyn’s performance profile?
      Task List
        How do I restore my tasks from backup?
        How do I clear outgoing changes on a task?
        Why do my tasks not appear in the Task List?
        Why do tasks appear in the ''Unmatched'' container?
        How do I change the Task List colors?
        The Unmatched category contains many irrelevant tasks, how do I clean it up?
        How does Mylyn count the active time for a task?
        How do I prevent long-running tasks from adding to the progress bar?
        Does the Task List replace the Eclipse Tasks view?
        What if I use multiple workspaces?
        How do I export my task and repository data?
        Why does Mylyn use the term “task”?
        Why are closed tasks not greyed out on Linux?
        Why is starring tasks not supported?
      Task Editor
        When I submit a new bug to the priority isn’t updated?
        Why am I seeing strange boxes where I expect to see proper characters?
        How can I view images or screenshots that are attached to an image?
      Task Repositories
        What if I’m not using a Task Repository?
        What if Mylyn doesn’t support my task/bug/issue/ticket repository?
        Why were my repository credentials reset?
        Why are my updated repository attributes not showing up?
        Authentication Troubleshooting
          Certificate authentication
            Creating a keystore
          NTLM authentication
        Network Troubleshooting
          Performance Problems with HTTPS
          Error "Received fatal alert: bad_record_mac" when using https
        Why are task hyperlinks not working?
      Bugzilla Connector
        What versions are supported?
          Tips for server administrators
        Why are queries failing?
        Why do I see my old username?
        Why do tasks fail to open?
        Why do tasks fail to submit?
        What time zone is used in the task editor?
        Known limitations
      JIRA Connector
      Trac Connector
        What are the server requirements?
          XML-RPC (recommended)
        Recommended Trac version
        Does Mylyn support Trac 0.11?
        Why do I get an HTTP Error 500 Internal server error when creating a ticket that contains non-ASCII characters?
        Known limitations
        Why are tasks opened in a web browser and not in the rich editor?
        Which URLs does Mylyn access in a Trac repository?
        Problems opening the web editor on Linux
        Which Trac Plugins are supported by Mylyn?
      Web Templates Connector
        Where can I find the Web Templates connector?
        Why can’t I connect using one of the existing templates?
        Known limitations
        Where can I find additional templates?
      Task-Focused UI
        What is the Task-Focused UI?
        Why do files disappear from Focused views when I close them?
        Why did all my editor tabs disappear?
        How do I get rid of an element if it is not interesting?
        Which Focused UI features can I turn off?
        Why can’t I Alt+Click to references libraries?
        Why is the ''Link with Editor'' button disabled?
        What happened to the Active Search and Active Hierarchy views?
        Why does startup of org.eclipse.mylyn.context.ui take so long?
      Context and Timing data
        How do I prevent code checked out from polluting my task context?
        Why do I see strange elapsed times on my Planning tab?
        Is the backwards compatibility and refactoring of task context handled?
      Java Development
        Content assist troubleshooting
        Why do interesting elements not show in the Project Explorer?
        How do I stop declarations from showing in the Package Explorer?
        Why does nothing show up in the Active Search or Active Hierarchy?
        Known limitations
      Team Support
        My change set is missing or doesn’t contain elements it should. Help!
        Why does task change set not appear when I modify files?
        Why do files disappear from the change set when I close them?
        Why am I missing elements when I retrieve someone else’s context?
        What is WikiText?
        Where can I get WikiText?
        How does WikiText integrate with Mylyn?
        How do I enable/disable WikiText extensions to Mylyn?
        Where can I find WikiText documentation?
        How do I run the WikiText Ant tasks?
        Can I use WikiText without Eclipse?
        What output can WikiText create?
        What wiki markup languages does WikiText support?
        Why doesn't the preview tab show up in the WikiText editor?
        Where can I find out more about WikiText?
      Integration with other tools
        Using Mylyn with WTP
        External builders
          Retrieval of repository configuration
        Command Line
        System Properties
        How can I report a dead-lock or a problem about a stalled UI?
        How do I enable debugging output for network communications?
        How do I enable debugging output for plug-ins?
        Which usage monitoring framework should I use?
        How does Mylyn relate to IBM’s Jazz?
      Updating This Document
  EPUB User Guide
        Unsupported EPUB features
      Learning more
    The EPUB file format
    Generate EPUB using Ant
    Generate EPUB directly from markup
    The EPUB ANT task
      Adding "header" information
        Publication title
        Publication identifiers
        Language specification
        Publication subject
        Contributors and Creators
      Adding content
        Primary content files
        Secondary content files
        Table of contents
    Practical examples
      Adding a cover
  WikiText User Guide
      Table of Contents
    Getting Started
      Creating A New File
      WikiText Editor Overview
        Markup Source Tab
        Preview Tab
          Active Folding
      Switching Markup Languages
      Accessing the Markup Cheat-Sheet
      Project Settings
    Task Editor Integration
      Repository Configuration
      Task Editor Appearance
        Task Editor Fonts
      Markup for Task Repositories
        Markup for Bugzilla
    Markup Generation
      Generation In Eclipse
        Content Generation from Wiki Markup
      Content Generation from Wiki Markup using Maven
      Content Generation from Wiki Markup using Ant
        PDF and XSLFO
          PDF from XSL-FO Quick-Start
          wikitext-to-dita - Multiple Files Example
          wikitext-to-dita - Single Output File Example
        MediaWiki To Eclipse Help
      Html To WikiText
      Ant Examples
      Markup Language Customization
    Textile Syntax
      Textile Syntax Tips
        HTML Literals
        Images and DocBook
          Inline Images v.s. Block Images
          Image Scaling
          Image Size
        Extended Blocks
      Textile Extensions
      Textile Reference
    Tips and Tricks
      Word Completion
      Content Assist
        Cross-References and Content Assist
        Template-Based Content Assist
          Creating Custom Templates
        Selection and Content Assist
      Quick Outline
      Editor Preferences
        Font Preferences
      Rendering Appearance
    Upgrading From Mylyn WikiText 1.x to 2.x
      Ant Usage in 2.0
      API Changes in 2.0
    More Information
  WikiText Developer Guide
      WikiText API
      How It Works
        JFace Viewer
          JFace Viewer Limitations
      Classpath and Dependencies
        Within Eclipse
    Using The WikiText Parser
      Simple Example
      Advanced Parser Usage
      Adding CSS to HTML Output
    WikiText and the UI
      WikiText JFace Viewer
      WikiText and Browser
    Markup Languages
      Extending an Existing Markup Language
      New Markup Languages
      Markup Language UI
      Markup Language Concepts
        Markup Language Implementation Tips
      Issue Tracking
Object Teams Development User Guide
  Object Teams Development Tooling (OTDT)
    OTDT Features
    Object Teams perspective
    Object Teams project creation
    Team and role creation wizards
    Java editor with Object Teams capability
      OT/J syntax highlighting
      OT/J content/code assist
        OT/J code completion
        OT/J quick fixes
        OT/J quick assists
        Add/Remove signature of method binding
      Binding markers
      Comparing bound methods
      Refactoring Object Teams programs
    Object Teams structural/navigational views
      Binding Editor
      OT/J package explorer
      OT/J outline
      OT/J type hierarchy
      Call hierarchy extended for OT/J
    Compiling Object Teams programs
      Java builder extended for Object Teams
    Running Object Teams programs
      Selecting the target weaving scheme
    Debugging Object Teams programs
      Team monitor view
      Stepping through OT/J code
  Object Teams Language Definition
    Teams and Roles
    Role Binding
    Callout Binding
    Callin Binding
    Team Activation
    Object Teams API
    Role Encapsulation
    Value Dependent Classes
    OT/J Syntax
    Changes between versions
  OT/Equinox Extension Points Reference
  What's new
    OTDT 2.3 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.2 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.1 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.0 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 0.7.1 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 0.7 New&Noteworthy
  Object Teams Development Tooling (OTDT)
    OTDT Features
    Object Teams perspective
    Object Teams project creation
    Team and role creation wizards
    Java editor with Object Teams capability
      OT/J syntax highlighting
      OT/J content/code assist
        OT/J code completion
        OT/J quick fixes
        OT/J quick assists
        Add/Remove signature of method binding
      Binding markers
      Comparing bound methods
      Refactoring Object Teams programs
    Object Teams structural/navigational views
      Binding Editor
      OT/J package explorer
      OT/J outline
      OT/J type hierarchy
      Call hierarchy extended for OT/J
    Compiling Object Teams programs
      Java builder extended for Object Teams
    Running Object Teams programs
      Selecting the target weaving scheme
    Debugging Object Teams programs
      Team monitor view
      Stepping through OT/J code
  Object Teams Language Definition
    Teams and Roles
    Role Binding
    Callout Binding
    Callin Binding
    Team Activation
    Object Teams API
    Role Encapsulation
    Value Dependent Classes
    OT/J Syntax
    Changes between versions
  OT/Equinox Extension Points Reference
  What's new
    OTDT 2.3 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.2 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.1 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 2.0 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 0.7.1 New&Noteworthy
    OTDT 0.7 New&Noteworthy
OCL Documentation
  Overview and Getting Started
    What is OCL?
    How Does It Work?
    Eclipse OCL is Extensible
    Who Uses OCL and Eclipse OCL?
    Who is Behind Eclipse OCL?
    Getting Started
  Users Guide
    The two Eclipse OCLs
      The Classic Eclipse OCL metamodels
      The Unified or Pivot Eclipse OCL metamodel
      The transition
        Tool APIs
        Internal APIs
    The Essential OCL Language
        Grammar Implementation
        Grammar Approach
        OCL Expression
    The OCLinEcore Language
        Grammar Implementation
    The Complete OCL Language
        Grammar Implementation
        Complete OCL Document
    The OCL Standard Library Language
        Grammar Implementation
        OCL Standard Library Document
        Class and Classifier
      Syntax coloring
      Hover Text
      Content Assist
      Code Templates
      Open Declaration
      Context Object Selection
      Editor Keys
      Tool Bar
        Ecore/UML binding
        Clear Console
        Close Console
        Load/Save an expression
    Validity View (new in Luna)
      View Tool Bar
        Expand All
        Collapse All
      Model Elements Pane
        Model Elements Tool Bar
          Expand All
          Collapse All
          Enable All
          Disable All
          Show/Hide disabled
        Text Filter
        Model Elements tree
        Model Elements Context Menu
          Validate Selection
          Debug Single Enabled Selection
          Show in Editor
      Metamodel Constraints Pane
        Metamodel Constraints Tool Bar
          Expand All
          Collapse All
          Enable All
          Disable All
          Show/Hide disabled
        Text Filter
        Metamodel Constraints tree
        Metamodel Constraints Context Menu
          Validate Selection
          Debug Single Enabled Selection
          Show in Editor
      Constraint Locators
    Debugger (new in Luna)
        Selected model object and manually entered expression
        Selected model object/constraint combination
        Selected model object and selected constraint
        Step Into
        Step Over
        Step Return
      Variables View
      Breakpoints View
      Outline View
    OCL Integration
      OCL execution in Ecore / EMF Delegates
      Custom Validation Messages
        Underlying support
        Editor syntax
      CompleteOCL Validation
        Browse Registered OCL Files...
        Browse File System...
        Browse Workspace...
      OCLinEcore for Xtext Validation
      Complete OCL for Xtext Validation
    OCL in UML (using Papyrus)
      UML Integration
      Class Diagram
        Class Invariant
        Operation Precondition, Postcondition and Body
        Property Initializers
        Profile Constraint
      State Machine Diagram
        Statemachine Constraint
        Statemachine Transition Guard
    User Interface
      Project Property Pages
      Workspace Preference Pages
      Overall Options
        Default Delegation Mode

        Code Generation Mode
          Delegate for interpretation at run-time
          Generate Java code in xxxBodies classes
      Ecore and UML Options
      UML Options
      Model Registry
      Syntax Coloring
      Editor Templates
      OCLinEcore Options
  The OCL Standard Library
    OCLinEcore tutorial
      Installing the Eclipse OCL Examples
      Using the OCLinEcore text editor for Ecore
        Create a New EMF Project
        Create a New Ecore Model
        Edit Ecore Model as OCLinEcore
        The Tutorial Meta-Model
      Create a Dynamic Model Instance
      Enrich the meta-model with OCL
      The OCL Console
      Helper Features and Operations
      Generating Java Code
        Java Details
        API Invariants
    Complete OCL tutorial
      Complete OCL Utility
      Load Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
      Complete OCL Language Overview
        import declarations
        package context declaration
        classifier context declaration
        feature definitions
        class invariants
        custom messages
        operation and property context declarations
      OCL-_gt_Load Document Menu Action
      Example Complete OCL complements for Ecore
      Validating Ecore with additional Complete OCL
      Editing the Complete OCL
      Example Complete OCL complements for UML
      Example Complete OCL complements for Xtext
      Complete OCL Editor
      Royal and Loyal Example
    Code Generation tutorial
      Load OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
      Direct code
      Using a GenAnnotation
    Debugger tutorial
      Load OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
      The OCL Debugger
      Very Simple Debug session
        Starting the debugger
        Exploring Variables
        Stepping Execution
      Debugging a Validation failure
      Debugging Complete OCL validation failure
      Console experiments
      Longer range stepping
      Break points
    Validation tutorial
      Load Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
      Load Test Model
      EMF Validation
        Validaty View Validation
        Filtering by Root Models
        Filtering by Status
        Debugging constraints
    Working with Classic OCL
      Parsing OCL Expressions
      Parsing OCL Constraints
      Evaluating OCL Expressions and Constraints
      Implementing Content Assist
      Working with the AST
    Installing the Eclipse OCL Examples and Editors
    Royal and Loyal Example Project
    Empty Example Project
    OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
    Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
    OCL Interpreter Example
      Support for Ecore and UML Models
      Example Code
  Classic Ecore/UML Programmers Guide
    Parsing Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Environment
      Creating an OCL Environment
      The OCL Helper
      Operation and Attribute Contexts
    Evaluating Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Query
    Parsing OCL Documents
      The OCL Input
      Accessing the Constraints
    OCL Relationship to Metamodels
      The Ecore Metamodel Binding
      The UML Metamodel Binding
      Syntax Completion Choices
    OCL Abstract Syntax Model
      The Visitable and Visitor Interfaces
      Implementing a Visitor
      The OppositePropertyCallExp Extension
    Customizing the Environment
      Defining Global Variables
      Defining Helper Operations in Java
      Selecting a Package Lookup Strategy
      Customizing Hidden Opposite Lookup and Navigation
    OCL Persistence
      The Type Resolver
    Creating Metamodel Bindings
      The OCL Abstract Syntax Model
    Incrementally Re-Evaluating OCL Expressions Using the Impact Analyzer
      Using the Impact Analyzer in EMF Editors
      Algorithm Outline
      Impact Analyzer Configuration, Scopes
      GenModel Settings
      OCL Delegate URIs
      Standalone Initialization
      Invocation Delegates
      Setting Delegates
      Validation Delegates
      Validation Messages
      Query Delegates
    Ecore/UML Standalone Configuration
      Xtext Editors
  Unified or Pivot Programmers Guide
    The Pivot Evaluator
      The Evolving Pivot Value System
      The Pivot Value System
        Value Conversions
        Polymorphic Integers
        Polymorphic Collections
        Polymorphic Objects
      The Pivot Evaluator Type System
      The Pivot Evaluator Implementation System
      Polymorphic Implementations
    Pivot Standalone Configuration
      OCL Standard Library
      Pivot Delegates
      Xtext Parsers
      platform:/plugin and platform:/resource URIs
    Pivot Thread Safety
      Code Generated Evaluation
        Design Notes
      Interpreted Evaluation
      OCL Analysis
    Parsing Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Environment
      Creating an OCL Environment
      The OCL Helper
      Operation and Attribute Contexts
    Evaluating Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Query
    Parsing OCL Documents
      The OCL Input
      Accessing the Constraints
    OCL Relationship to Metamodels
      The Pivot Metamodel Binding
      Id Equality
      Code Generation
  API Reference
    Extension points
  Building the OCL Project
    GenModel GenAnnotations GenAnnotation Source
        Use Delegates
        Use Null Annotations
        Root Visitor Class
        Derived Visitor Class
        Visitable Classes
        Implementation Details
        Implementation Details
      Implementation Details
    ASM 3
  A. Glossary
  Overview and Getting Started
    What is OCL?
    How Does It Work?
    Eclipse OCL is Extensible
    Who Uses OCL and Eclipse OCL?
    Who is Behind Eclipse OCL?
    Getting Started
  Users Guide
    The two Eclipse OCLs
      The Classic Eclipse OCL metamodels
      The Unified or Pivot Eclipse OCL metamodel
      The transition
        Tool APIs
        Internal APIs
    The Essential OCL Language
        Grammar Implementation
        Grammar Approach
        OCL Expression
    The OCLinEcore Language
        Grammar Implementation
    The Complete OCL Language
        Grammar Implementation
        Complete OCL Document
    The OCL Standard Library Language
        Grammar Implementation
        OCL Standard Library Document
        Class and Classifier
      Syntax coloring
      Hover Text
      Content Assist
      Code Templates
      Open Declaration
      Context Object Selection
      Editor Keys
      Tool Bar
        Ecore/UML binding
        Clear Console
        Close Console
        Load/Save an expression
    Validity View (new in Luna)
      View Tool Bar
        Expand All
        Collapse All
      Model Elements Pane
        Model Elements Tool Bar
          Expand All
          Collapse All
          Enable All
          Disable All
          Show/Hide disabled
        Text Filter
        Model Elements tree
        Model Elements Context Menu
          Validate Selection
          Debug Single Enabled Selection
          Show in Editor
      Metamodel Constraints Pane
        Metamodel Constraints Tool Bar
          Expand All
          Collapse All
          Enable All
          Disable All
          Show/Hide disabled
        Text Filter
        Metamodel Constraints tree
        Metamodel Constraints Context Menu
          Validate Selection
          Debug Single Enabled Selection
          Show in Editor
      Constraint Locators
    Debugger (new in Luna)
        Selected model object and manually entered expression
        Selected model object/constraint combination
        Selected model object and selected constraint
        Step Into
        Step Over
        Step Return
      Variables View
      Breakpoints View
      Outline View
    OCL Integration
      OCL execution in Ecore / EMF Delegates
      Custom Validation Messages
        Underlying support
        Editor syntax
      CompleteOCL Validation
        Browse Registered OCL Files...
        Browse File System...
        Browse Workspace...
      OCLinEcore for Xtext Validation
      Complete OCL for Xtext Validation
    OCL in UML (using Papyrus)
      UML Integration
      Class Diagram
        Class Invariant
        Operation Precondition, Postcondition and Body
        Property Initializers
        Profile Constraint
      State Machine Diagram
        Statemachine Constraint
        Statemachine Transition Guard
    User Interface
      Project Property Pages
      Workspace Preference Pages
      Overall Options
        Default Delegation Mode

        Code Generation Mode
          Delegate for interpretation at run-time
          Generate Java code in xxxBodies classes
      Ecore and UML Options
      UML Options
      Model Registry
      Syntax Coloring
      Editor Templates
      OCLinEcore Options
  The OCL Standard Library
    OCLinEcore tutorial
      Installing the Eclipse OCL Examples
      Using the OCLinEcore text editor for Ecore
        Create a New EMF Project
        Create a New Ecore Model
        Edit Ecore Model as OCLinEcore
        The Tutorial Meta-Model
      Create a Dynamic Model Instance
      Enrich the meta-model with OCL
      The OCL Console
      Helper Features and Operations
      Generating Java Code
        Java Details
        API Invariants
    Complete OCL tutorial
      Complete OCL Utility
      Load Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
      Complete OCL Language Overview
        import declarations
        package context declaration
        classifier context declaration
        feature definitions
        class invariants
        custom messages
        operation and property context declarations
      OCL-_gt_Load Document Menu Action
      Example Complete OCL complements for Ecore
      Validating Ecore with additional Complete OCL
      Editing the Complete OCL
      Example Complete OCL complements for UML
      Example Complete OCL complements for Xtext
      Complete OCL Editor
      Royal and Loyal Example
    Code Generation tutorial
      Load OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
      Direct code
      Using a GenAnnotation
    Debugger tutorial
      Load OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
      The OCL Debugger
      Very Simple Debug session
        Starting the debugger
        Exploring Variables
        Stepping Execution
      Debugging a Validation failure
      Debugging Complete OCL validation failure
      Console experiments
      Longer range stepping
      Break points
    Validation tutorial
      Load Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
      Load Test Model
      EMF Validation
        Validaty View Validation
        Filtering by Root Models
        Filtering by Status
        Debugging constraints
    Working with Classic OCL
      Parsing OCL Expressions
      Parsing OCL Constraints
      Evaluating OCL Expressions and Constraints
      Implementing Content Assist
      Working with the AST
    Installing the Eclipse OCL Examples and Editors
    Royal and Loyal Example Project
    Empty Example Project
    OCLinEcore Tutorial Example Project
    Complete OCL Tutorial Example Project
    OCL Interpreter Example
      Support for Ecore and UML Models
      Example Code
  Classic Ecore/UML Programmers Guide
    Parsing Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Environment
      Creating an OCL Environment
      The OCL Helper
      Operation and Attribute Contexts
    Evaluating Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Query
    Parsing OCL Documents
      The OCL Input
      Accessing the Constraints
    OCL Relationship to Metamodels
      The Ecore Metamodel Binding
      The UML Metamodel Binding
      Syntax Completion Choices
    OCL Abstract Syntax Model
      The Visitable and Visitor Interfaces
      Implementing a Visitor
      The OppositePropertyCallExp Extension
    Customizing the Environment
      Defining Global Variables
      Defining Helper Operations in Java
      Selecting a Package Lookup Strategy
      Customizing Hidden Opposite Lookup and Navigation
    OCL Persistence
      The Type Resolver
    Creating Metamodel Bindings
      The OCL Abstract Syntax Model
    Incrementally Re-Evaluating OCL Expressions Using the Impact Analyzer
      Using the Impact Analyzer in EMF Editors
      Algorithm Outline
      Impact Analyzer Configuration, Scopes
      GenModel Settings
      OCL Delegate URIs
      Standalone Initialization
      Invocation Delegates
      Setting Delegates
      Validation Delegates
      Validation Messages
      Query Delegates
    Ecore/UML Standalone Configuration
      Xtext Editors
  Unified or Pivot Programmers Guide
    The Pivot Evaluator
      The Evolving Pivot Value System
      The Pivot Value System
        Value Conversions
        Polymorphic Integers
        Polymorphic Collections
        Polymorphic Objects
      The Pivot Evaluator Type System
      The Pivot Evaluator Implementation System
      Polymorphic Implementations
    Pivot Standalone Configuration
      OCL Standard Library
      Pivot Delegates
      Xtext Parsers
      platform:/plugin and platform:/resource URIs
    Pivot Thread Safety
      Code Generated Evaluation
        Design Notes
      Interpreted Evaluation
      OCL Analysis
    Parsing Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Environment
      Creating an OCL Environment
      The OCL Helper
      Operation and Attribute Contexts
    Evaluating Constraints and Queries
      The OCL Query
    Parsing OCL Documents
      The OCL Input
      Accessing the Constraints
    OCL Relationship to Metamodels
      The Pivot Metamodel Binding
      Id Equality
      Code Generation
  API Reference
    Extension points
  Building the OCL Project
    GenModel GenAnnotations GenAnnotation Source
        Use Delegates
        Use Null Annotations
        Root Visitor Class
        Derived Visitor Class
        Visitable Classes
        Implementation Details
        Implementation Details
      Implementation Details
    ASM 3
  A. Glossary
OProfile User Guide
  OProfile User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
      Step 1 - Locate the Installation Scripts
      Step 2 - Choose Which Installation Script To Run
      Step 3 - Running The Install Script
      Step 4 - Restart Eclipse
    Launching A Profile
      One-Click Launch
      Launching a Customized Profile
      Manual Profile
    Profiling Configuration
      Operf vs Opcontrol
      Global Settings
      Event Configuration
        Timer Interrupt Mode
        Regular Mode
    OProfile View
        View Tree
        View Menu
    Remote OProfile
      Launching A Remote Profile
    Example Project
      Install Script Errors
        Error: script must be run as the root user
        Error: script must be run with pwd in script dir
        Error: required binaries do not exist, OProfile not installed?
        Error: /usr/bin/pkexec does not exist line 47: opcontrol: Permission denied
      No Samples From A Profile
      Log Reader Hangs
      Using PolicyKit with X/VNC
    Updating This Document
  OProfile User Guide
    Installation and Set-Up
      Step 1 - Locate the Installation Scripts
      Step 2 - Choose Which Installation Script To Run
      Step 3 - Running The Install Script
      Step 4 - Restart Eclipse
    Launching A Profile
      One-Click Launch
      Launching a Customized Profile
      Manual Profile
    Profiling Configuration
      Operf vs Opcontrol
      Global Settings
      Event Configuration
        Timer Interrupt Mode
        Regular Mode
    OProfile View
        View Tree
        View Menu
    Remote OProfile
      Launching A Remote Profile
    Example Project
      Install Script Errors
        Error: script must be run as the root user
        Error: script must be run with pwd in script dir
        Error: required binaries do not exist, OProfile not installed?
        Error: /usr/bin/pkexec does not exist line 47: opcontrol: Permission denied
      No Samples From A Profile
      Log Reader Hangs
      Using PolicyKit with X/VNC
    Updating This Document
Parallel Development User Guide
  New and Noteworthy
  Introduction to PTP Project Types
  Introduction to Creating MPI Projects
    Synchronized project with a Makefile
    Local project without a supplied Makefile - Managed Build project
  Synchronized Projects
    Include Files
  Building Synchronized Projects
  Configuring Environment Modules
  Recognizing Compiler Errors: Cray, PGI, and Open64
  Running Parallel Programs
    Supported Target System Configurations
    Running IBM LoadLeveler Jobs
    Running IBM PE Jobs
    Running IBM Platform MPI Jobs
    Running Open MPI Jobs
    Running PBS Jobs
    Running Remote Generic Interactive Jobs
    Running SLURM Jobs
    Running Grid Engine Jobs
    Running TORQUE Jobs
    Running IBM Platform LSF Jobs
      Initial Setup
      Submitting a Batch Job
      Specifying Job Submission Options
    Running Jobs on JSC JUDGE
    Running Jobs on JSC JUROPA
    Running Jobs on JSC JUQUEEN
  Monitoring Jobs and Systems
  Parallel Debugging
    Parallel Tools Preferences
    Remote Development Preferences
  Managing Remote Connections
    Creating and Editing Connections
    Remote Terminal- Shell Access within Eclipse
  Parallel Language Development Tools (PLDT)
    Setup for PTP MPI tools
    Running PTP MPI tools
    Setup for PTP OpenMP tools
    Running PTP OpenMP tools
    MPI Barrier Analysis
    UPC tools
    Running PTP OpenACC tools
    Running PTP OpenSHMEM tools
    New and Noteworthy
  External Tools Framework (ETFw)
    External Tools Framework Core
    Feedback View
    PerfSuite Example with PTP
    PerfSuite Feedback View
  Graphical Explorer of MPI Programs (GEM)
    GEM Overview
    Getting Started
    Setting the Number of Processes
    Analyzer View
    Browser View
    Console View
    Understanding Console Output
    Happens Before (HB) Viewer
    Makefile Project Support
    Remote and Synchronized Projects
    Troubleshooting GEM
  New and Noteworthy
  Introduction to PTP Project Types
  Introduction to Creating MPI Projects
    Synchronized project with a Makefile
    Local project without a supplied Makefile - Managed Build project
  Synchronized Projects
    Include Files
  Building Synchronized Projects
  Configuring Environment Modules
  Recognizing Compiler Errors: Cray, PGI, and Open64
  Running Parallel Programs
    Supported Target System Configurations
    Running IBM LoadLeveler Jobs
    Running IBM PE Jobs
    Running IBM Platform MPI Jobs
    Running Open MPI Jobs
    Running PBS Jobs
    Running Remote Generic Interactive Jobs
    Running SLURM Jobs
    Running Grid Engine Jobs
    Running TORQUE Jobs
    Running IBM Platform LSF Jobs
      Initial Setup
      Submitting a Batch Job
      Specifying Job Submission Options
    Running Jobs on JSC JUDGE
    Running Jobs on JSC JUROPA
    Running Jobs on JSC JUQUEEN
  Monitoring Jobs and Systems
  Parallel Debugging
    Parallel Tools Preferences
    Remote Development Preferences
  Managing Remote Connections
    Creating and Editing Connections
    Remote Terminal- Shell Access within Eclipse
  Parallel Language Development Tools (PLDT)
    Setup for PTP MPI tools
    Running PTP MPI tools
    Setup for PTP OpenMP tools
    Running PTP OpenMP tools
    MPI Barrier Analysis
    UPC tools
    Running PTP OpenACC tools
    Running PTP OpenSHMEM tools
    New and Noteworthy
  External Tools Framework (ETFw)
    External Tools Framework Core
    Feedback View
    PerfSuite Example with PTP
    PerfSuite Feedback View
  Graphical Explorer of MPI Programs (GEM)
    GEM Overview
    Getting Started
    Setting the Number of Processes
    Analyzer View
    Browser View
    Console View
    Understanding Console Output
    Happens Before (HB) Viewer
    Makefile Project Support
    Remote and Synchronized Projects
    Troubleshooting GEM
Perf User Guide
  Perf User Guide
    Launching a Profile
      One-click launch
      Launching a Customized Profile
    Profiling Configuration
      Remote Profiling
      Perf Options tab
      Perf Events tab
    Perf Views
      Perf Tree View
      Source Disassembly View
      Stat View
      Saving a Session
      Comparing Sessions
        Manual Comparison
        Automatic comparison
    Updating This Document
  Perf User Guide
    Launching a Profile
      One-click launch
      Launching a Customized Profile
    Profiling Configuration
      Remote Profiling
      Perf Options tab
      Perf Events tab
    Perf Views
      Perf Tree View
      Source Disassembly View
      Stat View
      Saving a Session
      Comparing Sessions
        Manual Comparison
        Automatic comparison
    Updating This Document
Profiling Framework User Guide
  Profiling Framework User Guide
    Profiling Categories
    Profiling Configurations
    Updating This Document
  Profiling Framework User Guide
    Profiling Categories
    Profiling Configurations
    Updating This Document
PTP Developer's Guide
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
  Target System Configuration
    Getting Started
    XML Schema
      Control Data Element
        Attribute Definitions
        Files and Scripts
        Commands and Stream Parsers
        User Interface
      Monitor Data Element
    API Reference
    Extension Points Reference
  Target System Configuration
    Getting Started
    XML Schema
      Control Data Element
        Attribute Definitions
        Files and Scripts
        Commands and Stream Parsers
        User Interface
      Monitor Data Element
QVT Declarative Documentation
QVT Operational Developer Guide
  Blackbox support
  Breaking Changes In QVTO Implementation
  Ant tasks support
  Blackbox support
  Breaking Changes In QVTO Implementation
  Ant tasks support
RAP Developer Guide
  Getting Started
    Setting up the Eclipse IDE
    Installing a RAP Target
    Creating a Hello World with RAP
    Launching RAP Applications from the IDE
    RAP Examples
  RAP Widget Toolkit
    Differences between RWT and SWT
    The RAP Client
    Key and Mouse Event Handling
    Tree and Table Enhancements
    Fonts and Markup in RAP
    Embedding Web Components
    Browser Navigation and History
    RWT Theming
    Custom Widgets
    Static Resources and Downloads
  Scopes and Threads in RAP
    Scopes in RAP
    Singletons and Static Fields
    Storing Data
    Threads in RAP
    Server Push
  Building Applications
    Choosing an Application Setup
    Application Configuration
    RWT Standalone
    WAR Deployment
    Look and Feel
    Related Technologies
    API Reference
    RAP Extension Points Reference
    RAP Theming Reference
    RAP WebClient API Reference
  Getting Started
    Setting up the Eclipse IDE
    Installing a RAP Target
    Creating a Hello World with RAP
    Launching RAP Applications from the IDE
    RAP Examples
  RAP Widget Toolkit
    Differences between RWT and SWT
    The RAP Client
    Key and Mouse Event Handling
    Tree and Table Enhancements
    Fonts and Markup in RAP
    Embedding Web Components
    Browser Navigation and History
    RWT Theming
    Custom Widgets
    Static Resources and Downloads
  Scopes and Threads in RAP
    Scopes in RAP
    Singletons and Static Fields
    Storing Data
    Threads in RAP
    Server Push
  Building Applications
    Choosing an Application Setup
    Application Configuration
    RWT Standalone
    WAR Deployment
    Look and Feel
    Related Technologies
    API Reference
    RAP Extension Points Reference
    RAP Theming Reference
    RAP WebClient API Reference
Remote Development Tools User Guide
  Important Notes Before You Begin
  Getting Started
    Server Installation
      Installing the server on Linux/Unix
      Installing the server on Windows
    Creating a Connection
    Editing Connection Properties
    Disconnecting From A Remote Server
    Creating A Remote Project
    Creating and Editing Remote Code
      Creating your C++ file
      Creating your makefile
    Analysis of Remote Code
      Build Service
      Code Indexing Service
    Service Model
    Creating A Remote Project
    Work With Remote Project Files
      Converting to a remote project
      Creating a C/C++ file
      Creating a makefile
    Configuring The Parser/Indexer
    Writing Remote Code
      Customize The Remote C/C++ Editor
      Remote Content Assist
    Analyze Code
    Search for text and files on remote servers
    Search for C/C++ elements on remote servers
    Troubleshooting Remote Development Tools
    Remote C/C++ Perspective
    Remote C/C++ Views and Editors
      Project Explorer View
      Remote C/C++ Editor
      Outline view
      Remote Call Hierarchy view
      Remote Type Hierarchy view
      Remote Include Browser view
      Console view
      Problems view
      Search view
    Remote C/C++ Properties
      Remote Paths and Symbols Property Page
        Remote Includes
      Service Configurations Property Page
    Remote C/C++ New Project Wizard
      Name, Location, Project Type and Toolchain Page
      Configurations Page
    Import/Export Project Settings Wizards
      Export Wizard
      Import Wizard
    Remote C/C++ Search
  Important Notes Before You Begin
  Getting Started
    Server Installation
      Installing the server on Linux/Unix
      Installing the server on Windows
    Creating a Connection
    Editing Connection Properties
    Disconnecting From A Remote Server
    Creating A Remote Project
    Creating and Editing Remote Code
      Creating your C++ file
      Creating your makefile
    Analysis of Remote Code
      Build Service
      Code Indexing Service
    Service Model
    Creating A Remote Project
    Work With Remote Project Files
      Converting to a remote project
      Creating a C/C++ file
      Creating a makefile
    Configuring The Parser/Indexer
    Writing Remote Code
      Customize The Remote C/C++ Editor
      Remote Content Assist
    Analyze Code
    Search for text and files on remote servers
    Search for C/C++ elements on remote servers
    Troubleshooting Remote Development Tools
    Remote C/C++ Perspective
    Remote C/C++ Views and Editors
      Project Explorer View
      Remote C/C++ Editor
      Outline view
      Remote Call Hierarchy view
      Remote Type Hierarchy view
      Remote Include Browser view
      Console view
      Problems view
      Search view
    Remote C/C++ Properties
      Remote Paths and Symbols Property Page
        Remote Includes
      Service Configurations Property Page
    Remote C/C++ New Project Wizard
      Name, Location, Project Type and Toolchain Page
      Configurations Page
    Import/Export Project Settings Wizards
      Export Wizard
      Import Wizard
    Remote C/C++ Search
RSE Developer Guide
    RSE Architecture
      Connector Services
    Using the RSE API
      RSE User Interface API
      RSE Remote Resource API
      RSE Model API
    Plugging into the RSE
      Plugging in a Popup Menu
      Plugging in a Property Page
      Plugging in a System Type
      Plugging in a Subsystem
      Relevant Eclipse Extension Points
      Creating a Remote Resource Property Page
      Creating a Subsystem Configuration
      Creating a Remote Resource Popup Menu Action
    Extension Points Reference
    Other reference information
      Runtime options
    Remote Systems API Reference By Topic
      Model and Persistence
      Common Client and Server Helpers
      Basic Services Layer
      Services Implementations
      DStore Miners
      Connector Service Implementations
      File Subsystem
      Process Subsystem
      Shell Subsystem
      Terminal Subsystem
      User Interface
      File UI
      Process UI
      Shell UI
    Remote Systems API Reference All Packages
  Questions Index
    RSE Architecture
      Connector Services
    Using the RSE API
      RSE User Interface API
      RSE Remote Resource API
      RSE Model API
    Plugging into the RSE
      Plugging in a Popup Menu
      Plugging in a Property Page
      Plugging in a System Type
      Plugging in a Subsystem
      Relevant Eclipse Extension Points
      Creating a Remote Resource Property Page
      Creating a Subsystem Configuration
      Creating a Remote Resource Popup Menu Action
    Extension Points Reference
    Other reference information
      Runtime options
    Remote Systems API Reference By Topic
      Model and Persistence
      Common Client and Server Helpers
      Basic Services Layer
      Services Implementations
      DStore Miners
      Connector Service Implementations
      File Subsystem
      Process Subsystem
      Shell Subsystem
      Terminal Subsystem
      User Interface
      File UI
      Process UI
      Shell UI
    Remote Systems API Reference All Packages
  Questions Index
RSE DStore Developer Guide
    DataStore Overview
      DataStore Artifacts
      DataStore Communications
      DataElements and the DataStore Model
      Memory Management of DataElements
    Extending and Using the DataStore
      Extending the Server-side
      Communicating with the Server-side
    DataStore API Reference
    DataStore Overview
      DataStore Artifacts
      DataStore Communications
      DataElements and the DataStore Model
      Memory Management of DataElements
    Extending and Using the DataStore
      Extending the Server-side
      Communicating with the Server-side
    DataStore API Reference
RSE User Guide
  Getting Started
    Installing the Remote System Explorer
    First Steps with the Remote System Explorer
    Setting up a dstore server
    Using Remote Connections
    Extending Remote System Explorer
  Remote System Explorer Connections
    Universal Systems
    Connecting to a remote Linux or UNIX server
    Connecting to a remote Windows server
    Disconnecting from a remote server
    Creating a second connection to a remote server
    Deleting a connection
    Configuring environment variable support for connections
  Remote System Explorer filters, filter pools, and filter pool references
    Creating filters
    Changing filters
    Deleting filters
    Configuring filter pools
    Configuring filter pool references
  Remote System Explorer Profiles
    Creating a second profile
    Deleting a profile
  Shells and commands in the Remote Systems view
    Running and viewing commands using the Remote Shell view
    Working with command shells
  Search for text and files on remote servers
    Using search parameters with special characters
  Managing archived files
  Accessing Remote System Explorer preferences
  Saving User IDs and passwords
  Working with SSL
  Using RSE and EFS
  Getting Started
    Installing the Remote System Explorer
    First Steps with the Remote System Explorer
    Setting up a dstore server
    Using Remote Connections
    Extending Remote System Explorer
  Remote System Explorer Connections
    Universal Systems
    Connecting to a remote Linux or UNIX server
    Connecting to a remote Windows server
    Disconnecting from a remote server
    Creating a second connection to a remote server
    Deleting a connection
    Configuring environment variable support for connections
  Remote System Explorer filters, filter pools, and filter pool references
    Creating filters
    Changing filters
    Deleting filters
    Configuring filter pools
    Configuring filter pool references
  Remote System Explorer Profiles
    Creating a second profile
    Deleting a profile
  Shells and commands in the Remote Systems view
    Running and viewing commands using the Remote Shell view
    Working with command shells
  Search for text and files on remote servers
    Using search parameters with special characters
  Managing archived files
  Accessing Remote System Explorer preferences
  Saving User IDs and passwords
  Working with SSL
  Using RSE and EFS
  Release Notes
  Sirius User Manual
    Modeling Project
      Note to Users of Previous Versions
      The Modeling Perspective
      Modeling Projects
      Legacy Mode
      Features Overview
    Sequence Diagrams
      Sequence Diagrams Semantics
      Restrictions and Limitations
      Automatic Layout
      Sequence Diagram Elements
      Creating, Renaming and Deleting Tables
      Adding and Removing Lines and Columns
      Editing Cells
      Creating, Renaming and Deleting Trees
      Adding and Removing Tree Items
      Editing Tree Items
  Sirius Specifier Manual
      Philosophy and Concepts
      Viewpoint Specification Projects
      Viewpoint Specification Models
        Common Attributes
        Type Names
        Interpreted Expressions
        Model Operations
        VSM Validation
        Dynamic Development
      Diagram Description
      Layers and Graphical Elements
        Graphical Elements and Mappings
        Bordered Nodes
      Validation Rules
      Diagram Extensibility Features
      Diagram Styles Customization Features
    Sequence Diagrams
      Sequence Diagrams Semantics
      Restrictions and Limitations
      Sequence Diagram Description
      Edition Tables
        Table Tools
        Line Mappings
        Feature Column Mappings
      Cross Tables
        Table Tools
        Element Column Mappings
        Intersection Mappings
      Tree Descriptions
      Tree Item Mappings
        Tree Item Styles
        Tree Item Tools
    Model Operations
      Model Operations
    Color Palettes
    Queries and Interpreted Expressions
      General Rules
      Using the Specialized interpreters
      Using Acceleo
      Using Raw OCL
      Providing a Custom Language
      Writing Java Services
  Release Notes
  Sirius User Manual
    Modeling Project
      Note to Users of Previous Versions
      The Modeling Perspective
      Modeling Projects
      Legacy Mode
      Features Overview
    Sequence Diagrams
      Sequence Diagrams Semantics
      Restrictions and Limitations
      Automatic Layout
      Sequence Diagram Elements
      Creating, Renaming and Deleting Tables
      Adding and Removing Lines and Columns
      Editing Cells
      Creating, Renaming and Deleting Trees
      Adding and Removing Tree Items
      Editing Tree Items
  Sirius Specifier Manual
      Philosophy and Concepts
      Viewpoint Specification Projects
      Viewpoint Specification Models
        Common Attributes
        Type Names
        Interpreted Expressions
        Model Operations
        VSM Validation
        Dynamic Development
      Diagram Description
      Layers and Graphical Elements
        Graphical Elements and Mappings
        Bordered Nodes
      Validation Rules
      Diagram Extensibility Features
      Diagram Styles Customization Features
    Sequence Diagrams
      Sequence Diagrams Semantics
      Restrictions and Limitations
      Sequence Diagram Description
      Edition Tables
        Table Tools
        Line Mappings
        Feature Column Mappings
      Cross Tables
        Table Tools
        Element Column Mappings
        Intersection Mappings
      Tree Descriptions
      Tree Item Mappings
        Tree Item Styles
        Tree Item Tools
    Model Operations
      Model Operations
    Color Palettes
    Queries and Interpreted Expressions
      General Rules
      Using the Specialized interpreters
      Using Acceleo
      Using Raw OCL
      Providing a Custom Language
      Writing Java Services
Specfile Editor User Guide
  Specfile Editor User Guide
    General Usage
      Creating a New RPM project
      Creating a New Specfile
      Building RPMs
        Quick Fixes
      Hyperlink Detection
    Import src.rpm
      Invoking the Eclipse SRPM Import Feature
      Creating a Repository
      Getting Familiar with the Editor
        Repository Page
        Metadata Page
        Repo Editor
    Configuring Specfile Editor Settings
      Macro Completion
      RPM Completions
        Package Information
      Task Tags
    Configuring Createrepo Execution
      Repository Specific Configuration
    Updating This Document
  Specfile Editor User Guide
    General Usage
      Creating a New RPM project
      Creating a New Specfile
      Building RPMs
        Quick Fixes
      Hyperlink Detection
    Import src.rpm
      Invoking the Eclipse SRPM Import Feature
      Creating a Repository
      Getting Familiar with the Editor
        Repository Page
        Metadata Page
        Repo Editor
    Configuring Specfile Editor Settings
      Macro Completion
      RPM Completions
        Package Information
      Task Tags
    Configuring Createrepo Execution
      Repository Specific Configuration
    Updating This Document
Stand-alone Debugger User Guide
  Before You Begin
  Getting Started
    Starting the debugger
    Debug Perspective
      Debug overview
      Debug information
    Views in the C/C++ perspective
    Code aids
      Content Assist
    Editing C/C++ files
      C/C++ editor
    Navigation aids
      Outline View
      Project File views
      C/C++ Search
      Open Declaration
    Using Run/Debug Configurations
      Creating or editing a run/debug configuration
        Selecting a run or debug configuration
        Creating a run or debug configuration
        Selecting an application to run or debug
        Specifying execution arguments
        Setting environment variables
        Defining debug settings
        Specifying the location of source files
        Specifying the location of the run configuration
        Debugging a program
        Debugging an existing executable
        Using breakpoints, watchpoints, and breakpoint actions
          Adding breakpoints
          Adding watchpoints
          Adding breakpoint actions
          Removing breakpoints and watchpoints
          Enabling or disable breakpoints and watchpoints
          Attaching or removing breakpoint actions
        Controlling debug execution
        Stepping into assembler functions
        Working with variables
        Adding expressions
        Working with registers
        Working with memory
    Searching the CDT
      Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
      Setting Source Folders
    Include paths and macros for C/C++ indexer
    C/C++ Views and Editors
      Selecting Views and Editors
      C/C++ Projects view
      Project Explorer view
      Outline view
      Editor view
      Executables view
      Console view
      Tasks view
      Properties view
      Search view
      Call Hierarchy view
      Type Hierarchy view
      Include Browser view
      C/C++ Icons
    Debug views
      Registers view
      Memory view
      Traditional Memory Rendering preferences
      Disassembly view
      Modules view
      Signals view
      Debug view
      Debug preferences
    C/C++ Menubar
      File Menu
      Window Menu
      Search Menu
      Run Menu
    C/C++ Toolbar
    C/C++ Open Element
    C/C++ Find and Replace
    C/C++ Preferences
      Code Style preferences
        Code Templates
      Debug preferences
        Breakpoint Actions
        Source Lookup Path
        GDB MI
      Editor preferences
        Content Assist
        Mark Occurrences
        Save Actions
        Syntax Coloring
      File Types
      Language Mappings
      Task Tags
    C/C++ Properties
      C/C++ Project properties
        Resource page
        Common C/C++ Configurations handling
          Manage Configurations dialog
          Create Configuration dialog
          Rename Configuration dialog
        C/C++ General
          Documentation page
          File Types page
          Indexer page
          Language Mapping page
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
            Entries tab
            Providers tab
        Project References page
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ Folder properies
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ File Properties
        Resource page
        C/C++ General
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
    C/C++ Run and Debug
    C/C++ search page
  Before You Begin
  Getting Started
    Starting the debugger
    Debug Perspective
      Debug overview
      Debug information
    Views in the C/C++ perspective
    Code aids
      Content Assist
    Editing C/C++ files
      C/C++ editor
    Navigation aids
      Outline View
      Project File views
      C/C++ Search
      Open Declaration
    Using Run/Debug Configurations
      Creating or editing a run/debug configuration
        Selecting a run or debug configuration
        Creating a run or debug configuration
        Selecting an application to run or debug
        Specifying execution arguments
        Setting environment variables
        Defining debug settings
        Specifying the location of source files
        Specifying the location of the run configuration
        Debugging a program
        Debugging an existing executable
        Using breakpoints, watchpoints, and breakpoint actions
          Adding breakpoints
          Adding watchpoints
          Adding breakpoint actions
          Removing breakpoints and watchpoints
          Enabling or disable breakpoints and watchpoints
          Attaching or removing breakpoint actions
        Controlling debug execution
        Stepping into assembler functions
        Working with variables
        Adding expressions
        Working with registers
        Working with memory
    Searching the CDT
      Selection Searching for C/C++ elements
      Setting Source Folders
    Include paths and macros for C/C++ indexer
    C/C++ Views and Editors
      Selecting Views and Editors
      C/C++ Projects view
      Project Explorer view
      Outline view
      Editor view
      Executables view
      Console view
      Tasks view
      Properties view
      Search view
      Call Hierarchy view
      Type Hierarchy view
      Include Browser view
      C/C++ Icons
    Debug views
      Registers view
      Memory view
      Traditional Memory Rendering preferences
      Disassembly view
      Modules view
      Signals view
      Debug view
      Debug preferences
    C/C++ Menubar
      File Menu
      Window Menu
      Search Menu
      Run Menu
    C/C++ Toolbar
    C/C++ Open Element
    C/C++ Find and Replace
    C/C++ Preferences
      Code Style preferences
        Code Templates
      Debug preferences
        Breakpoint Actions
        Source Lookup Path
        GDB MI
      Editor preferences
        Content Assist
        Mark Occurrences
        Save Actions
        Syntax Coloring
      File Types
      Language Mappings
      Task Tags
    C/C++ Properties
      C/C++ Project properties
        Resource page
        Common C/C++ Configurations handling
          Manage Configurations dialog
          Create Configuration dialog
          Rename Configuration dialog
        C/C++ General
          Documentation page
          File Types page
          Indexer page
          Language Mapping page
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
            Entries tab
            Providers tab
        Project References page
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ Folder properies
        Resource page
        C/C++ Build
          Settings page
            Tool Settings tab
          Tool chain editor page
        C/C++ General
          Paths and Symbols page
            Includes tab
            Symbols tab
            Libraries tab
            Libraries path tab
            Data Hierarchy tab
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
      C/C++ File Properties
        Resource page
        C/C++ General
          Preprocessor Include Paths, Macros, etc.
        Run/Debug Settings page
    C/C++ Run and Debug
    C/C++ search page
Stardust Online Documentation 2.0.0
  Release Notes 2.0.0
  Upgrading to Later Versions
  Installation Guide
  Getting Started
    How to read the Stardust Online Documentation
      The Support Case Example
        Setting the Scene
        Getting Started
        Creating a Process Definition
        Creating Structured Data Types
        Adding Activities to Process Definition
        Integrating Applications
        Handling Data in the Process
        Adding Process Data Paths
        Control Flow - Join, Split and Loop
        Defining Roles and Organizations
        On Using Bookmarks
        Deploying a Workflow Model
        Executing Workflow
        Creating Correspondence
      Mashing up Angular based UI into Stardust Portal
      Scoped Participant Tutorials
        The Scoped Participant Example
          Creating a Scoped Organization Structure and a Scoped Model
          Creating Scoped Participants for the Scoped Organization
          Working with Scoped Organization Structure in Stardust Process Portal
        Delegating to a User in Another Target Department
          Creating the Model and Organizational Structure
          Creating the Departments and Users in the Stardust Portal
          Delegating the Activity to the other Department
      Using a Configuration Variable to Control a Process Flow
      Performing Quality Assurance on interactive Activities
        Creating the Model with an Activity marked for Quality Assurance
        Checking Quality Assurance in the Portal
      Managing Unstructured Workflows
        Spawning Subprocesses
        Extracting Pages Tutorial
        Aborting and Starting Processes
        Aborting and Joining Processes
      Creating Multiple Models in One Audit Trail
        Creating a Provider Model
        Creating a Consumer Model
      Creating a Worklist Filter
      Using JMS Application and JMS Trigger
      Defining a Process Interface with dynamic Process Selection
    Self-Learning Training Videos
    Workflow Basics
      What is Workflow Management?
      The Stardust Process Engine
      Process Models
      Control Flow
      Workflow Data
      Participants and Users
      Scoped Participants
      Configuration Variables
      Representation of Model Elements
      Runtime Behavior
    Administrative Concepts
      Runtime Environment
      Multiple Versions
      Managing Multi Partition Stardust Installations
      Log Entries
      Stardust Environment
      Document Types
      Preferences Storage
    Executing Workflow
      Delegating Worklist Items
      Relocating Activities
      Spawning Process Instance
      Extracting Pages
      Aborting and Starting Processes
      Aborting and Joining Processes
      Case - Grouping Processes
    Multi Model Audit Trail Setups
      Using Multi Model Audit Trail Setups
      Creating Models With Cross References
      Common Usage Pattern
      Using Elements from Other Process Models
      Deploying Different Models into One Runtime
      Multiple Implementations
    Audit Trail Persistence
      Audit Trail Persistence Modes
      Transient Processes
    System Integration
      Process-based UI Mashups
    Using Multiple Instance Activities
    Activity Criticality
    Quality Assurance
    Rule Management
    Security Propagation for Web Applications
  Administrator Handbook
  Business Process Modeling Handbook
    Compatibility and Analogy of Models
    The Business Process Modeling Perspective
      The Process Diagram Canvas
    Working with Models
      Model Properties
      Model Operations
    Working with Process Definitions
    Working with Structured Types
    Working with Activities
    Specifying Activity Properties
    Working with Sequence Flows
    Specifying Applications
      Generic Camel Endpoint Application
      Message Transformation Application
      Web Service Application
      UI Mashup Application
      REST Service Application
      Script Invocation Application
      E-Mail Send/Receive Application
      Stored Procedure Application Overlay
      SQL Application Overlay
      Using imported Plain Java Applications
    Specifying Data
    Specifying Data Flows
    Working with Gateways
    Modeling Organization Structure
    Working with Events
    Swim Lanes Usage
    Using Annotations
  Developer Handbook
    Modeling Guide
      The Process Workbench
        Setting Process Manager Preferences
        The Development Perspective
          Outline view
          Working with Diagrams
          Cheat Sheet View
          Process Model Repository
          Process Model Bookmarks
          Process Model Traversal
        Working with Models
          Creating and Deleting Models
          Model Properties
          Workflow Model Validation
          Importing and Exporting Models
          Element References
          Cleaning Up Models
        Working with Process Definitions
        Working with Process Interface
        Working with Activities
          Specifying Activities
          Specifying Activity Control Flow
          Configuring Subprocess Activities
          Manual Activities
          Converting Manual Activities to JSF Application Activities
          Quality Assurance on interactive Activities
        Working with Transitions
        Converting Gateways to a Business Modeler-compliant Format
        Specifying Applications
        Specifying Data
        Specifying Data Mappings
        Working with Data Paths
        Modeling the Organizational Structure
        Working with Triggers
        Using Configuration Variables
        Defining Activity Criticality
        Working with Process Definition Event Handlers
        Working with Activity Event Handlers
        Specifying Arbitrary Link Types
        Pools and Lanes Usage
        Using Annotations
        Copying and Pasting Modeled Elements
        Project Effort Calculation
        Modeling Pattern Support
        Retrieving Diagrams from Model Information
        Loading Models from Audit Trail
        External Model Resources
        Deploying a Workflow Model
        Debugging Process Definitions
        Native Language Support
      Data Integration
        Working with Java Style Data Types
          Primitive Data
          Serializable Data
          Entity Bean Data
        Structured Data Types
          Defining Structured Types
          Using Structured Types in Process Data
          Using Structured Types in the Stardust Portal
          Structured Data Annotation Properties
          XPDL Representation of Structured Data
        Integrating XML Data
      System Integration
        Integrating Plain Java Classes and Session Beans
        Integrating JMS
        Using Mail Applications
        Using Message Application Types
          Message Processing
          Message Parsing Application Type
          Message Serialization Application Type
          Message Transformation Application Type
          XSL Message Transformation Application Type
          Launching Message Transformations
          Debugging Message Transformations
        Integrating JFC Applications
        Integrating JSF Applications
        Using Camel Producer Applications
        Integrating Synchronous Web Services
        Integrating Web via JSPs
        Using External Web Applications
      The Model File Format
    Operation Guide
      Administration Clients
      Command Line Tools
        Administrative Functionality
        The Sysconsole Command
        The Console Command
        Using Console Commands
        Tuning for Concurrency
        Tuning for Performance via Data Clusters
        Improving Performance via Eager Link Fetching
        Retrieving Entities from In-Memory Cache
        Optimizing the Performance of secure JCR Deployments
        Tuning for low Latency and high Throughput
        Avoiding Query Timeouts in internal JDBC Queries
        Stardust Portal Performance Tuning
        Database Access Tuning
        Performance Considerations
        Message Driven Bean Tweaking
      Audit Trail Model
        The Repository Model
        Technical Requirements to the Database Schema
        Audit Trail Archive
        Structured Data Storage
      Stardust Properties
        Client Side Properties
        Server Side Properties
        Internationalization of the Modeler
        Internationalization of the Portal
        Internationalization of the Predefined Model
        Internationalization of Error Code
        Identifying Property Keys using artificial Resource Bundles
    Programming Guide
      Embedded Usage
        Embedded Usage Concepts
        Stardust Services
        Stardust Web Services API
        Declarative Security Usage in Stardust Services API
        State Changes of Process and Activity Instances
        Model States
        Objects and Model Elements
        API Visibility of Transient Workflow Objects
        Filter Criteria
        Transactional Behavior
        Leveraging Query Evaluation Profiles
        Runtime Extension Management
          Managing Users and User Groups
          Managing Department Structures
          Managing Audit Trail Partitions
          Retrieving the Partitions in a multi-partition Audit Trail
          Logging Custom Log Entries
          Retrieving Configuration Variables
          Controlling Daemon Execution
          Deployment Unit Support
          Changing Process Instance Priorities
          Configuring Password Rules
          Setting and Retrieving Runtime Permissions
          Retrieving and Changing Preferences
        Processing Workflow
          Workflow Processing for Spawn Subprocess
          Workflow Processing to Abort and Start Subprocess
          Workflow Processing to Abort and Join Processes
          Workflow Processing for Cases
          Relocating Activities
        Managing Processes and Activities
          Querying and Recalculating Activity Criticality
          Retrieving Activity Quality Assurance Information
          Working with Process Interfaces
          Receiving Parent Process Instance OID for Details Policy Option
          Activating the Next Activity Instance
          Adding Notes to Process Instances
          Retrieving and Using Permission States
        Using Cross-Model Type Declarations with custom Clients
        Document Management
          Managing Documents and Folders
          Managing Document Types
          Changing Document Settings and Annotations
          Managing Document Repositories
          Migrating Repository Resources
          Updating a Document created by the DocumentManagementService
          Retrieving Content of a Document Revision
          Creating a new Document Version and retrieving all Versions
      Querying Workflow
        Building Queries
        Querying Data
        Filtering Documents
        Retrieving a Resource Bundle from a specific Module
        Querying Process Definition Details
        Querying Worklist Details
        Querying for Worklist Users
        Filtering Activity Instances for every User Role
        Querying Process Instance Details
        Querying Model Version Tree Information
        Retrieving Runtime Environment Information
        Retrieving Model Descriptions
      SPI Programming
        Configuring SPI Implementations per Tenant
        Tutorial - Stardust SPI Programming
        Tutorial - LDAP Synchronization Provider Example
        Monitoring Worklists
        Monitoring Activity Instance State Changes
        Monitoring Process Execution
        Monitoring Runtime Environment Events
        Monitoring Model Deployment
        Implementing a Provider for arbitrary Repository Technologies
        Implementing a Repository Connection Extension Point
        Implementing a Provider to enable Security on JMS Connection Factories
        Implementing a Provider for validating the passed Principal
        Implementing a Static Configuration Provider for Default Preferences
        Implementing Interfaces for Portal Configurations
        Integrating External User Repositories
      Retrieving Diagrams
      Structured Data and Java Type Applications
      Changing Authorization of Stardust Process Portal Elements
      Process Interface - External Invocation Mechanism
      Extending the Stardust Portal Components
    Simulation Feature
      General Concepts
      Simulation Configurations
      Duration Probabilities
      Traversal Probabilities
      Resource Availabilities
      Process Instance Arrival Rates
      Working on Curves
      Runtime Configurations
      Running Simulations
      Writing Audit Trail Data
      Retrieving Simulation Configuration Data From Audit Trail Databases
      Ad Hoc Optimization
      Data Value Generation
    Rapid Application Development
      General Concepts
      Configuration of the Eclipse Workspace
      Creating a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse
      Configuration Files
      Web Application Deployment Descriptor
    Spring Integration Guide
      Introduction to the Spring Integration
      Modeling the Spring Bean Application Type
      Spring Runtime Setup
      Embedding Stardust into a Spring Bean Application
      Debugging Spring Bean Applications
    Document Service Integration Guide
      DMS Data Types
      Document Service Operation Application Type
      DMS Operation Tutorial
      Document Service API
    Deployment Guide
      Deployment Concepts
        Deployment Tasks
        Deploying Stardust Components to an EJB Application Server
        Deploying Stardust Components to a Web Application Server
      Audit Trail Database Setup
        Setting up the Audit Trail Database
        IBM DB2
        IBM Derby
        Proxy Lock Table Administration
      Application Server Setup
        Jakarta Tomcat
        Hazelcast Integration for Spring Environments
        Distributed Installation
      Deploying a Workflow Model
      Deploying Applications
    Stardust Schema
      Stardust XPDL Model File Format
        Stardust XPDL
      Stardust Native Model File Format
        Stardust Schema Documentation
        Workflow Model XSD
    How To Section
      Deploy on JBoss Application Server with Oracle Database
      How to use the EJB3 Entity Data Type
  End User Handbook
    The Stardust Portal
      Using and Adjusting the Portal
      Logging in the Stardust Portal
      Using Portal Components
        Using Perspectives
          Selecting a Perspective
          Using Launch Panels
          Controlling Access
        Working with Tables
          Selecting and Reordering Columns in Tables
          Exporting Table Content
          Sorting Table Content
          Table Paginating
          Filtering Data Entries
          Selecting Rows in a Table
          Working with Activity Tables
          Working with Process Tables
        Customizing Views
        Using the Portal Online Documentation
        Launching specific Perspectives or Views via URL
        Creating and Using Custom Skins
        Configuring Portal Settings
          Configuring general Portal Components
          Configuring the Business Process Modeling Perspective
          Configuring Workflow Execution
          Configuring Worklists
          Setting Preferences for Activity Panel Presentation
          Viewing and Editing your User Profile
          Defining the Visibility of Filters in the Process History
          Configuring Settings for the Gantt Chart View
          Managing your Deputies
          Changing Settings for viewing TIFF Documents
          Configuring Settings for Users
          Setting Traffic Light View Properties
          Saving Configuration Settings
        Recovering the Runtime Environment
        Cleaning up the Audit Trail Database
        Monitoring Log Entries
        Viewing Information on all Process Instances
        Viewing Information on all Activity Instances
        Managing Authorization
        Managing User Groups
        Managing Realms
        Managing Daemons
        Model Management
          Viewing Details on Deployed Models
          Deploying a Workflow Model
          Generating Reports
          Running Reports
          Deleting Model Versions
          Overwriting deployed Models
          Exporting Models
          Modifying Implementation
        Viewing and Editing Configuration Variables
        Managing Resources
        Viewing Document Repository Resources
        Creating and Editing User Accounts
        Associating Users with Roles or Organizations
        Editing Password Security Settings
        Configuring Criticality Settings
        Modifying Quality Assurance Probability
        Monitoring Preferences
      Activity Operations
        Completing Activities
        Suspending Activities
        Delegating Activities
        Aborting Activities
        Working in Assembly Line Mode
        Resubmitting Activities
        Attaching Process Documents
        Customizing the Behavior for Retrieving the next Activity
        Working with interactive Activity Panels
        Executing Quality Assurance Activities
        Viewing the Link Type during Activity Execution
        Modifying Activity Priorities
      Working with Processes
        Viewing Process Details
          Process Details Overview
          Viewing Descriptor Details
          Viewing Linked Processes
          Viewing Details and hierarchical Tree from the Root Process
          Viewing Tree of Activities in a specific Process
          Viewing and Managing Process Documents
          Viewing Participant Details
        Aborting Process Instances
        Aborting a Process and Starting a new Instance
        Aborting and Joining Processes
        Spawning Processes
        Grouping Root Process Instances under a new Case Process
        Viewing and Editing Case Process Details
        Searching for related Processes or Cases
        Recovering Process Instances
        Modifying Process Priorities
      Searching for Processes and Activities
      Retrieving an Overview on Activity and Process Instances
        Viewing Activity and Process Instances categorized by Priorities
        Viewing the Gantt Chart of a Process Instance
        Viewing the Status of Activities in a Process as Traffic Lights
      Monitoring Activities
        Monitoring Activity Criticality
        Monitoring Pending Activities
        Monitoring Completed Activities
        Monitoring Postponed Activities
        Monitoring Stranded Activities
      Viewing and Managing Participant Assignments
        Viewing and Changing User Assignment to a Role
        Viewing and Changing Role Assignments to a User
        Managing Deputies
      Viewing Worklists
      Viewing Resources
        Viewing Resource Availability
        Viewing Role Assignments
        Viewing Team Member Login Times
        Viewing the Performance of Participants
        Viewing Team Member Activities
      Working with Documents
        Viewing and Editing Documents
          Viewing PDF Documents
          Viewing TIFF Documents
          Viewing and Editing Text/HTML Documents
        Document Operations
        Organizing Process Documents
        Searching for Documents
        Controlling User Access
      Managing Business Rules
      Creating Correspondence
      Communicating via Chat
      Viewing Cost and Controlling
      Viewing and Editing Notes
      Accessing and Managing Reports from the Business Control Center Perspective
      Defining and Running Reports
    Using the Stardust Portal from a Mobile Device
      Starting with the Mobile UI
      Using the Global Menu
      Starting Processes
      Working with Activities
      Viewing Worklists
      Viewing Process Details
      Managing Documents
      Searching for Documents, Activities and Processes
      Viewing and Running Reports
      Example Use Case
  Infinity Service Bus Handbook
      The SunGard Financial Systems Macro Architecture
      Infinity Service Bus Concepts
      How Apache Camel works
      How Stardust works
    Development Setup
      Setup with Lifecycle Management on Infinity on Demand
      Developer Setup
    Integration Solution Development
      The Stardust Camel Component
      The ISB Service Connector Camel Component
      Camel Triggers in Stardust
      Camel Application Type in Stardust
      Security Integration
      Camel Cache
    Typical Integration Use Cases
      Text Processing Use Case
        General Text Processing
      Message Processing Use Case
        FIX Processing
        Content-based Routing
        Message Sequencing and Grouping
      Data Extraction and Transformation Use Case
        Data Extraction and Migration from Multiple Data Sources
      Event Processing and Client Push Use Case
      Rules Processing Use Case
    Stardust API
      Stardust Common API
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.config Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.error Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.log Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common Package
      Stardust Web Services Engine API
      Stardust Engine API
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.dto Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.ejb2 Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.model Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.pojo Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.query Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.runtime Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.web.dms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.web Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.compatibility.ui.preferences.spi Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.persistence Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences.configurationvariables Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences.permissions Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.beans Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.command.impl Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.command Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.utils Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.cluster Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.dms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.extensions.model Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.extensions.runtime Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.jms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.monitoring Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.preferences Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.resources Package
    List of Error Codes
  Release Notes 2.0.0
  Upgrading to Later Versions
  Installation Guide
  Getting Started
    How to read the Stardust Online Documentation
      The Support Case Example
        Setting the Scene
        Getting Started
        Creating a Process Definition
        Creating Structured Data Types
        Adding Activities to Process Definition
        Integrating Applications
        Handling Data in the Process
        Adding Process Data Paths
        Control Flow - Join, Split and Loop
        Defining Roles and Organizations
        On Using Bookmarks
        Deploying a Workflow Model
        Executing Workflow
        Creating Correspondence
      Mashing up Angular based UI into Stardust Portal
      Scoped Participant Tutorials
        The Scoped Participant Example
          Creating a Scoped Organization Structure and a Scoped Model
          Creating Scoped Participants for the Scoped Organization
          Working with Scoped Organization Structure in Stardust Process Portal
        Delegating to a User in Another Target Department
          Creating the Model and Organizational Structure
          Creating the Departments and Users in the Stardust Portal
          Delegating the Activity to the other Department
      Using a Configuration Variable to Control a Process Flow
      Performing Quality Assurance on interactive Activities
        Creating the Model with an Activity marked for Quality Assurance
        Checking Quality Assurance in the Portal
      Managing Unstructured Workflows
        Spawning Subprocesses
        Extracting Pages Tutorial
        Aborting and Starting Processes
        Aborting and Joining Processes
      Creating Multiple Models in One Audit Trail
        Creating a Provider Model
        Creating a Consumer Model
      Creating a Worklist Filter
      Using JMS Application and JMS Trigger
      Defining a Process Interface with dynamic Process Selection
    Self-Learning Training Videos
    Workflow Basics
      What is Workflow Management?
      The Stardust Process Engine
      Process Models
      Control Flow
      Workflow Data
      Participants and Users
      Scoped Participants
      Configuration Variables
      Representation of Model Elements
      Runtime Behavior
    Administrative Concepts
      Runtime Environment
      Multiple Versions
      Managing Multi Partition Stardust Installations
      Log Entries
      Stardust Environment
      Document Types
      Preferences Storage
    Executing Workflow
      Delegating Worklist Items
      Relocating Activities
      Spawning Process Instance
      Extracting Pages
      Aborting and Starting Processes
      Aborting and Joining Processes
      Case - Grouping Processes
    Multi Model Audit Trail Setups
      Using Multi Model Audit Trail Setups
      Creating Models With Cross References
      Common Usage Pattern
      Using Elements from Other Process Models
      Deploying Different Models into One Runtime
      Multiple Implementations
    Audit Trail Persistence
      Audit Trail Persistence Modes
      Transient Processes
    System Integration
      Process-based UI Mashups
    Using Multiple Instance Activities
    Activity Criticality
    Quality Assurance
    Rule Management
    Security Propagation for Web Applications
  Administrator Handbook
  Business Process Modeling Handbook
    Compatibility and Analogy of Models
    The Business Process Modeling Perspective
      The Process Diagram Canvas
    Working with Models
      Model Properties
      Model Operations
    Working with Process Definitions
    Working with Structured Types
    Working with Activities
    Specifying Activity Properties
    Working with Sequence Flows
    Specifying Applications
      Generic Camel Endpoint Application
      Message Transformation Application
      Web Service Application
      UI Mashup Application
      REST Service Application
      Script Invocation Application
      E-Mail Send/Receive Application
      Stored Procedure Application Overlay
      SQL Application Overlay
      Using imported Plain Java Applications
    Specifying Data
    Specifying Data Flows
    Working with Gateways
    Modeling Organization Structure
    Working with Events
    Swim Lanes Usage
    Using Annotations
  Developer Handbook
    Modeling Guide
      The Process Workbench
        Setting Process Manager Preferences
        The Development Perspective
          Outline view
          Working with Diagrams
          Cheat Sheet View
          Process Model Repository
          Process Model Bookmarks
          Process Model Traversal
        Working with Models
          Creating and Deleting Models
          Model Properties
          Workflow Model Validation
          Importing and Exporting Models
          Element References
          Cleaning Up Models
        Working with Process Definitions
        Working with Process Interface
        Working with Activities
          Specifying Activities
          Specifying Activity Control Flow
          Configuring Subprocess Activities
          Manual Activities
          Converting Manual Activities to JSF Application Activities
          Quality Assurance on interactive Activities
        Working with Transitions
        Converting Gateways to a Business Modeler-compliant Format
        Specifying Applications
        Specifying Data
        Specifying Data Mappings
        Working with Data Paths
        Modeling the Organizational Structure
        Working with Triggers
        Using Configuration Variables
        Defining Activity Criticality
        Working with Process Definition Event Handlers
        Working with Activity Event Handlers
        Specifying Arbitrary Link Types
        Pools and Lanes Usage
        Using Annotations
        Copying and Pasting Modeled Elements
        Project Effort Calculation
        Modeling Pattern Support
        Retrieving Diagrams from Model Information
        Loading Models from Audit Trail
        External Model Resources
        Deploying a Workflow Model
        Debugging Process Definitions
        Native Language Support
      Data Integration
        Working with Java Style Data Types
          Primitive Data
          Serializable Data
          Entity Bean Data
        Structured Data Types
          Defining Structured Types
          Using Structured Types in Process Data
          Using Structured Types in the Stardust Portal
          Structured Data Annotation Properties
          XPDL Representation of Structured Data
        Integrating XML Data
      System Integration
        Integrating Plain Java Classes and Session Beans
        Integrating JMS
        Using Mail Applications
        Using Message Application Types
          Message Processing
          Message Parsing Application Type
          Message Serialization Application Type
          Message Transformation Application Type
          XSL Message Transformation Application Type
          Launching Message Transformations
          Debugging Message Transformations
        Integrating JFC Applications
        Integrating JSF Applications
        Using Camel Producer Applications
        Integrating Synchronous Web Services
        Integrating Web via JSPs
        Using External Web Applications
      The Model File Format
    Operation Guide
      Administration Clients
      Command Line Tools
        Administrative Functionality
        The Sysconsole Command
        The Console Command
        Using Console Commands
        Tuning for Concurrency
        Tuning for Performance via Data Clusters
        Improving Performance via Eager Link Fetching
        Retrieving Entities from In-Memory Cache
        Optimizing the Performance of secure JCR Deployments
        Tuning for low Latency and high Throughput
        Avoiding Query Timeouts in internal JDBC Queries
        Stardust Portal Performance Tuning
        Database Access Tuning
        Performance Considerations
        Message Driven Bean Tweaking
      Audit Trail Model
        The Repository Model
        Technical Requirements to the Database Schema
        Audit Trail Archive
        Structured Data Storage
      Stardust Properties
        Client Side Properties
        Server Side Properties
        Internationalization of the Modeler
        Internationalization of the Portal
        Internationalization of the Predefined Model
        Internationalization of Error Code
        Identifying Property Keys using artificial Resource Bundles
    Programming Guide
      Embedded Usage
        Embedded Usage Concepts
        Stardust Services
        Stardust Web Services API
        Declarative Security Usage in Stardust Services API
        State Changes of Process and Activity Instances
        Model States
        Objects and Model Elements
        API Visibility of Transient Workflow Objects
        Filter Criteria
        Transactional Behavior
        Leveraging Query Evaluation Profiles
        Runtime Extension Management
          Managing Users and User Groups
          Managing Department Structures
          Managing Audit Trail Partitions
          Retrieving the Partitions in a multi-partition Audit Trail
          Logging Custom Log Entries
          Retrieving Configuration Variables
          Controlling Daemon Execution
          Deployment Unit Support
          Changing Process Instance Priorities
          Configuring Password Rules
          Setting and Retrieving Runtime Permissions
          Retrieving and Changing Preferences
        Processing Workflow
          Workflow Processing for Spawn Subprocess
          Workflow Processing to Abort and Start Subprocess
          Workflow Processing to Abort and Join Processes
          Workflow Processing for Cases
          Relocating Activities
        Managing Processes and Activities
          Querying and Recalculating Activity Criticality
          Retrieving Activity Quality Assurance Information
          Working with Process Interfaces
          Receiving Parent Process Instance OID for Details Policy Option
          Activating the Next Activity Instance
          Adding Notes to Process Instances
          Retrieving and Using Permission States
        Using Cross-Model Type Declarations with custom Clients
        Document Management
          Managing Documents and Folders
          Managing Document Types
          Changing Document Settings and Annotations
          Managing Document Repositories
          Migrating Repository Resources
          Updating a Document created by the DocumentManagementService
          Retrieving Content of a Document Revision
          Creating a new Document Version and retrieving all Versions
      Querying Workflow
        Building Queries
        Querying Data
        Filtering Documents
        Retrieving a Resource Bundle from a specific Module
        Querying Process Definition Details
        Querying Worklist Details
        Querying for Worklist Users
        Filtering Activity Instances for every User Role
        Querying Process Instance Details
        Querying Model Version Tree Information
        Retrieving Runtime Environment Information
        Retrieving Model Descriptions
      SPI Programming
        Configuring SPI Implementations per Tenant
        Tutorial - Stardust SPI Programming
        Tutorial - LDAP Synchronization Provider Example
        Monitoring Worklists
        Monitoring Activity Instance State Changes
        Monitoring Process Execution
        Monitoring Runtime Environment Events
        Monitoring Model Deployment
        Implementing a Provider for arbitrary Repository Technologies
        Implementing a Repository Connection Extension Point
        Implementing a Provider to enable Security on JMS Connection Factories
        Implementing a Provider for validating the passed Principal
        Implementing a Static Configuration Provider for Default Preferences
        Implementing Interfaces for Portal Configurations
        Integrating External User Repositories
      Retrieving Diagrams
      Structured Data and Java Type Applications
      Changing Authorization of Stardust Process Portal Elements
      Process Interface - External Invocation Mechanism
      Extending the Stardust Portal Components
    Simulation Feature
      General Concepts
      Simulation Configurations
      Duration Probabilities
      Traversal Probabilities
      Resource Availabilities
      Process Instance Arrival Rates
      Working on Curves
      Runtime Configurations
      Running Simulations
      Writing Audit Trail Data
      Retrieving Simulation Configuration Data From Audit Trail Databases
      Ad Hoc Optimization
      Data Value Generation
    Rapid Application Development
      General Concepts
      Configuration of the Eclipse Workspace
      Creating a Dynamic Web Project in Eclipse
      Configuration Files
      Web Application Deployment Descriptor
    Spring Integration Guide
      Introduction to the Spring Integration
      Modeling the Spring Bean Application Type
      Spring Runtime Setup
      Embedding Stardust into a Spring Bean Application
      Debugging Spring Bean Applications
    Document Service Integration Guide
      DMS Data Types
      Document Service Operation Application Type
      DMS Operation Tutorial
      Document Service API
    Deployment Guide
      Deployment Concepts
        Deployment Tasks
        Deploying Stardust Components to an EJB Application Server
        Deploying Stardust Components to a Web Application Server
      Audit Trail Database Setup
        Setting up the Audit Trail Database
        IBM DB2
        IBM Derby
        Proxy Lock Table Administration
      Application Server Setup
        Jakarta Tomcat
        Hazelcast Integration for Spring Environments
        Distributed Installation
      Deploying a Workflow Model
      Deploying Applications
    Stardust Schema
      Stardust XPDL Model File Format
        Stardust XPDL
      Stardust Native Model File Format
        Stardust Schema Documentation
        Workflow Model XSD
    How To Section
      Deploy on JBoss Application Server with Oracle Database
      How to use the EJB3 Entity Data Type
  End User Handbook
    The Stardust Portal
      Using and Adjusting the Portal
      Logging in the Stardust Portal
      Using Portal Components
        Using Perspectives
          Selecting a Perspective
          Using Launch Panels
          Controlling Access
        Working with Tables
          Selecting and Reordering Columns in Tables
          Exporting Table Content
          Sorting Table Content
          Table Paginating
          Filtering Data Entries
          Selecting Rows in a Table
          Working with Activity Tables
          Working with Process Tables
        Customizing Views
        Using the Portal Online Documentation
        Launching specific Perspectives or Views via URL
        Creating and Using Custom Skins
        Configuring Portal Settings
          Configuring general Portal Components
          Configuring the Business Process Modeling Perspective
          Configuring Workflow Execution
          Configuring Worklists
          Setting Preferences for Activity Panel Presentation
          Viewing and Editing your User Profile
          Defining the Visibility of Filters in the Process History
          Configuring Settings for the Gantt Chart View
          Managing your Deputies
          Changing Settings for viewing TIFF Documents
          Configuring Settings for Users
          Setting Traffic Light View Properties
          Saving Configuration Settings
        Recovering the Runtime Environment
        Cleaning up the Audit Trail Database
        Monitoring Log Entries
        Viewing Information on all Process Instances
        Viewing Information on all Activity Instances
        Managing Authorization
        Managing User Groups
        Managing Realms
        Managing Daemons
        Model Management
          Viewing Details on Deployed Models
          Deploying a Workflow Model
          Generating Reports
          Running Reports
          Deleting Model Versions
          Overwriting deployed Models
          Exporting Models
          Modifying Implementation
        Viewing and Editing Configuration Variables
        Managing Resources
        Viewing Document Repository Resources
        Creating and Editing User Accounts
        Associating Users with Roles or Organizations
        Editing Password Security Settings
        Configuring Criticality Settings
        Modifying Quality Assurance Probability
        Monitoring Preferences
      Activity Operations
        Completing Activities
        Suspending Activities
        Delegating Activities
        Aborting Activities
        Working in Assembly Line Mode
        Resubmitting Activities
        Attaching Process Documents
        Customizing the Behavior for Retrieving the next Activity
        Working with interactive Activity Panels
        Executing Quality Assurance Activities
        Viewing the Link Type during Activity Execution
        Modifying Activity Priorities
      Working with Processes
        Viewing Process Details
          Process Details Overview
          Viewing Descriptor Details
          Viewing Linked Processes
          Viewing Details and hierarchical Tree from the Root Process
          Viewing Tree of Activities in a specific Process
          Viewing and Managing Process Documents
          Viewing Participant Details
        Aborting Process Instances
        Aborting a Process and Starting a new Instance
        Aborting and Joining Processes
        Spawning Processes
        Grouping Root Process Instances under a new Case Process
        Viewing and Editing Case Process Details
        Searching for related Processes or Cases
        Recovering Process Instances
        Modifying Process Priorities
      Searching for Processes and Activities
      Retrieving an Overview on Activity and Process Instances
        Viewing Activity and Process Instances categorized by Priorities
        Viewing the Gantt Chart of a Process Instance
        Viewing the Status of Activities in a Process as Traffic Lights
      Monitoring Activities
        Monitoring Activity Criticality
        Monitoring Pending Activities
        Monitoring Completed Activities
        Monitoring Postponed Activities
        Monitoring Stranded Activities
      Viewing and Managing Participant Assignments
        Viewing and Changing User Assignment to a Role
        Viewing and Changing Role Assignments to a User
        Managing Deputies
      Viewing Worklists
      Viewing Resources
        Viewing Resource Availability
        Viewing Role Assignments
        Viewing Team Member Login Times
        Viewing the Performance of Participants
        Viewing Team Member Activities
      Working with Documents
        Viewing and Editing Documents
          Viewing PDF Documents
          Viewing TIFF Documents
          Viewing and Editing Text/HTML Documents
        Document Operations
        Organizing Process Documents
        Searching for Documents
        Controlling User Access
      Managing Business Rules
      Creating Correspondence
      Communicating via Chat
      Viewing Cost and Controlling
      Viewing and Editing Notes
      Accessing and Managing Reports from the Business Control Center Perspective
      Defining and Running Reports
    Using the Stardust Portal from a Mobile Device
      Starting with the Mobile UI
      Using the Global Menu
      Starting Processes
      Working with Activities
      Viewing Worklists
      Viewing Process Details
      Managing Documents
      Searching for Documents, Activities and Processes
      Viewing and Running Reports
      Example Use Case
  Infinity Service Bus Handbook
      The SunGard Financial Systems Macro Architecture
      Infinity Service Bus Concepts
      How Apache Camel works
      How Stardust works
    Development Setup
      Setup with Lifecycle Management on Infinity on Demand
      Developer Setup
    Integration Solution Development
      The Stardust Camel Component
      The ISB Service Connector Camel Component
      Camel Triggers in Stardust
      Camel Application Type in Stardust
      Security Integration
      Camel Cache
    Typical Integration Use Cases
      Text Processing Use Case
        General Text Processing
      Message Processing Use Case
        FIX Processing
        Content-based Routing
        Message Sequencing and Grouping
      Data Extraction and Transformation Use Case
        Data Extraction and Migration from Multiple Data Sources
      Event Processing and Client Push Use Case
      Rules Processing Use Case
    Stardust API
      Stardust Common API
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.config Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.error Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common.log Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.common Package
      Stardust Web Services Engine API
      Stardust Engine API
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.dto Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.ejb2 Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.model Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.pojo Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.query Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.runtime Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.web.dms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.api.web Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.compatibility.ui.preferences.spi Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.persistence Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences.configurationvariables Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.preferences.permissions Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.beans Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.command.impl Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.command Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.runtime.utils Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.cluster Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.dms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.extensions.model Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.extensions.runtime Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.jms Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.monitoring Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.preferences Package
          org.eclipse.stardust.engine.core.spi.resources Package
    List of Error Codes
SystemTap User Guide
  SystemTap User Guide
      The SystemTap Plugin
        Kernel Source Location
        Preferences (Optional)
      Links to SystemTap Resources
    SystemTap IDE
      Getting Started
        IDE Tutorial
          Lesson 1: Getting Started
          Lesson 2: Writing Your First Script
          Lesson 3: Running Your Script
        SystemTap IDE Perspective
        STP Editor
        Function Browser
        Kernel Browser
        Probe Alias Browser
        Creating SystemTap Scripts
        Using the STP Editor
        Creating Run Configurations
          Local/Remote Runs
          SystemTap Options
        Viewing Data Charts
        Views and Editors
          Action Bar
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Example SystemTap Scripts
          top.stp - Prints the top 20 system calls (
          prof.stp - Simple profiling (
          keyhack.stp - Modifying variables in the kernel. (
          kmalloc.stp - Statistics example. (
          kmalloc2.stp - Example using arrays of statistics. (
        Guide to Regular Expressions
    SystemTap Graphing
      Getting Started
        Graphing Tutorial
          Create Graph Wizard
        Data Table
        Data Graph Types
          Scatter Graph
          Line Graph
          Area Graph
          Bar Graph
          Pie Graph
        Graph Interaction
          Graph Options
          Graph Coordinate Tooltips
      Graphing Tasks
        Importing/Exporting Data Sets
        Saving a Graph Image
        Frequently Asked Questions
    Copyright Information
    Updating This Document
  SystemTap User Guide
      The SystemTap Plugin
        Kernel Source Location
        Preferences (Optional)
      Links to SystemTap Resources
    SystemTap IDE
      Getting Started
        IDE Tutorial
          Lesson 1: Getting Started
          Lesson 2: Writing Your First Script
          Lesson 3: Running Your Script
        SystemTap IDE Perspective
        STP Editor
        Function Browser
        Kernel Browser
        Probe Alias Browser
        Creating SystemTap Scripts
        Using the STP Editor
        Creating Run Configurations
          Local/Remote Runs
          SystemTap Options
        Viewing Data Charts
        Views and Editors
          Action Bar
        Frequently Asked Questions
        Example SystemTap Scripts
          top.stp - Prints the top 20 system calls (
          prof.stp - Simple profiling (
          keyhack.stp - Modifying variables in the kernel. (
          kmalloc.stp - Statistics example. (
          kmalloc2.stp - Example using arrays of statistics. (
        Guide to Regular Expressions
    SystemTap Graphing
      Getting Started
        Graphing Tutorial
          Create Graph Wizard
        Data Table
        Data Graph Types
          Scatter Graph
          Line Graph
          Area Graph
          Bar Graph
          Pie Graph
        Graph Interaction
          Graph Options
          Graph Coordinate Tooltips
      Graphing Tasks
        Importing/Exporting Data Sets
        Saving a Graph Image
        Frequently Asked Questions
    Copyright Information
    Updating This Document
TMF Developer Guide
  Implementing a New Trace Type
    An Example: Nexus-lite parser
      Description of the file
      NexusLite Plug-in
      Trace Event
      Trace Reader
      Trace Context
      Trace Location
      The ''org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.tracetype'' and ''org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui.tracetypeui'' plug-in extension point
    Best Practices
    Download the Code
    Optional Trace Type Attributes
      Default Editor
      Events Table Type
  View Tutorial
    Creating an Eclipse UI Plug-in
    Creating a View
    Implementing a view
      Adding an Empty Chart
      Signal Handling
      Requesting Data
      Transferring Data to the Chart
      Adjusting the Range
      Formatting the Time Stamps
    TMF Built-in Views and Viewers
  Component Interaction
    Sending Signals
    Receiving Signals
    Signal Throttling
    Signal Reference
  Generic State System
    High-level components
      Attribute Tree
      State value
      State change
      State interval
      State history
      Construction phase
        Full queries
        Single queries
    Relevant interfaces/classes
      Main classes in org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.statesystem
        ITmfStateProvider / AbstractTmfStateProvider
      Other relevant interfaces
    Comparison of state system backends
      Full history
      Null history
      In-memory history
      Partial history
    State System Operations
    Code example
      State Provider
      Trace type definition
      Query code
    Mipmap feature
  UML2 Sequence Diagram Framework
    TMF UML2 Sequence Diagram Extensions
    Management of the Extension Point
    Sequence Diagram View
      Supported Widgets
      Key Bindings
      Callback hooks
      Creating an Eclipse UI Plug-in
      Creating a Sequence Diagram View
      Defining the uml2SDLoader Extension
      Implementing the Loader Class
      Adding time information
      Default Coolbar and Menu Items
      Implementing Optional Callbacks
        Using the Paging Provider Interface
        Using the Find Provider Interface
        Using the Filter Provider Interface
        Using the Extended Action Bar Provider Interface
        Using the Properties Provider Interface
        Using the Collapse Provider Interface
        Using the Selection Provider Service
      Printing a Sequence Diagram
      Using one Sequence Diagram View with Multiple Loaders
      Downloading the Tutorial
    Integration of Tracing and Monitoring Framework with Sequence Diagram Framework
      Reference Implementation
      Used Sequence Diagram Features
        Advanced paging
        Basic finding
        Basic filtering
        Selection Service
      Used TMF Features
        TMF Experiment and Trace for accessing traces
        TMF Event Request Framework
        TMF Signal Framework
      Supported Traces
      Trace Format
      How to use the Reference Implementation
      Extending the Reference Loader
  CTF Parser
    CTF Format
      Event Streams
    Reading a trace
    Seeking in a trace
    Interfacing to TMF
  Event matching and trace synchronization
    Event matching interfaces
    Implementation details and how to extend it
      ITmfEventMatching interface and derived classes
      ITmfMatchEventDefinition interface and its derived classes
      IMatchProcessingUnit interface and derived classes
    Code examples
      Using network packets matching in an analysis
      Match network events from UST traces
    Trace synchronization
      Synchronization algorithm
      Timestamp transforms
  Analysis Framework
    Creating a new module
      Available base analysis classes and interfaces
      How it works
    Telling TMF about the analysis module
    Attaching outputs and views to the analysis module
      Using the extension point to add outputs
    Providing help for the module
    Using analysis parameter providers
      Example parameter provider
      Register the parameter provider to the analysis
    Providing requirements to analyses
      Analysis requirement provider API
      Requirement values
      Example of providing requirements
  Implementing a New Trace Type
    An Example: Nexus-lite parser
      Description of the file
      NexusLite Plug-in
      Trace Event
      Trace Reader
      Trace Context
      Trace Location
      The ''org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.tracetype'' and ''org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.ui.tracetypeui'' plug-in extension point
    Best Practices
    Download the Code
    Optional Trace Type Attributes
      Default Editor
      Events Table Type
  View Tutorial
    Creating an Eclipse UI Plug-in
    Creating a View
    Implementing a view
      Adding an Empty Chart
      Signal Handling
      Requesting Data
      Transferring Data to the Chart
      Adjusting the Range
      Formatting the Time Stamps
    TMF Built-in Views and Viewers
  Component Interaction
    Sending Signals
    Receiving Signals
    Signal Throttling
    Signal Reference
  Generic State System
    High-level components
      Attribute Tree
      State value
      State change
      State interval
      State history
      Construction phase
        Full queries
        Single queries
    Relevant interfaces/classes
      Main classes in org.eclipse.linuxtools.tmf.core.statesystem
        ITmfStateProvider / AbstractTmfStateProvider
      Other relevant interfaces
    Comparison of state system backends
      Full history
      Null history
      In-memory history
      Partial history
    State System Operations
    Code example
      State Provider
      Trace type definition
      Query code
    Mipmap feature
  UML2 Sequence Diagram Framework
    TMF UML2 Sequence Diagram Extensions
    Management of the Extension Point
    Sequence Diagram View
      Supported Widgets
      Key Bindings
      Callback hooks
      Creating an Eclipse UI Plug-in
      Creating a Sequence Diagram View
      Defining the uml2SDLoader Extension
      Implementing the Loader Class
      Adding time information
      Default Coolbar and Menu Items
      Implementing Optional Callbacks
        Using the Paging Provider Interface
        Using the Find Provider Interface
        Using the Filter Provider Interface
        Using the Extended Action Bar Provider Interface
        Using the Properties Provider Interface
        Using the Collapse Provider Interface
        Using the Selection Provider Service
      Printing a Sequence Diagram
      Using one Sequence Diagram View with Multiple Loaders
      Downloading the Tutorial
    Integration of Tracing and Monitoring Framework with Sequence Diagram Framework
      Reference Implementation
      Used Sequence Diagram Features
        Advanced paging
        Basic finding
        Basic filtering
        Selection Service
      Used TMF Features
        TMF Experiment and Trace for accessing traces
        TMF Event Request Framework
        TMF Signal Framework
      Supported Traces
      Trace Format
      How to use the Reference Implementation
      Extending the Reference Loader
  CTF Parser
    CTF Format
      Event Streams
    Reading a trace
    Seeking in a trace
    Interfacing to TMF
  Event matching and trace synchronization
    Event matching interfaces
    Implementation details and how to extend it
      ITmfEventMatching interface and derived classes
      ITmfMatchEventDefinition interface and its derived classes
      IMatchProcessingUnit interface and derived classes
    Code examples
      Using network packets matching in an analysis
      Match network events from UST traces
    Trace synchronization
      Synchronization algorithm
      Timestamp transforms
  Analysis Framework
    Creating a new module
      Available base analysis classes and interfaces
      How it works
    Telling TMF about the analysis module
    Attaching outputs and views to the analysis module
      Using the extension point to add outputs
    Providing help for the module
    Using analysis parameter providers
      Example parameter provider
      Register the parameter provider to the analysis
    Providing requirements to analyses
      Analysis requirement provider API
      Requirement values
      Example of providing requirements
Valgrind User Guide
  Valgrind User Guide
    General Usage
      Configuring a Profile Run
        General Options
      Exporting Valgrind Data
      Other Operating Systems
        Mac OS X 10.6
        x86_64 Mac OS
        All Mac OS
    Using Memcheck
      Analyzing Memcheck Profile Results
      Configuring a Memcheck Profile Run
    Using Massif
      Analyzing Massif Profile Results
      Configuring a Massif Profile Run
    Using Cachegrind
      Analyzing Cachegrind Profile Results
      Configuring a Cachegrind Profile Run
    Using Helgrind
      Analyzing Helgrind Profile Results
      Configuring a Helgrind Profile Run
    Remote Valgrind
    Special Cases
      Encountering Errors
      Profiling Child Processes
    Updating This Document
  Valgrind User Guide
    General Usage
      Configuring a Profile Run
        General Options
      Exporting Valgrind Data
      Other Operating Systems
        Mac OS X 10.6
        x86_64 Mac OS
        All Mac OS
    Using Memcheck
      Analyzing Memcheck Profile Results
      Configuring a Memcheck Profile Run
    Using Massif
      Analyzing Massif Profile Results
      Configuring a Massif Profile Run
    Using Cachegrind
      Analyzing Cachegrind Profile Results
      Configuring a Cachegrind Profile Run
    Using Helgrind
      Analyzing Helgrind Profile Results
      Configuring a Helgrind Profile Run
    Remote Valgrind
    Special Cases
      Encountering Errors
      Profiling Child Processes
    Updating This Document
Web Tools Platform User Guide
  Creating Web applications
    Web application overview
      Web tools features
        Project Explorer view and Web development
        Web resources
        Web page design
    Web projects
      Web archive (WAR) files
      Creating a dynamic Web project
        Dynamic Web projects and applications
      Creating a static Web project
        Converting static Web projects to dynamic Web projects
        Static Web projects
      Importing Web archive (WAR) files
      Exporting Web Archive (WAR) files
      Adding Web library projects
      Setting Web project properties
    Workbench integration with Web editors
    Creating and editing Web pages - overview
      Creating HTML and XHTML files and framesets
      Defining HTML file preferences
      Creating cascading style sheets
      Creating JavaServer Pages (JSP) files
        JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology
      Creating Web Artifacts
        Creating servlets
        Creating Listeners
        Creating Filters
    Setting CVS repository defaults
    Server targeting for Web applications
  Creating Java EE and enterprise applications
    Java EE applications
      Developing Java EE Applications
        Java EE 5: Overview
        Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 support for annotations
          Defining and using annotations
            Types of annotations
      J2EE architecture
      Java EE perspective
      Project Explorer view in the Java EE perspective
      Filtering in the Project Explorer view
      Working with projects
        Enterprise application projects
        Application client projects
        Creating an enterprise application project
        Creating an application client project
        Creating a connector project
        Creating Web projects
        Creating Web fragment projects
        Specifying target servers for J2EE projects
        Project facets
          Adding a facet to a Java EE project
          Changing the version of a facet
          Changing the Java compiler version for a Java EE project
        Importing and exporting projects and files
          Exporting an application client project
          Exporting an enterprise application into an EAR file
          Exporting connector projects to RAR files
          Importing an enterprise application EAR file
          Importing an application client JAR file
          Importing a connector project RAR file
          Cyclical dependencies between Java EE modules
          Correcting cyclical dependencies after an EAR is imported
      Validating code in enterprise applications
        Tuning validators
        Common validation errors and solutions
        J2EE Validators
        Disabling validation
        Selecting code validators
        Overriding global validation preferences
        Manually validating code
        J2EE Validators
        Common validation errors and solutions
        Limitations of J2EE development tools
    Developing EJB applications
      EJB 3.0 architecture
        POJOs (Plain old Java objects)
        EJB 3.0 versus EJB 2.1
      Developing EJB 3.0 Applications
        Creating EJB projects
          Creating a session bean
          Creating a message-driven bean
        Content assist and EJB 3.0
      EJB 2.x architecture
      EJB 2.x development resources
        Creating EJB projects
        EJB 2.x client JAR projects
        Importing EJB 2.x JAR files
        Exporting EJB 2.x projects to EJB JAR files
      Creating enterprise beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating session beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating CMP entity beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating message-driven beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Configuring XDoclet annotation support
  Editing markup language files
    Structured text editors
      Editing text coded in markup languages
        Source and batch validation
        Setting preferences for structured text editors
          Setting annotation preferences for markup languages
        Getting content assistance in structured text editors
          Content assist
          Making content assist work for JSP files
        Associating editors with file types
        File Encoding
        Searching or finding text within a file
        Checking spelling
        Adding and removing markup language templates - overview
          Adding and removing HTML templates
          Adding and removing JSP templates
          Adding and removing XML templates
        Editing with snippets - overview
          Snippets view
          Adding snippets drawers
          Adding items to snippets drawers
          Editing snippet items
          Deleting or hiding snippet items or drawers
        Source editor keyboard shortcuts
    Working with DTDs
      Creating DTDs
        Document type definitions (DTDs) - overview
        Setting source highlighting styles
        Working with DTD templates
      Importing DTDs
      Validating DTDs
      Icons used in the DTD editor
      DTD editor keyboard shortcuts
    Working with XML files
      Creating XML files
        Creating XML files
        Generating XML files from DTDs
        Generating XML files from XML schemas
      Editing XML files
        XML editor
          Defining XML editor preferences
            Setting source highlighting styles
            Specifying XML default encoding line delimiters
              XML and HTML encodings
            Setting the XML source suggestion strategy used by content assist
        Editing in the Design view
          Editing DOCTYPE declarations
          Editing namespace information
          Editing XML processing instructions
        Editing in the Source view
          Using XML content assist
          Working with XML templates
        Editing with DTD or XML schema constraints
        Using xsi:type
        Editing XML documents with multiple namespaces
      Validating XML files
      XML file associations with DTDs and XML schemas
        Adding entries to the XML Catalog
        Updating XML files with changes made to DTDs and schemas
        XML Catalog keyboard shortcuts
        Source editor and XML tools keyboard shortcuts
      Icons used in the XML editor
    Working with XML schemas
      Creating XML schemas
      Importing XML schemas
      Navigating XML schemas
      Refactoring in XML Schema Files
      Editing XML schema file preferences
      Editing XML schema properties
        XML schema editor
        Adding attribute groups
        Adding complex types
        Adding content models
          Adding an any element
          Adding elements
          Adding element references
          Adding group references
        Adding global attributes
        Adding global elements
        Adding groups
        Adding import elements
        Adding include elements
        Adding redefine elements
        Adding simple types
          Adding pattern facets to simple types
      Icons used in the XML schema editor
      Deleting XML schema components
        Referential integrity in the XML schema editor
      Validating XML schemas
      XML namespaces
  Developing Web service applications
    Web services overview
      Web services standards
        Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
          Web Services Description Language (WSDL) reference
        Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
          Relationship between UDDI and WSDL
        Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL)
          Relationship between UDDI and WSIL
        JSR 109 - Implementing Enterprise Web services
        Web services interoperability (WS-I)
      Creating top-down Web services
      Creating bottom-up Web services
      Workspace and tools
        Tools for Web services development
        Configuring your workspace
          Setting Web services preferences
            Axis emitter preferences
            Web services wizards basic preferences
            WSDL file preferences
            WS-I compliance preferences
          Creating an Apache Tomcat server and Web project
    Importing and creating resources used by Web services
      Importing a WSDL file
      Creating a new WSDL file
      Editing WSDL files with the WSDL Editor
        Editing WSDL files
          Adding a service
          Adding a port to a service
          Setting a port type
          Setting a binding
          Adding an operation
          Adding a message
          Adding a part to a message
          Creating an import statement
          Creating a new type for your WSDL file
      Exploring WSDL using the Web Services Explorer
      Discovering and importing a Web service
    Developing Web services
      Creating Web services with the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Creating an Apache Tomcat server and Web project
        Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis1 runtime environment
      Creating Web services with the Apache Axis2 runtime environments
        Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment
        Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment
        Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis2 runtime environment
      Creating Axis runtime environment Web services and clients using Web services Ant tasks
        Creating a Web service using Ant tasks in the Workbench
          Top-down Axis Web service Ant task properties file reference
          Bottom-up Axis Web service Ant task properties file reference
        Creating a Web service client using Ant tasks
          Axis Web service client Ant task properties file reference
    Testing and validating Web services
      Testing WSDL documents and Web services with the WSDL Explorer
      Validating WSDL
      Testing Web services with the TCP/IP Monitor
        Validating WS-I compliance of Web service SOAP traffic
    Publishing Web services
      Publishing Web services and business entities
        Launching the Web Services Explorer
        Registering with a UDDI registry
        Logging in to a UDDI registry
        Adding a Registry to the Web Services Explorer
        Publishing a business entity
        Publishing a Web service
          Data structure types (UDDI registry)
        Updating a business entity, Web service, or service interface
        Removing a business entity, Web service, or service interface from a registry
        Managing referenced services
        Managing publisher assertions
        Adding a registry, business entity, business service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service to Favorites
      Generating WSIL
  Using the server tools
    Testing and publishing on your server
      Servers view
        Keyboard shortcuts for Server Tools
      Resources used by the Server Tools
      Which server will start
      Testing applications on a server
        Testing artifacts on a server
        Testing on a HTTP Preview server
        Testing on a J2EE Preview server
      Debugging applications on a server
        Debugging a servlet on a server
        Debugging a JSP file on a server
        Monitoring server ports
      Publishing applications to a server
        Publishing your application
      Creating, editing and deleting servers
        Creating a server
          ...Apache Tomcat
          ...HTTP Preview server
          ...J2EE Preview server
        Editing a server
        Deleting a server
      Managing servers
        Adding projects to a server
        Removing a project from a server
        Starting a server
          Starting a server in debug mode
        Stopping a server
        Setting timeout on the start or stop of the server
        Setting a default server
        Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server
        Cleaning projects published on the server
      Defining server preferences
        Defining the server preferences
        Defining the audio preferences
        Defining the launching preferences
        Defining the server runtime environments preferences
          ...for Apache Tomcat runtimes
        Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences
          TCP/IP Monitor view
        Showing the state and status in the Servers view
    Environment framework API Reference
    URI Resolver API Reference
    Validation Framework API Reference
    Validation Framework Extension Points Reference
    Server Tools API Reference
    Server Tools Extension Points Reference
    WSDL EMF Model API Reference
    WSDL EMF Model Extension Points Reference
    Web services API Reference
    Web services Extension Points Reference
  Limitations and Known Issues
  Creating Web applications
    Web application overview
      Web tools features
        Project Explorer view and Web development
        Web resources
        Web page design
    Web projects
      Web archive (WAR) files
      Creating a dynamic Web project
        Dynamic Web projects and applications
      Creating a static Web project
        Converting static Web projects to dynamic Web projects
        Static Web projects
      Importing Web archive (WAR) files
      Exporting Web Archive (WAR) files
      Adding Web library projects
      Setting Web project properties
    Workbench integration with Web editors
    Creating and editing Web pages - overview
      Creating HTML and XHTML files and framesets
      Defining HTML file preferences
      Creating cascading style sheets
      Creating JavaServer Pages (JSP) files
        JavaServer Pages (JSP) technology
      Creating Web Artifacts
        Creating servlets
        Creating Listeners
        Creating Filters
    Setting CVS repository defaults
    Server targeting for Web applications
  Creating Java EE and enterprise applications
    Java EE applications
      Developing Java EE Applications
        Java EE 5: Overview
        Java EE 5 and Java EE 6 support for annotations
          Defining and using annotations
            Types of annotations
      J2EE architecture
      Java EE perspective
      Project Explorer view in the Java EE perspective
      Filtering in the Project Explorer view
      Working with projects
        Enterprise application projects
        Application client projects
        Creating an enterprise application project
        Creating an application client project
        Creating a connector project
        Creating Web projects
        Creating Web fragment projects
        Specifying target servers for J2EE projects
        Project facets
          Adding a facet to a Java EE project
          Changing the version of a facet
          Changing the Java compiler version for a Java EE project
        Importing and exporting projects and files
          Exporting an application client project
          Exporting an enterprise application into an EAR file
          Exporting connector projects to RAR files
          Importing an enterprise application EAR file
          Importing an application client JAR file
          Importing a connector project RAR file
          Cyclical dependencies between Java EE modules
          Correcting cyclical dependencies after an EAR is imported
      Validating code in enterprise applications
        Tuning validators
        Common validation errors and solutions
        J2EE Validators
        Disabling validation
        Selecting code validators
        Overriding global validation preferences
        Manually validating code
        J2EE Validators
        Common validation errors and solutions
        Limitations of J2EE development tools
    Developing EJB applications
      EJB 3.0 architecture
        POJOs (Plain old Java objects)
        EJB 3.0 versus EJB 2.1
      Developing EJB 3.0 Applications
        Creating EJB projects
          Creating a session bean
          Creating a message-driven bean
        Content assist and EJB 3.0
      EJB 2.x architecture
      EJB 2.x development resources
        Creating EJB projects
        EJB 2.x client JAR projects
        Importing EJB 2.x JAR files
        Exporting EJB 2.x projects to EJB JAR files
      Creating enterprise beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating session beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating CMP entity beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Creating message-driven beans with XDoclet annotation support
        Configuring XDoclet annotation support
  Editing markup language files
    Structured text editors
      Editing text coded in markup languages
        Source and batch validation
        Setting preferences for structured text editors
          Setting annotation preferences for markup languages
        Getting content assistance in structured text editors
          Content assist
          Making content assist work for JSP files
        Associating editors with file types
        File Encoding
        Searching or finding text within a file
        Checking spelling
        Adding and removing markup language templates - overview
          Adding and removing HTML templates
          Adding and removing JSP templates
          Adding and removing XML templates
        Editing with snippets - overview
          Snippets view
          Adding snippets drawers
          Adding items to snippets drawers
          Editing snippet items
          Deleting or hiding snippet items or drawers
        Source editor keyboard shortcuts
    Working with DTDs
      Creating DTDs
        Document type definitions (DTDs) - overview
        Setting source highlighting styles
        Working with DTD templates
      Importing DTDs
      Validating DTDs
      Icons used in the DTD editor
      DTD editor keyboard shortcuts
    Working with XML files
      Creating XML files
        Creating XML files
        Generating XML files from DTDs
        Generating XML files from XML schemas
      Editing XML files
        XML editor
          Defining XML editor preferences
            Setting source highlighting styles
            Specifying XML default encoding line delimiters
              XML and HTML encodings
            Setting the XML source suggestion strategy used by content assist
        Editing in the Design view
          Editing DOCTYPE declarations
          Editing namespace information
          Editing XML processing instructions
        Editing in the Source view
          Using XML content assist
          Working with XML templates
        Editing with DTD or XML schema constraints
        Using xsi:type
        Editing XML documents with multiple namespaces
      Validating XML files
      XML file associations with DTDs and XML schemas
        Adding entries to the XML Catalog
        Updating XML files with changes made to DTDs and schemas
        XML Catalog keyboard shortcuts
        Source editor and XML tools keyboard shortcuts
      Icons used in the XML editor
    Working with XML schemas
      Creating XML schemas
      Importing XML schemas
      Navigating XML schemas
      Refactoring in XML Schema Files
      Editing XML schema file preferences
      Editing XML schema properties
        XML schema editor
        Adding attribute groups
        Adding complex types
        Adding content models
          Adding an any element
          Adding elements
          Adding element references
          Adding group references
        Adding global attributes
        Adding global elements
        Adding groups
        Adding import elements
        Adding include elements
        Adding redefine elements
        Adding simple types
          Adding pattern facets to simple types
      Icons used in the XML schema editor
      Deleting XML schema components
        Referential integrity in the XML schema editor
      Validating XML schemas
      XML namespaces
  Developing Web service applications
    Web services overview
      Web services standards
        Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
          Web Services Description Language (WSDL) reference
        Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI)
          Relationship between UDDI and WSDL
        Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL)
          Relationship between UDDI and WSIL
        JSR 109 - Implementing Enterprise Web services
        Web services interoperability (WS-I)
      Creating top-down Web services
      Creating bottom-up Web services
      Workspace and tools
        Tools for Web services development
        Configuring your workspace
          Setting Web services preferences
            Axis emitter preferences
            Web services wizards basic preferences
            WSDL file preferences
            WS-I compliance preferences
          Creating an Apache Tomcat server and Web project
    Importing and creating resources used by Web services
      Importing a WSDL file
      Creating a new WSDL file
      Editing WSDL files with the WSDL Editor
        Editing WSDL files
          Adding a service
          Adding a port to a service
          Setting a port type
          Setting a binding
          Adding an operation
          Adding a message
          Adding a part to a message
          Creating an import statement
          Creating a new type for your WSDL file
      Exploring WSDL using the Web Services Explorer
      Discovering and importing a Web service
    Developing Web services
      Creating Web services with the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Creating an Apache Tomcat server and Web project
        Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis1 runtime environment
        Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis1 runtime environment
      Creating Web services with the Apache Axis2 runtime environments
        Creating a Web service from a Java bean using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment
        Creating a Java bean skeleton from a WSDL document using the Apache Axis2 runtime environment
        Generating a Java client proxy and a sample application from a WSDL document using the Axis2 runtime environment
      Creating Axis runtime environment Web services and clients using Web services Ant tasks
        Creating a Web service using Ant tasks in the Workbench
          Top-down Axis Web service Ant task properties file reference
          Bottom-up Axis Web service Ant task properties file reference
        Creating a Web service client using Ant tasks
          Axis Web service client Ant task properties file reference
    Testing and validating Web services
      Testing WSDL documents and Web services with the WSDL Explorer
      Validating WSDL
      Testing Web services with the TCP/IP Monitor
        Validating WS-I compliance of Web service SOAP traffic
    Publishing Web services
      Publishing Web services and business entities
        Launching the Web Services Explorer
        Registering with a UDDI registry
        Logging in to a UDDI registry
        Adding a Registry to the Web Services Explorer
        Publishing a business entity
        Publishing a Web service
          Data structure types (UDDI registry)
        Updating a business entity, Web service, or service interface
        Removing a business entity, Web service, or service interface from a registry
        Managing referenced services
        Managing publisher assertions
        Adding a registry, business entity, business service, service interface, WSIL, or WSDL service to Favorites
      Generating WSIL
  Using the server tools
    Testing and publishing on your server
      Servers view
        Keyboard shortcuts for Server Tools
      Resources used by the Server Tools
      Which server will start
      Testing applications on a server
        Testing artifacts on a server
        Testing on a HTTP Preview server
        Testing on a J2EE Preview server
      Debugging applications on a server
        Debugging a servlet on a server
        Debugging a JSP file on a server
        Monitoring server ports
      Publishing applications to a server
        Publishing your application
      Creating, editing and deleting servers
        Creating a server
          ...Apache Tomcat
          ...HTTP Preview server
          ...J2EE Preview server
        Editing a server
        Deleting a server
      Managing servers
        Adding projects to a server
        Removing a project from a server
        Starting a server
          Starting a server in debug mode
        Stopping a server
        Setting timeout on the start or stop of the server
        Setting a default server
        Displaying or hiding the metadata of the server
        Cleaning projects published on the server
      Defining server preferences
        Defining the server preferences
        Defining the audio preferences
        Defining the launching preferences
        Defining the server runtime environments preferences
          ...for Apache Tomcat runtimes
        Defining the TCP/IP Monitor preferences
          TCP/IP Monitor view
        Showing the state and status in the Servers view
    Environment framework API Reference
    URI Resolver API Reference
    Validation Framework API Reference
    Validation Framework Extension Points Reference
    Server Tools API Reference
    Server Tools Extension Points Reference
    WSDL EMF Model API Reference
    WSDL EMF Model Extension Points Reference
    Web services API Reference
    Web services Extension Points Reference
  Limitations and Known Issues
XPath 2.0 Processor User Manual
    Getting PsychoPath
  Using PsychoPath XPath 2.0 API
    Non-Schema Aware
    Schema Aware
    How to use the XPath 2.0 grammar with PsychoPath
      Path expressions
      Axis steps
      Set difference, intersection and Union
      Arithmetic Expressions
        Multiplication and Division:
        Addition and Subtraction:
      Range expressions
      Conditional Expressions
      Quantified Expressions
      And, Or Expressions
      SequenceType Matching Expressions
  How to use XPath 2.0 functions with PsychoPath
    Constructor Functions
    Functions on Numeric Values
    Functions to Assemble and Disassemble Strings
    Compare and Other Functions on String Values
    Functions Based on Substring Matching
    String Functions that Use Pattern Matching
    Functions on Boolean Values
    Component Extraction Functions on Durations, Dates and Times
    Functions Related to QNames
    Functions on Nodes
      General Functions on Sequences
      Functions That Test the Cardinality of Sequences
      Deep-Equal, Aggregate Functions, and Functions that Generate Sequences
      Context Functions
  How to use XPath 2.0 operators with PsychoPath
    Operators on Numeric Values
    Comparison of Numeric Values
    Operators on Boolean Values
    Comparisons of Duration, Date and Time Values
    Arithmetic Functions on Durations
    Arithmetic Functions Dates and Times
    Operators Related to QNames And Nodes
    Union, Intersection and Except
    Operators that Generate Sequences
    Getting PsychoPath
  Using PsychoPath XPath 2.0 API
    Non-Schema Aware
    Schema Aware
    How to use the XPath 2.0 grammar with PsychoPath
      Path expressions
      Axis steps
      Set difference, intersection and Union
      Arithmetic Expressions
        Multiplication and Division:
        Addition and Subtraction:
      Range expressions
      Conditional Expressions
      Quantified Expressions
      And, Or Expressions
      SequenceType Matching Expressions
  How to use XPath 2.0 functions with PsychoPath
    Constructor Functions
    Functions on Numeric Values
    Functions to Assemble and Disassemble Strings
    Compare and Other Functions on String Values
    Functions Based on Substring Matching
    String Functions that Use Pattern Matching
    Functions on Boolean Values
    Component Extraction Functions on Durations, Dates and Times
    Functions Related to QNames
    Functions on Nodes
      General Functions on Sequences
      Functions That Test the Cardinality of Sequences
      Deep-Equal, Aggregate Functions, and Functions that Generate Sequences
      Context Functions
  How to use XPath 2.0 operators with PsychoPath
    Operators on Numeric Values
    Comparison of Numeric Values
    Operators on Boolean Values
    Comparisons of Duration, Date and Time Values
    Arithmetic Functions on Durations
    Arithmetic Functions Dates and Times
    Operators Related to QNames And Nodes
    Union, Intersection and Except
    Operators that Generate Sequences
XSL Tools SDK Documentation
  Extension Points
    JAXP Debugger
    JAXP Launching
    XSLT Editor
  Extension Points
    JAXP Debugger
    JAXP Launching
    XSLT Editor
XSL Tools User Documentation
  Getting Started
  XSLT Concepts
    Rescuing XSLT From Niche Status
      The Problem
      The Solution
  XSL Editing
    Content Assist
      XSLT Element Proposals
      Select, Test, and Match Attributes
      Mode attribute assistance
      Named Template Assistance
      Call-Template Assistance
      Include and Import href Assistance
      XPath Templates
    XSLT Syntax Coloring
    XSLT Markers and Annotations
      Template Override
    XSL Debugging
  XSL Launching and Debugging
    XSL Launching
      Launch Configuration
        Main Tab
        Output Tab
        Processor Tab
    XSLT Debugging
      Starting a Debug Session
      Common Debugging Operations
        Result View
        Variables View
      XSLT Processor Specific Support
        XSL Debugging with Xalan
  XSL Tools Preferences
    Installed Processors
    Output Properties
    XPath Templates
      Creating New Templates
      Import XPath Templates
      Import XPath Templates
    Project Validation Preferences
    XSLT Syntax Coloring
  XSL Tooling Samples
    Eclipse Help
      Creating Eclipse Help with Docbook and XSL Tools
      Creating Eclipse Help with DITA and XSL Tools
  Getting Started
  XSLT Concepts
    Rescuing XSLT From Niche Status
      The Problem
      The Solution
  XSL Editing
    Content Assist
      XSLT Element Proposals
      Select, Test, and Match Attributes
      Mode attribute assistance
      Named Template Assistance
      Call-Template Assistance
      Include and Import href Assistance
      XPath Templates
    XSLT Syntax Coloring
    XSLT Markers and Annotations
      Template Override
    XSL Debugging
  XSL Launching and Debugging
    XSL Launching
      Launch Configuration
        Main Tab
        Output Tab
        Processor Tab
    XSLT Debugging
      Starting a Debug Session
      Common Debugging Operations
        Result View
        Variables View
      XSLT Processor Specific Support
        XSL Debugging with Xalan
  XSL Tools Preferences
    Installed Processors
    Output Properties
    XPath Templates
      Creating New Templates
      Import XPath Templates
      Import XPath Templates
    Project Validation Preferences
    XSLT Syntax Coloring
  XSL Tooling Samples
    Eclipse Help
      Creating Eclipse Help with Docbook and XSL Tools
      Creating Eclipse Help with DITA and XSL Tools
Xtend User Guide
  Getting Started
    Hello World
    The Movies Example
      The Data
      Parsing The Data
      Answering Some Questions
        Question 1 : What Is The Number Of Action Movies?
        Question 2 : What Is The Year The Best Movie From The 80's Was Released?
        Question 3 : What Is The The Sum Of All Votes Of The Top Two Movies?
  Reference Documentation
    Java Interoperability
      Type Inference
      Conversion Rules
      Interoperability with Java
    Classes and Members
      Package Declaration
      Class Declaration
        Abstract Methods
        Overriding Methods
        Declared Exceptions
        Inferred Return Types
        Generic Methods
        Operator Declarations
        Dispatch Methods
          Dispatch Methods and Inheritance
          Static Dispatch Methods
        Create Methods
          How it works
      Extension Methods
        Extensions from the Library
        Local Extension Methods
        Extension Imports
        Extension Provider
      Interface Declaration
      Annotation Type Declaration
      Enum Type Declaration
      Nested Type Declarations
        String Literals
        Character Literals
        Number Literals
        Boolean Literals
        Null Literal
        Type Literals
        Collection Literals
      Type Casts
      Infix Operators and Operator Overloading
        Short-Circuit Boolean Operators
        Postfix Operators
        Defined Operators in The Library
          Equality Operators
          Comparison Operators
          Arithmetic Operators
          Elvis Operator
          With Operator
          Range Operators
          Pair Operator
          Setting Properties
          Assignment Operators
      Variable Declarations
      Field Access and Method Invocation
        Property Access
        Implicit Variables this and it
        Static Access
        Null-Safe Feature Call
      Constructor Call
      Lambda Expressions
      Anonymous Classes
      If Expression
      Switch Expression
        Type guards
        Fall Through
      For Loop
      Basic For Loop
      While Loop
      Do-While Loop
      Return Expression
      Throwing Exceptions
      Try, Catch, Finally
      Template Expressions
        Conditions in Templates
        Loops in Templates
        White Space Handling
    Active Annotations
      Annotation Processor
        Phase 1: Register Globals
        Phase 2: Transformation
        Phase 3: Code Generation
      On Expressions and Statements
        Generating Blackbox Java Code
        Assigning Expressions
      Custom Compiler Checks
      Class Path Setup and Testing
        Wrap Up
      Existing Active Annotations
  Getting Started
    Hello World
    The Movies Example
      The Data
      Parsing The Data
      Answering Some Questions
        Question 1 : What Is The Number Of Action Movies?
        Question 2 : What Is The Year The Best Movie From The 80's Was Released?
        Question 3 : What Is The The Sum Of All Votes Of The Top Two Movies?
  Reference Documentation
    Java Interoperability
      Type Inference
      Conversion Rules
      Interoperability with Java
    Classes and Members
      Package Declaration
      Class Declaration
        Abstract Methods
        Overriding Methods
        Declared Exceptions
        Inferred Return Types
        Generic Methods
        Operator Declarations
        Dispatch Methods
          Dispatch Methods and Inheritance
          Static Dispatch Methods
        Create Methods
          How it works
      Extension Methods
        Extensions from the Library
        Local Extension Methods
        Extension Imports
        Extension Provider
      Interface Declaration
      Annotation Type Declaration
      Enum Type Declaration
      Nested Type Declarations
        String Literals
        Character Literals
        Number Literals
        Boolean Literals
        Null Literal
        Type Literals
        Collection Literals
      Type Casts
      Infix Operators and Operator Overloading
        Short-Circuit Boolean Operators
        Postfix Operators
        Defined Operators in The Library
          Equality Operators
          Comparison Operators
          Arithmetic Operators
          Elvis Operator
          With Operator
          Range Operators
          Pair Operator
          Setting Properties
          Assignment Operators
      Variable Declarations
      Field Access and Method Invocation
        Property Access
        Implicit Variables this and it
        Static Access
        Null-Safe Feature Call
      Constructor Call
      Lambda Expressions
      Anonymous Classes
      If Expression
      Switch Expression
        Type guards
        Fall Through
      For Loop
      Basic For Loop
      While Loop
      Do-While Loop
      Return Expression
      Throwing Exceptions
      Try, Catch, Finally
      Template Expressions
        Conditions in Templates
        Loops in Templates
        White Space Handling
    Active Annotations
      Annotation Processor
        Phase 1: Register Globals
        Phase 2: Transformation
        Phase 3: Code Generation
      On Expressions and Statements
        Generating Blackbox Java Code
        Assigning Expressions
      Custom Compiler Checks
      Class Path Setup and Testing
        Wrap Up
      Existing Active Annotations
Xtext Documentation
  Getting Started
    5 Minutes Tutorial
      Creating A New Xtext Project
      Generating The Language Infrastructure
      Try The Editor
    15 Minutes Tutorial
      Create A New Xtext Project
      Write Your Own Grammar
      Generate Language Artifacts
      Run the Generated IDE Plug-in
      Second Iteration: Adding Packages and Imports
    15 Minutes Tutorial - Extended
      Writing a Code Generator With Xtend
      Unit Testing the Language
      Creating Custom Validation Rules
    Five simple steps to your JVM language
      Step One: Create A New Xtext Project
      Step Two: Write the Grammar
      Step Three: Generate Language Artifacts
      Step Four: Define the Mapping to JVM Concepts
      Step Five : Try the Editor!
  Reference Documentation
      What is Xtext?
      How Does It Work?
      Xtext is Highly Configurable
      Who Uses Xtext?
      Who is Behind Xtext?
      What is a Domain-Specific Language
    The Grammar Language
      A First Example
      The Syntax
        Language Declaration
        EPackage Declarations
          EPackage Generation
          EPackage Import
            Using Namespace URIs to Import Existing EPackages
            Using Resource URIs to Import Existing EPackages - Deprecated
            Using Class Path URIs to Import Existing EPackages - Deprecated
          Ecore Model Aliases for EPackages
          Terminal Rules
            Return Types
          Extended Backus-Naur Form Expressions
            Keywords / Characters
            Character Ranges
            Until Token
            Negated Token
            Rule Calls
          Terminal Fragments
          EOF - End Of File
        Parser Rules
          Extended Backus-Naur Form Expressions
            Unordered Groups
            Simple Actions
            Unassigned Rule Calls
            Assigned Actions
        Hidden Terminal Symbols
        Data Type Rules
        Enum Rules
        Syntactic Predicates
          First Token Set Predicates
      Ecore Model Inference
        Type and Package Generation
        Feature and Type Hierarchy Generation
        Enum Literal Generation
        Feature Normalization
        Error Conditions
      Grammar Mixins
      Common Terminals
      The Language Generator
        A Short Introduction to MWE2
        General Architecture
          Generator Fragments
        Standard Generator Fragments
      Dependency Injection in Xtext with Google Guice
        The Module API
        Obtaining an Injector
      Continuous Integration (with Maven)
        An overview of the example projects
        Building an Xtext language with Maven and Tycho
          The releng project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.releng)
          The update site project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.updatesite)
          The feature project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.sdk)
          The core language project (my.mavenized.herolanguage)
        Integration in Standard Maven Builds
    Runtime Concepts
      Runtime Setup (ISetup)
      Setup within Eclipse-Equinox (OSGi)
      Code Generation / Compilation
        Output Configurations
        Automatic Validation
          Lexer/Parser: Syntactical Validation
          Linker: Cross-link Validation
          Serializer: Concrete Syntax Validation
        Custom Validation
        Validating Manually
        Test Validators
        Declaration of Cross-links
        Default Runtime Behavior (Lazy Linking)
        Global Scopes and Resource Descriptions
          Resource and EObject Descriptions
          Global Scopes Based On Explicit Imports (ImportURI Mechanism)
          Global Scopes Based On External Configuration (e.g. Class Path Based)
            About the Index, Containers and Their Manager
            JDT-Based Container Manager
            Eclipse Project-Based Containers
            ResourceSet-Based Containers
        Local Scoping
          Declarative Scoping
        Imported Namespace-Aware Scoping
          Importing Namespaces
      Value Converter
        The Contract
        Roles of the Semantic Model and the Node Model During Serialization
        Parse Tree Constructor
        Preserving Comments from the Node Model
        Transient Values
        Unassigned Text
        Cross-Reference Serializer
        Merge White Space
        Token Stream
      Formatting (Pretty Printing)
        General FormattingConfig Settings
        FormattingConfig Instructions
        Grammar Element Finders
      Fragment Provider (Referencing Xtext Models From Other EMF Artifacts)
      Encoding in Xtext
        Encoding at Language Design Time
        Encoding at Language Runtime
        Encoding of an XtextResource
        Encoding in New Model Projects
        Encoding of Xtext Source Code
    IDE Concepts
      Label Provider
        Label Providers For EObjects
        Label Providers For Index Entries
      Content Assist
      Quick Fixes
        Quick Fixes for Linking Errors and Syntax Errors
      Template Proposals
        Cross Reference Template Variable Resolver
        Enumeration Template Variable Resolver
      Outline View
        Influencing the outline structure
        Styling the outline
        Filtering actions
        Sorting actions
        Quick Outline
        Location Provider
        Customizing Available Hyperlinks
      Syntax Coloring
        Lexical Highlighting
        Semantic Highlighting
      Rename Refactoring
        Rename Participants
    Xtext and Java
      Plug-in Setup
      Referring to Java Elements using JVM Types
        Customization Points
      Referring to Java Types Using Xbase
      Inferring a JVM Model
        Linking and Indexing
      Using Xbase Expressions
        Making Your Grammar Refer To Xbase
        Using the Xbase Interpreter
      Xbase Language Reference
        Lexical Syntax
            Escaped Identifiers
          White Space
          Reserved Keywords
          Simple Type References
          Parameterized Type References
          Function Types
          Conformance and Conversion
          Common Super Type
            String Literals
            Number Literals
            Boolean Literals
            Null Literal
            Type Literals
          Type Casts
          Infix Operators / Operator Overloading
            Short-Circuit Boolean Operators
            Assignment Operators
            Postfix Operators
            With Operator
          Feature Calls
            Property Access
            Null-Safe Feature Call
            Static Feature Calls
          Implicit variables 'this' and 'it'
          Constructor Call
          Lambda Expressions
            Function Mapping
            Implicit Parameter it
            Refering the current function
          If Expression
          Switch Expression
            Type guards
            Fall Through
          Variable Declarations
          For Loop
          Basic For Loop
          While Loop
          Do-While Loop
          Return Expression
          Throwing Exceptions
          Try, Catch, Finally
        Extension Methods
          Builder Syntax
        The Simplest Workflow
        A Simple Transformation
        A Stop-Watch
      Language Reference
        Mapping to Java Classes
        Mandatory Properties
        Named Components
        Auto Injection
      Syntax Reference
        String Literals
        Boolean Literals
    Typical Language Configurations
      Case Insensitive Languages
      Languages Independent of JDT
      Parsing Expressions with Xtext
        Construction of an AST
    Integration with EMF and Other EMF Editors
      Model, Ecore Model, and Ecore
      EMF Code Generation
      XtextResource Implementation
      Integration with GMF Editors
        Stage 1: Make GMF Read and Write the Semantic Model As Text
        Stage 2: Calling the Xtext Parser to Parse GMF Labels
        Stage 3: A Popup Xtext Editor (experimental)
    Migrating from Xtext 1.0.x to 2.0
      Take the Shortcut
      Migrating Step By Step
        Update the Plug-in Dependencies and Import Statements
        Introduction of the Qualified Name
        Changes in the index and in find references
        Rewritten Node Model
        New Outline
        Other Noteworthy API Changes
      Now go for then new features
    Migrating from Xtext 0.7.x to 1.0
      Migrating Step By Step
        Update the Plug-in Dependencies and Import Statements
        Rename the Packages in the dsl.ui-Plug-in
        Update the Workflow
        MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml
        Noteworthy API Changes
  Getting Started
    5 Minutes Tutorial
      Creating A New Xtext Project
      Generating The Language Infrastructure
      Try The Editor
    15 Minutes Tutorial
      Create A New Xtext Project
      Write Your Own Grammar
      Generate Language Artifacts
      Run the Generated IDE Plug-in
      Second Iteration: Adding Packages and Imports
    15 Minutes Tutorial - Extended
      Writing a Code Generator With Xtend
      Unit Testing the Language
      Creating Custom Validation Rules
    Five simple steps to your JVM language
      Step One: Create A New Xtext Project
      Step Two: Write the Grammar
      Step Three: Generate Language Artifacts
      Step Four: Define the Mapping to JVM Concepts
      Step Five : Try the Editor!
  Reference Documentation
      What is Xtext?
      How Does It Work?
      Xtext is Highly Configurable
      Who Uses Xtext?
      Who is Behind Xtext?
      What is a Domain-Specific Language
    The Grammar Language
      A First Example
      The Syntax
        Language Declaration
        EPackage Declarations
          EPackage Generation
          EPackage Import
            Using Namespace URIs to Import Existing EPackages
            Using Resource URIs to Import Existing EPackages - Deprecated
            Using Class Path URIs to Import Existing EPackages - Deprecated
          Ecore Model Aliases for EPackages
          Terminal Rules
            Return Types
          Extended Backus-Naur Form Expressions
            Keywords / Characters
            Character Ranges
            Until Token
            Negated Token
            Rule Calls
          Terminal Fragments
          EOF - End Of File
        Parser Rules
          Extended Backus-Naur Form Expressions
            Unordered Groups
            Simple Actions
            Unassigned Rule Calls
            Assigned Actions
        Hidden Terminal Symbols
        Data Type Rules
        Enum Rules
        Syntactic Predicates
          First Token Set Predicates
      Ecore Model Inference
        Type and Package Generation
        Feature and Type Hierarchy Generation
        Enum Literal Generation
        Feature Normalization
        Error Conditions
      Grammar Mixins
      Common Terminals
      The Language Generator
        A Short Introduction to MWE2
        General Architecture
          Generator Fragments
        Standard Generator Fragments
      Dependency Injection in Xtext with Google Guice
        The Module API
        Obtaining an Injector
      Continuous Integration (with Maven)
        An overview of the example projects
        Building an Xtext language with Maven and Tycho
          The releng project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.releng)
          The update site project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.updatesite)
          The feature project (my.mavenized.herolanguage.sdk)
          The core language project (my.mavenized.herolanguage)
        Integration in Standard Maven Builds
    Runtime Concepts
      Runtime Setup (ISetup)
      Setup within Eclipse-Equinox (OSGi)
      Code Generation / Compilation
        Output Configurations
        Automatic Validation
          Lexer/Parser: Syntactical Validation
          Linker: Cross-link Validation
          Serializer: Concrete Syntax Validation
        Custom Validation
        Validating Manually
        Test Validators
        Declaration of Cross-links
        Default Runtime Behavior (Lazy Linking)
        Global Scopes and Resource Descriptions
          Resource and EObject Descriptions
          Global Scopes Based On Explicit Imports (ImportURI Mechanism)
          Global Scopes Based On External Configuration (e.g. Class Path Based)
            About the Index, Containers and Their Manager
            JDT-Based Container Manager
            Eclipse Project-Based Containers
            ResourceSet-Based Containers
        Local Scoping
          Declarative Scoping
        Imported Namespace-Aware Scoping
          Importing Namespaces
      Value Converter
        The Contract
        Roles of the Semantic Model and the Node Model During Serialization
        Parse Tree Constructor
        Preserving Comments from the Node Model
        Transient Values
        Unassigned Text
        Cross-Reference Serializer
        Merge White Space
        Token Stream
      Formatting (Pretty Printing)
        General FormattingConfig Settings
        FormattingConfig Instructions
        Grammar Element Finders
      Fragment Provider (Referencing Xtext Models From Other EMF Artifacts)
      Encoding in Xtext
        Encoding at Language Design Time
        Encoding at Language Runtime
        Encoding of an XtextResource
        Encoding in New Model Projects
        Encoding of Xtext Source Code
    IDE Concepts
      Label Provider
        Label Providers For EObjects
        Label Providers For Index Entries
      Content Assist
      Quick Fixes
        Quick Fixes for Linking Errors and Syntax Errors
      Template Proposals
        Cross Reference Template Variable Resolver
        Enumeration Template Variable Resolver
      Outline View
        Influencing the outline structure
        Styling the outline
        Filtering actions
        Sorting actions
        Quick Outline
        Location Provider
        Customizing Available Hyperlinks
      Syntax Coloring
        Lexical Highlighting
        Semantic Highlighting
      Rename Refactoring
        Rename Participants
    Xtext and Java
      Plug-in Setup
      Referring to Java Elements using JVM Types
        Customization Points
      Referring to Java Types Using Xbase
      Inferring a JVM Model
        Linking and Indexing
      Using Xbase Expressions
        Making Your Grammar Refer To Xbase
        Using the Xbase Interpreter
      Xbase Language Reference
        Lexical Syntax
            Escaped Identifiers
          White Space
          Reserved Keywords
          Simple Type References
          Parameterized Type References
          Function Types
          Conformance and Conversion
          Common Super Type
            String Literals
            Number Literals
            Boolean Literals
            Null Literal
            Type Literals
          Type Casts
          Infix Operators / Operator Overloading
            Short-Circuit Boolean Operators
            Assignment Operators
            Postfix Operators
            With Operator
          Feature Calls
            Property Access
            Null-Safe Feature Call
            Static Feature Calls
          Implicit variables 'this' and 'it'
          Constructor Call
          Lambda Expressions
            Function Mapping
            Implicit Parameter it
            Refering the current function
          If Expression
          Switch Expression
            Type guards
            Fall Through
          Variable Declarations
          For Loop
          Basic For Loop
          While Loop
          Do-While Loop
          Return Expression
          Throwing Exceptions
          Try, Catch, Finally
        Extension Methods
          Builder Syntax
        The Simplest Workflow
        A Simple Transformation
        A Stop-Watch
      Language Reference
        Mapping to Java Classes
        Mandatory Properties
        Named Components
        Auto Injection
      Syntax Reference
        String Literals
        Boolean Literals
    Typical Language Configurations
      Case Insensitive Languages
      Languages Independent of JDT
      Parsing Expressions with Xtext
        Construction of an AST
    Integration with EMF and Other EMF Editors
      Model, Ecore Model, and Ecore
      EMF Code Generation
      XtextResource Implementation
      Integration with GMF Editors
        Stage 1: Make GMF Read and Write the Semantic Model As Text
        Stage 2: Calling the Xtext Parser to Parse GMF Labels
        Stage 3: A Popup Xtext Editor (experimental)
    Migrating from Xtext 1.0.x to 2.0
      Take the Shortcut
      Migrating Step By Step
        Update the Plug-in Dependencies and Import Statements
        Introduction of the Qualified Name
        Changes in the index and in find references
        Rewritten Node Model
        New Outline
        Other Noteworthy API Changes
      Now go for then new features
    Migrating from Xtext 0.7.x to 1.0
      Migrating Step By Step
        Update the Plug-in Dependencies and Import Statements
        Rename the Packages in the dsl.ui-Plug-in
        Update the Workflow
        MANIFEST.MF and plugin.xml
        Noteworthy API Changes